User acceptance testing

As the name suggests, user acceptance testing (UAT) is testing that is done by users or accepted by users. In this testing methodology, users who might be an application's end user are involved directly with testing. There might be scenarios that users test in the production environment, or they may have access to the pre-tested results that they can accept or reject.

This kind of testing depends on the actual user who would be using the application in a production environment. This testing usually happens in a UAT or pre-production environment.

The typical environments in the industry are known as development, staging, QA, UAT, pre-production, and production. In your organization, you might not have all the environments as per your project requirements; if so, refer to

UAT testing is also seen as final testing, and its acceptance or rejection tells us whether a current release will be deployed to production or not. The main focus of this testing is business-related. This testing does not deal with test code or the implementation of various patterns; it simply makes sure that all the business rules and requirements have been implemented.