
As with last time, you would not be holding this novel in your hands if it weren’t for the hard work and support of a great group of people:

My loving wife and life coach, Dawn. So patient, so wonderful, so obviously crazy for sticking with this paranoid pessimist all these long years.

My agent, Barbara Poelle. It just doesn’t get any better than Barbara. An agent that can slay enemies with one hand while never spilling a drop of vodka from her glass is the very definition of superhero in my book.

Terri Bischoff, Nicole Nugent, Amelia Narigon, and the rest of the crew at Midnight Ink. You couldn’t ask for a more professional and wonderful group of people to work with.

My family: Sandy, Ed, Siobahn, Garrett, Sherri, Jim, Janet, and Ron. Their enthusiasm has been both incredible and humbling, and I love them with every bit of my soul.

The entire BP writing crew. Not only an amazing group of writers, but an amazing group of people that have given me their unflinching support, both emotional and professional.

And finally, to my parents, Roz and Steve. Mom gave me a love of reading and Dad gave me a love of bowling. What more could a kid ask for?