
We could not have written this book without the help of the masters—spiritual sages, scientists and researchers, scholars, athletes, adventurers—whose work, drive and ambition, successes and failures all helped us learn just how powerful and awe-inspiring each breath truly is.

We are especially grateful to Jean Auel, Chungliang Al Huang, Takao Nakaya, Deepak Chopra, Stephen Levine, Mehgan Heaney-Grier, Jennifer Kries, Ed Viesturs, Steven Memel, Dawn Hupp, Saki Santorelli, Ralph F. Fregosi, Lt. Col. Jack Shanahan, James Canfield, Gulmast Khan, Alberto Salazar, Brother Ramananda, Dr. Erik Peper, Debbie Rosas, Hidayat Inayat Khan, Marcella Brady, Heiner Fruehauf, Dan DeProspero, Dr. Johanina Wikoff, James Finley, Deborah White, Bikram Choudhury, Joan Halifax, and everyone else who opened a door. The insight you’ve provided is invaluable.

Our heartfelt thanks go to Mollie Glick at the Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency, who saw the vision, as well as Steve Magnuson and Patty Gift at Sterling Publishing for helping us bring this book to life, and to Sterling’s Andrea Santoro, Melanie Gold, and Hannah Reich for their work with a fine-tooth comb.