About the Translator

Stephen Mitchell has written extensively about spirituality, drawing from both Eastern and Western traditions. He is a poet and one of the world’s preeminent translators . of Rilke; Psalms; Genesis; Job; of Yehuda Amichai; the Bhagavad Gita; Tao Te Ching; and of other essential works. He is the author of the bestselling and critically acclaimed novel Meetings with the Archangel; the editor of such collections as The Enlightened Mind (sacred prose) and The Enlightened Heart (sacred poetry). His books for children include The Wishing Bone and Other Poems; The Creation; The Nightingale. Stephen Mitchell’s The Gospel According to Jesus, from which his Jesus: What He Really Said and Did is derived, is one of the definitive and most-heralded books on the Jesus of history and of faith.


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