Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it?
—ISAIAH 43:18-19
You have entered not only a new decade but a new era. In this coming era, you will witness much transition and you will see great glory, but also great calamity. You will see both My kindness and My severity. You will witness My judgments in the earth and the cleansing of My church. You will witness a great harvest of souls in many nations, and you will be aware of many powerful and authentic signs and wonders. You will see the emergence of a people who are lovers of Jesus and who do not fear man or are interested in what the world has to say or offer, for they are My consecrated vessels.
I am raising up a people without compromise who will carry a strong message, bringing My people back to My Word—reading it, studying it, believing it, and living it. It will be an era of great confrontation, and it will be an era that separates true believers from those who use My name only.
Great apostles, prophets, and leaders will be raised up in these days, but there will also be those whom I will remove from their place for I am bringing righteous alignment in this hour. The next seventy years shall look different from the past seventy years, but they shall be glorious and awesome years for those who draw close to Me.
It is a day and hour of tumult when lawlessness and immorality will increase and the enemy will attempt to strike with destruction. There will be an increase of wars, rumors of wars, natural disasters, and plagues but it will also be an era when righteousness will increase and when My peace, healing, and deliverance will be encountered. It is a day of separation between the wicked and the righteous for hearts will be revealed. It is an hour when you will see My grace abound where sin abounds and My standard raised against all the enemy will attempt.
This is an era for all to gaze upon My Son and to draw near without wavering. This is a new era. This era is like none other. Watch it unfold.
In the early summer of 2019, I began to prepare before the Lord for the coming season. As I sought Him for clarity, I heard the Spirit of God reveal, “You are entering not just a new year or a new decade, but this is the beginning of a new era.”
An era is defined as, “a long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic.”1 Over the following months as we headed into the year 2020, I heard many credible prophets confirm the new era and a number of them prophesied the exact same statement.
The year 2020 marks a new decade. In western society, when the term 20/20 is mentioned, it is usually in reference to perfect vision. The decade of the 2020s will be marked by perfect vision in the Spirit but also a sobering call to listen carefully to God’s prophetic insights.
Put your trust in the Lord your God and you will be established. Put your trust in His prophets and succeed (2 Chronicles 20:20).
A New Era
In order to get a glimpse of a new era, it is good to review the previous one, especially with regard to the church’s activities. If we look at the last 70 years, going back to 1950, we will define an emphasis of the Spirit.
By 1950, we had just come through over 30 years of oppression and tension that included two world wars and a great depression. Israel had become a nation in 1948 and we were now seeing massive shifts in the Spirit. An era of hope, grace, and revival began with the healing movement in the ’50s featuring evangelists such as Oral Roberts, William Branham, A.A Allen, Jack Coe, T.L. Osborn, and others.
In the 1960s we were introduced to the Charismatic renewal and the Jesus People Movement. God poured out great grace upon His church at that time and many were born again, filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to freely operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The messianic Jewish movement was growing in this season and Christians became awakened with fresh love for the “apple of God’s eye” as Israel began to flourish.
Over the decades following, we experienced a true outpouring of abundant blessing with an emphasis in the church on the unconditional love of God, His great mercies and grace, and His supernatural power. The gospel spread to the nations and believers enjoyed liberty, freedom, and prosperity. Renewals such as those in Toronto in 1994 and Brownsville in 1995 were epic and ushered in a fresh increased wave of grace and glory. Christian media exploded and began to have great impact worldwide. Emphasis on the Kingdom of God and identification with Kingdom culture filled the church. The five-fold ministry gifts with the emphasis of recognizing prophets and apostles also emerged and a worship movement emerged that gave birth to new songs and new sounds. The era was marked with grace, grace, and more grace.
While the church was enjoying refreshment in the Lord, the devil had his own track. The 1950s began to open up new mindsets in the Baby Boomer generation as they became awakened to the available freedoms. Post war, they could now dream again and come out from under the fears and restraints of the past decades. The 1960s ushered in a spiritual, sexual, and drug revolution. New Age practices were introduced en masse in western cultures that had previously held to foundational and traditional Christian beliefs and practices. During this season, it also became popular and acceptable to engage in sexual activities and intercourse prior to marriage and to live in uncommitted common-law unions rather than covenant marriage. The smoking of marijuana and the use of hallucinogenic drugs was also popular in the “hippie culture.” The abortion reform movement began in the 1960s, and prayer and Bible reading was removed from the schools. Stores and other amenities began to open on Sundays rather than observing a national day of rest. All of this was heralded by the Baby Boomer generation in the name of “freedom.”
In the following decades, traditional marriage and family practices were challenged further with the cultural norm of both parents working while children were being raised in caregiving options and the growing acceptance of same-sex marriage and transgender relationships. Sexual immorality became both rampant and blatant. At the first Superbowl of this new decade (02/02/2020), the halftime show was pornographic in that the talent dressed and danced extremely seductively and even included a pole dance formerly only to be seen in adult entertainment clubs and venues. The news report following stated that crowds overwhelmingly agreed that “the halftime show displayed the greatest athletic talent at the super bowl.” As we enter the new decade, lewd behavior displayed on entertainment media and the internet has normalized sexually immoral behavior. Terrorism, murder, racism, and narcissism run rampant. What started seventy years ago as the “era of new freedom and liberty” has for the most part ended in bondage and corruption.
Even in sectors of the church, the Word was increasingly compromised to support some of the behaviors of the world.
What is God’s solution? What does the new era look like? What marks it? How do we prepare? A Prophetic Manifesto for the New Era was written to help you discern the plans and purposes of God and then to make wise choices that will align you and prepare you for the greatest move of God ever to be seen in the history of man. Divine glory follows divine alignment. It is time to align.
Thoughts to Ponder
Do you identify with the fact that we have entered a new era?
What things that God gave us and taught us in the last era will benefit us in the new era?
Do you see signs of this transition? If so, what?
What would you like to see brought into alignment in this new era (in the world and in the church)?
What do you believe is needed in the lives of God’s people in order to walk with Him in this new era?
Heavenly Father,
I thank You for all You will do in this new era. I ask You to prepare me for all that You have in store. Help me to know You in deeper ways than I have in the past and grace me to walk with You in perfect step and rhythm.
In Jesus’ name I pray,
1.Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. “Era,”