Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them… But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light.
—EPHESIANS 5:11,13
Everything hidden and covered up will soon be exposed. For the facade is falling down, and nothing will be kept secret for long. Whatever you have spoken in private will be public knowledge, and what you have whispered secretly behind closed doors will be broadcast far and wide for all to hear (Luke 12:2-3 TPT).
I am Light, says the Lord, and in Me there is no darkness at all. I will shine My light into the darkness of men’s hearts and ways and expose things that have not been seen or noticed by others. Shock waves will hit My Body as deeds of darkness become exposed.
I have watched My people fall into diverse temptations even though I was there to beckon them to turn away. After they partook of the temptation, I reached out by knocking with conviction on the door of their heart over and over. When they continued to ignore My conviction and invitation to repent, I sent others to give warning and to call them back into alignment with Me and My truth. But they failed to listen. They failed to repent. So, I again persisted by sending even others, but still to no avail. It is now time to openly expose.
Some have been engaged in deeds of darkness behind closed doors for many years, but even as I took My servant Ezekiel into the inner part of the temple and revealed to him the abominations that were taking place in secret, so also in this hour will I make these things known.
My heart is to love and to heal. Do you not know that whatever a man sows he will also reap? Do you not know that if you sow to the flesh, you will reap corruption? I love My people and I love all whom I have created, but I must rescue. I must deliver. I have given time to repent, but those who have hardened their hearts have refused to turn away from the deeds of darkness. I have called, but many have not listened. They have ignored My beckoning call. The darkness is spreading and infecting others around them like a virus and it must be stopped. My people must be clean and free; therefore, I must act. Many will say, “Why does this need to be exposed?” I will answer, “Because this is love.”
Without exposure, healing cannot come. Without exposure, cleansing cannot come. Without exposure, alignment cannot come. Without exposure, solutions cannot come. It is time. My house shall be cleansed. Even as I cleansed My house by exposing and overturning the money changers’ tables, so also shall I cleanse My house in this hour. I will shine My light and expose the deeds of darkness so that true freedom and Kingdom life will be made manifest.
Hidden Agendas in the World
In this era there will be an exposure of evil hidden agendas, especially in areas of government, business, science, media, and the medical field. The love of money and the lust for power and position have put many in jeopardy due to the hidden agendas of evil men and women. Exposure will come and cause that which they have deceptively built to weaken due to public exposure.
Trust Levels Will Be Challenged
Due to the exposure, many will be tempted to lose trust and some individuals will even lose their faith. This is an hour to walk closely with Me, for I never compromise what is right and I never change. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. I always walk in integrity, love, truth, and wisdom. Even when men and women shall fail you, I will not fail you. Draw close to Me in this hour. Trust Me.
Hidden Gifts, Talents, and Callings Will Be Exposed
Not only will I be exposing the very things that bring harm to My people in order for healing, cleansing, and deliverance to come, I will also expose hidden gifts, talents, and callings within the lives of My people. In this era, many will suddenly become aware of deposits of My Spirit that have been lying dormant and unseen within them. Even those who are close to them will be amazed when they see their loved ones arise into sudden visibility.
I will raise up many prophets who will have eyes to see the hidden potential, gifts, and callings in My people and will call them to arise in boldness to fulfill their callings. Some who have been hidden for many years will come into visibility in this era, for they have been seasoned in the secret place.
This era is an era of exposure: an exposure of sin, deception, evil agendas, and also of hidden gifts, talents, and callings.
Most often, you cannot fix a problem unless you clearly identify it. I remember when I was sixteen years of age, I began to have flu symptoms in my last class of the day. I felt slightly warm, had a faint headache and nausea, and my abdomen was slightly tender. I walked home and the symptoms intensified. I went to my room immediately and curled up on my bed as the abdominal pain increased. When my parents came home from work late that day, they realized something was wrong. It was unusual to find their daughter in bed that early, but they also came to realize that the symptoms, although not severe, should be checked out. They called the doctor and he instructed them to take me to the emergency ward of the hospital immediately.
In the hospital the doctor examined me and performed lab tests to expose the problem and confirm his suspicions. The blood tests along with his physical exam exposed the culprit—an inflamed appendix. The exposure was not the solution and it would have been a fatal mistake for him to send me home or to leave me untreated following the exposure. The exposure only served to create an opportunity to implement the solution. Within hours I was in the operating room, having my appendix surgically removed. The doctor explained to our family following the surgery that the appendix was ready to burst. It was extremely inflamed and if we had waited even another hour, I could have possibly even lost my life.
I woke up from surgery in a lot of pain and I remember thinking that the cure seemed more painful than the cause. It took me a few weeks to heal up completely, but then I enjoyed optimum health. Even though the recovery was initially painful, if I had not had the surgery I would not be writing this book today. The exposure was vital—it saved my life.
Exposure of things that are harmful to you or others—although painful, uncomfortable, and confusing at times in the midst of the process—will help to bring healing and safety for others in the future.
Exposure makes way for alignment. I remember a time when the Lord called me to be part of a team to serve in the exposing of some abusive behaviors in the life of a Christian minister. The minister had been using his authority to lure young women and men into sexual encounters—a number of them were his interns. He personally abused alcohol and drugs, used foul language, communicated unclean jokes, and was sexually addicted. He also endorsed, facilitated, and invited others to partake of these vices. Many of these behaviors had been addressed by his overseers on a few occasions over a fifteen- to twenty-year period in addition to other sins. During these times of non-public confrontation he appeared to be sorrowful, but there was no true repentance and as a result the behaviors escalated behind the scenes.
Finally, victims of his behavior and vices came to those outside of his “core team” to share what was happening behind closed doors. When individuals representing the reports of the victims confronted him, he denied it. When they went to his overseer, they were refused a meeting. As a result of the resistance to give attention to the allegations, a whistle-blower took it to social media on behalf of the victims. Due to that exposure, it could no longer be swept under the carpet or hidden in back-room confrontations. An outside, objective investigation was launched, and dozens more victims came forward to share tragic incidences of abuse. An official report was prepared that also offered the offender an opportunity to address the issues and share his heart (unfortunately, he declined the opportunity). A panel of seasoned, objective, and respected ministers reviewed the reports and made a final and public evaluation that this man did not meet the biblical character qualifications for ministry and, without mentioning specific cases, supported the allegations.
The team of whistle-blowers who represented the voice of the victims paid a huge price. During the investigation process, the perpetrator of these behaviors (and his team) kicked back with violent, accusative verbal attacks and threats toward those bringing the exposure. Initially, the perpetrator denied the allegations; although over time he changed his story to accept most of the items in a general sense while excusing the behavior as that which was “repented of” and “under the blood” even though a number of the allegations were very current—even right up to the time of the investigation.
Due to the public exposure, there was so much pain on everyone’s part—the victims for sure, the perpetrator and his family, the whistle-blowers, and the general body of Christ who were watching it all unfold. I remember in the beginning of it all not wanting to be involved and definitely not wanting it to go public, but the Lord spoke to me as well as many other prophets, saying that it had to go public as God Himself was exposing it so that the enemy’s grip would be weakened and captives would go free. The following scripture was given to me by the Spirit in the beginning of the season, and it often haunted me due to the weight of this assignment:
Everything hidden and covered up will soon be exposed. For the facade is falling down, and nothing will be kept secret for long. Whatever you have spoken in private will be public knowledge, and what you have whispered secretly behind closed doors will be broadcast far and wide for all to hear (Luke 12:2-3 TPT).
There is a difference between an individual who has fallen into a temptation, repents, and receives cleansing, and the one who willfully continues in sin. And there is a difference between one who harms himself/herself and one who has predatory behavior, intentionally grooming vulnerable individuals to serve their purposes.
God is calling His whistle-blowers in this hour, but beware! He always will desire to deal with sin privately first, for He truly loves those overcome by sin, but He hates the sin—sin hurts people. That is why He sends His Holy Spirit to convict over and over again. He is so patient. If there is no successful response, then He will reveal it to others. Everything must be done to help one who is struggling; but also, if there are victims involved, they must not be forgotten but protected. They must be tended to and cared for. Going public is a very last resort and it must be done with care. First of all, that which is being reported must be accurate. “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” The accounts shared must be true and accurate. In addition, there can be no natural anger, offense, or bitterness involved. “The anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God” (James 1:20). Everything must be weighed carefully according to the wisdom of God, and there must be love. Love for the offender and love for the victims. Love for all involved. Love can be tough, but it always seeks the highest good for the sake of others—all others. When God exposes, it is in love and for the sake of love because He is love.
Exposure will raise the bar, but it will also reveal hearts. Some, in the name of mercy, would like to cover up and make excuses for harmful behavior, blindly releasing perpetrators to continue while denying care for the victims and scriptural instruction regarding the sin and behaviors. (While “love covers” it does not “cover up.”) Others would like to see the sinner and the sin confronted in love and truth, that there be full repentance along with restitution, while healing for all (including the offender, the victims, and those that are involved indirectly) is a priority. Exposure reveals which side of the line people will live on. Exposure reveals hearts, intents, and positions.
Good News About Exposure
Although the exposure of hidden sin is disheartening and troubling for sure, when properly walked through it will bring about good in the end. It will raise the bar and bring alignment. But there is more good news. The same Holy Spirit who exposes sin is also the one who exposes the goodness in each of us—our gifts, talents, and abilities.
In this season, the Holy Spirit will reveal things within us that will delightfully shock us! He will also bring revelation and exposure to plans and purposes that have been hidden until this time. There are many wonderful surprises to be unfolded in this next era. Get positioned for the greatest exposure ever of God’s purposes and destiny.
Thoughts to Ponder
Would you like the Holy Spirit to expose in you anything that needs to come into alignment with His Word?
If not, why not?
If so, invite Him now to reveal to you anything that He desires to make known to you. He will.
Why would a God of Love desire to expose harmful things in us or others?
Why is exposure needed in this hour?
Heavenly Father,
I trust Your love. Expose in me anything that needs to be brought into the light and empower me to repent fully and make things right with anyone I have hurt or harmed.
Help me also to see all Your wonderful attributes in my life. Expose Your purposes in me and fulfill them.
In Jesus’ name I pray,