Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, “Be taken up and cast into the sea,” and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted him.
—MARK 11:23
For every problem I have a solution, says the Lord. I am the God of all wisdom and I am your Creator. Many have looked at the obstacles before them and have been overwhelmed. They have lost sight of who I am and have seen the problem they are facing to be greater and larger than My ability to conquer. Is there anything too hard for Me?
In this coming era, you will see mountains and obstacles move in your personal lives and even on national and international levels, for I am a God of solutions. When I delivered My people out of Egypt, did I not bring solutions to every problem? When they looked at the Red Sea in front of them while the armies of Egypt attacked from behind, they could not see the solution, but I saw the solution. It was easy. I simply rolled back the sea and directed My people to the other side. When they were safe, I swallowed up the pursuing army in the sea. The horse and rider were thrown into the sea, but My people were safe. I was their solution.
When they longed for food but did not know where to find it as there was none in sight—they could see a dry, desolate desert before them—I became their food. I opened up the heavens and poured out fresh manna upon the ground every day for them and they ate until they were fully satisfied.
They never lacked because I was their solution when it looked like there was no natural solution in sight. When they were thirsty and there was not a drop of water to be found, they became anxious and murmured. They thought for sure they would surely perish, for they could not see the solution. Once again, I was their solution and brought forth water from the rock for them and their thirst was quenched. They never lacked water in the wilderness because I was their solution.
In this coming era there will be many problems and obstacles that will require solutions. Remember that there is nothing too difficult for Me. I am the one who will grant solutions, and many of these solutions will be noted in history. You will see solutions given to My servants in government that will resolve problems in society. In the natural, many might say, “This solution will not work,” but when I am giving solutions they will succeed, for My solutions are supernatural.
In this era, you will learn to speak to the mountains that stand before you and they will surely move for you because you will not doubt in your heart that My power is enough. You will believe and things will shift. Do not limit in your mind what I am able to do. Do not say, “Oh, but this problem is too big!” I tell you, I AM the God of solutions. I am the God who is able to work everything together for good to those who love Me and who are called according to My purpose (see Rom. 8:28).
Are you facing problems where you lack faith in seeing them solved? Look up. I am the God of solutions, and as you look to Me and worship Me you will see things shift. Believe. Expect. Solutions are on their way.
Every problem has a solution. The greatest problem ever was when mankind sinned against God in the garden, causing everyone to be infected with sin in their DNA and for corruption to fill the earth. This was a horrific problem because the sin separated us from God with no way for us to make the wrong right, and everything became subject to destruction, decay, and death; but God had the solution prepared. He sent His own Son to be the sacrifice for our sins and in exchange gave us His righteousness (right standing with God). He made a plan for everything to be redeemed. This is all available to everyone who believes. If God can reconcile sinful mankind to Himself, then there is nothing He cannot do.
In the last chapter I shared a story about an experience I had been involved with, exposing the sins of a Christian leader. My heart broke for the minister, but I was especially burdened for the victims. It was a difficult season as I listened to story after story. Their pain was deep. They were told by the minister not to speak or to share regarding their encounters together but to keep it a secret. The victims were confused, ashamed, and began to blame themselves. They were alone and did not know how to move on. A few of them even lost their faith in God and others became addicted to drugs or alcohol to numb the pain.
When the final and official statement was made regarding the guilt of the minister, I was very sad and struggled deeply. Everything was exposed but the victims were still hurting without help or aid, and the minister was moving on. Nothing really changed except for the fact that the exposure was now public. I was weeping over it, feeling overwhelmed, when the Spirit of God said, “Do not weep, for I am the God of solutions.” Suddenly, what I would call a “heavenly download” filled me. It was a strategy that would help the victims—it was a solution for their devastation, loneliness, and despair. It came like a blueprint, so to speak, containing a solution to help. I perceived the whole solution in a moment of time. Within the next few days, our ministry birthed Voice4Victims. We then developed the entire department with Facebook, websites, resources, and a full start-up team. In God’s solution plan we had been given a four-fold mandate that included:
Mission Statement
To offer help, support, encouragement, and voice to victims of sexual, spiritual, domestic, and physical abuse in the church.
4-Fold Purpose
■Helpline: Many victims do not know to whom to reach out. They have lost trust and have never been able to tell their story or to share their pain. Through the email helpline,, victims will be able to reach out in confidentiality to a seasoned support team.
■Public Social Media: We will utilize a public Facebook ( forum as well as Instagram (@voice4victims) to help reach those who need help.
■Intercession: A team of skilled intercessors are assigned to pray for those who are victims and will also cover individual requests.
■Testimony: Testimonies are powerful and will be posted to encourage victims and to build faith and hope.
■Prayer Ministry: Teams of non-professional but trained prayer ministers are available to help victims find freedom in Christ. Resources and referrals for inner healing and deliverance will also be available.
■Professional Counselors, Therapists, Social Workers: A networked team of professional counselors, therapists, and social workers is available to give direction and help.
3.Legal Team
■Often the abuse suffered by victims is criminal. A legal team of investigators and attorneys will be available to give insight on how to move forward.
■Frequently asked questions will be posted on the site to help victims understand legal processes.
■Valuable resources will be recommended that will aid in the healing and education of victims as well as preventative information through articles, blogs, media, training events, books, and network information with other organizations.
Almost immediately, we began to have victims of abuse in the church contact us, sharing their stories. Training modules for prayer teams were built, resources were collected, social media posts were being created, and the solution was at work.
Some have asked, “Why didn’t you call the department Voice4Survivors or Voice4Victors?” They believed that using the word victim was keeping the abused in a victim mindset. Although I understand their concern, in this case it actually did the opposite. Healing couldn’t come until the victims were able to embrace the fact that they had been violated. Until that time, many did not feel worthy to share or to get help—they lived in their shame and remorse. They were confused because, after all, “This was an ‘anointed leader’—a ‘man of God’ who led me into this.” Even though their leader had targeted them, groomed them, and used his authority to lure them into acts that they were not comfortable with, they were made to believe that because they were giving in to his authority, they were “consenting” and had no right to share it with anyone. Once they took ownership of what happened to them, they began to find freedom. If they didn’t identify with being victimized first, they wouldn’t be able to find their victory. Exposure has to come before the solution. They surely now have the opportunity to go from victim to victor.
I believe that in this next era we will see many solutions. Out of some of the most painful situations will come glorious solutions. You might even be facing some things right now that look impossible, but the God of solutions is at work and is willing to grant you access to a solution so glorious that it will cause praise to explode in you. Let expectation arise. It’s going to be a great era!
Thoughts to Ponder
Do you have something in your life right now that could use a solution? What is it?
Do you believe that God can give you a solution and move the “mountain” out of your way?
Are there things in society you see that need a solution? What are they?
Do you believe that change can come to this situation if God grants a solution?
Dream big and see in your imagination that problem and others fully solved. What does it look like?
Heavenly Father,
Help my faith to grow so I can believe You to be my solution in every situation I face. I glorify and exalt You as my solution.
May my heart be open to receive Your wisdom and instruction that bring forth victory in every situation I encounter.
In Jesus’ name I pray,