So David went to Baal Perazim, and David defeated them there; and he said, “The Lord has broken through my enemies before me, like a breakthrough of water.” Therefore he called the name of that place Baal Perazim.
I am the God of the breakthrough, and in this new era you will see My hand move on behalf of My people in astonishing ways. Many of My consecrated ones have been waiting for their victory and have stood faithfully before Me in unwavering faith trusting in My Word, yet they have not seen the manifestation of their breakthrough. But in this new era: “Just as it is written, ‘Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him’” (1 Cor. 2:9) shall be revealed by My Spirit and made fully manifest. Long-awaited breakthroughs will come forth in this era for the faithful.
Restoration of Losses
The enemy has come to steal, to kill, and to destroy and has devastated many lives, but this is the era of payback. This is the time when you will see My hand bring restoration to that which was lost, destroyed, or stolen in the previous season. You shall see the restoration of health, relationships, faith, finances, and possessions. You will not only see restoration of these things but you will see increase.
Look at My servant Job. Did not the enemy come to his house to steal, kill, and destroy? For a season, it appeared that the losses were established, but I am the God of the breakthrough and I broke through for him and restored all and even doubled his prosperity.
Reflect on My people who were held in bondage in Egypt, where they suffered the loss of wages due to cruel oppression. I brought breakthrough to them all en masse as I delivered them from the hands of their oppressors, but they did not leave empty-handed, for they plundered the Egyptians as they left. I restored unto them the wages they had lost over the years and led them to their own land—a land flowing with milk and honey and where they would not know scarcity. I restored their freedom to worship Me. I restored all, for I am the God of the breakthrough.
Enemies Defeated
As you draw near to Me and abide in Me, when the enemy comes against you one way, he will flee from you seven ways, for this is a season of breakthrough for you. The enemy will suffer loss at your hand and all will be recovered.
When My son David faced great devastation and loss at Ziklag, he inquired of Me in the midst of his discouragement. It appeared that all was lost and his own men blamed him. It appeared that the enemy had prevailed against both him and his people, but I am the God of the breakthrough and things are not always what they appear. When David inquired of Me in his despair, I answered, “Pursue, overtake, and recover all.” He went forward in obedience and boldness and took back what was stolen. He defeated the enemy and recovered all. Like David, as you draw near to Me and inquire of Me, I will grant you the keys and instruction for your breakthroughs.
From Victims to Victors
In this era, many who had been victims of abuse, oppression, and failure will emerge as victors and champions, for My people are above and not beneath. They are winners and not losers. They are more than conquerors because I have already secured the victory for them and have given them power over all the power of the enemy. Victim mindsets shall be shattered and the lies of the enemy shall be exposed and demolished. I am the God of the breakthrough and I will grant the victor’s crown to those who take My hand, walk with Me, and overcome.
Ambassadors of Hope Will Emerge
Many prophets will emerge in this hour as My ambassadors of hope. They will encourage My people to rise up in this new era and shake off the discouragements of the past. They shall reveal Me as the God of breakthrough to My people and grant them hope—a joyful expectation of good things to come.
There will be great shakings in this new era, but My Kingdom will stand and My faithful ones will be blessed in the midst of the shakings. I will hide them in My Presence, and they shall know My great love as I grant them breakthrough.
It is an hour for My holy ones to dream big and to know that I am a God who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you could ask or think according to the power that works within you. Your future is glorious as you draw close to Me, for I will break through on your behalf.
Breakthrough Discoveries
This is an era of breakthrough discovery. Through the revelation I release into the earth, there will be breakthrough discoveries that will be noted worldwide and will be broadcast for all to see. Mysterious discoveries in realms of science, medicine, and astronomy will materialize and be confirmed. Many shall be astonished and will stand in awe, for it is an era of discovery.
Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days—you would not believe if you were told (Habakkuk 1:5).
Beware, as the enemy is lurking and desiring to use that which I release into the earth for his own evil purposes. Do not shrink back when you see this but keep your eyes on Me because I am the God of the breakthrough. At the end, all the enemy’s works will be burned by fire, but all that is of Me will stand.
Remember that everything that can be shaken will be shaken, but you are of a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. The day will come when all will be revealed and judged, so do not be dismayed when you see the enemy’s attempts to use for his evil purposes what I have created for good. His day of reckoning is coming, and he will suffer the loss of all things. But you will delight in My goodness, mercy, and abundance.
One of the greatest examples of breakthrough in the Bible is that of God’s holy and faithful servant Job. The enemy had assaulted him in every area of his life and even turned his family and friends against him. He suffered great loss and it appeared that there was no breakthrough in sight, but in the end God granted not only an end to the attacks but a double restoration of all that was lost.
In the midst of the horrific assaults, Job postured himself before God, believing for breakthrough. The following principles found in Job’s life will help us posture for breakthrough also when tragedy strikes.
1.Job worshiped in the midst of his assault (see Job 1:20).
Job did not take his eyes off of God during the season of testing and trial. His first response was to fall on his face and worship. Worship will keep your focus on the Lord and will connect you to His delivering presence. When you worship you become aware that He is all you need, and the battle is therefore diminished.
2.Job didn’t blame God for the attack (see Job 1:22).
Often people believe that God authors assaults and tragedies, but He is a giver of life and goodness and not calamity. Jesus came to give us life in its abundance—it is the enemy who steals, kills, and destroys.
3.Job remained full of integrity in the midst of attack and challenges (see Job 2:3).
Trials and their many discouragements often cause individuals to compromise their faith and integrity. Many will quickly let their guard down, but Job did not. When you are assured of breakthrough, you will stand.
4.Job didn’t come into agreement or alignment with the temptations and backslidden state of his wife (see Job 2:9-10).
When pursuing breakthrough, you must be careful not to partner with the negativity of those around you. There is one voice you must look for in a battle and that is God’s.
5.Job watched over his mouth (see Job 2:10).
We are taught in the Word to “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth” (Eph. 4:29 KJV). During times of testing and assault, we must watch over our mouth. Words are powerful and we will be held accountable for every word we speak. The words we speak can aid in the release of our breakthrough or deter it.
6.Job’s commitment to God trumped all (see Job 13:15).
In the midst of a trial, it is easy to get discouraged, anxious, and absorbed with temporal discomforts. Job’s commitment to God was unwavering, and every other passion in life took a lesser place. When we are pursuing breakthrough, our eyes must be fixed on the God of breakthrough Himself and not on what we need breakthrough for.
7.Job believed God to redeem and resurrect him on the last day (see Job 19:25-27).
One of the keys to breakthrough is found in looking at the victory promised at the end of the battle. If your attention is fixed on the battle itself, you will become absorbed in the challenges and will weaken, but if you look to the final victory with eternal perspective you will be empowered.
8.Job didn’t allow the negative and accusative words of his friends to affect him (see Job 16:2-5).
When you are in a season of assault, you are emotionally and mentally vulnerable and it is easy for the enemy to attack with accusation and condemnation. Oftentimes he will even use your friends and those close to you to deliver the arrows that pierce through into the heart. Job remained strong in the midst of the maltreatment by his friends.
9.Job was humble and honored the wisdom and counsel of God (see Job 42:2-5).
It is easy in the midst of assault and testings to lean to your own understanding, but we are to lean unto the Lord and seek His wisdom and counsel. Job had made some assumptions that he admitted were outside of truth, but he turned back to the counsel of God as soon as he realized this.
10.Job walked in forgiveness to those who were cruel to him and prayed for them (see Job 42:10).
The God of breakthrough gave Job his release from captivity when he prayed for his friends. Job freely forgave and breakthrough came. Unforgiveness, offense, and bitterness can hold you in captivity, but forgiveness releases you. When you pray for those who have hurt you, you are actually believing for their freedom and breakthrough from the deception they walked in toward you, and when you sow you will reap. Sow breakthrough and reap breakthrough.
Thoughts to Ponder
What areas of breakthrough do you currently need?
Do you acknowledge God as your personal God of breakthrough? If not, why not?
What lessons did you learn from Job’s trial that can help you in yours?
If you were to “pursue, overtake, and recover all,” what would that look like in your situation?
How can you get to know God in greater ways as your God of breakthrough?
Heavenly Father,
I acknowledge You as My God of breakthrough. I invite you to fill me with power to partner with You in the midst of every adverse situation in my life. Grant me breakthroughs for the glory of Your name.
In Christ,