If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
I have opened My throne for My people to approach Me and freely receive My wisdom and counsel. By faith, come boldly before My throne and obtain the counsel that you need, for it will not be withheld. Many have leaned on their own understanding without inquiring of Me in the midst of difficult situations, but My counsel is always available. Simply come. Receive. Issues will be settled in your favor. Battles will be settled on your behalf as you come and receive My wisdom and counsel.
In this era, great wisdom will be needed to resolve conflicts and great wisdom will surely be given to those who seek after it for it will not be withheld. “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding” (Prov. 4:7 NKJV).
Discoveries and Solutions
I have many things to reveal to those who come to Me, for this era will be an era of discovery and it will be an era of solutions. I have things to reveal that have been hidden from man’s understanding until this hour. These hidden things are to be discovered by those who seek My wisdom and counsel.
There are many leaders around the globe who meet together at their council tables to discuss problems and solutions, but they fail to understand that I am the One with the answers they are looking for. I am the One who grants wisdom and counsel. I am the One who grants understanding. And when My wisdom and counsel are absent, then folly appears. Many foolish decisions have been made by man to bring forth what appears like a solution, but they only cause further harm. They see relief for a moment and believe it is settled, but over time their solutions destroy because they are contrary to My wisdom and counsel. This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic (see James 3:15). The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man is he who listens to My counsel (see Prov. 12:15).
It is time to seek Me, for I will grant divine solutions and divine intelligence to those who will humble themselves and pray. I will withhold no good thing to those who seek Me with a sincere and believing heart. Do you have a problem? I have the answer. Do you need insight? I have counsel for you. I wait for you to come, to embrace, and to receive My counsel.
Great Wealth Coming Forth
Long life is in wisdom’s right hand and in her left hand are riches and honor (see Prov. 3:16). Yes, riches and honor are with wisdom, enduring wealth and righteousness, so pursue My wisdom with your whole heart (see Prov. 8:18).
I am releasing great wealth and increase to many who embrace My wisdom in this era, for I am the One who gives you the power to make wealth, that I may confirm My covenant which I swore to your fathers, as it is this day (see Deut. 8:18). In days of challenge when many would fear, those who seek My wisdom and counsel will be positioned to receive My bounty and abundance.
Family Issues
Many who face challenges in their marriages or with their children will go to a therapist, doctor, counselor or coach, but I have never seen them. They have never come to seek My counsel or to receive My answers. I am watching over them, waiting for them to come and receive. I knock on the door of their hearts, saying, “Come to Me,” but they do not come. They cry out to Me in their anguish but they do not seek My counsel. Instead they say, “I must make an appointment with a doctor, counselor, coach, or therapist to receive some help and relief.” But your help comes from Me. I am your very present help in time of trouble (see Ps. 46:1). Come to Me and wait on Me for My direction. I will give it.
Everyone who asks for wisdom will be granted wisdom in abundance, for I will not withhold it, but you must come in faith without wavering in unbelief or doubt.
For the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways (James 1:6-8).
Counsel is mine and sound wisdom; I am understanding, power is mine (Proverbs 8:14).
Come to Me and I will lavish you with My wisdom and counsel. Many will be astonished in this era as to the extraordinary wisdom and solutions that will be made known.
Do you need My wisdom and counsel right now? It is available to you. Come.
From the early days of knowing Christ, I hungered for wisdom. As a result, for a number of years, I read through the first eight chapters of Proverbs daily and feasted on the Word, longing for an impartation of God’s wisdom, counsel, and understanding. A number of years later, during a ministry engagement in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, I was visited by an angel called Wisdom while engaged in my morning prayer and devotion time. Angels are ministering spirits sent by God to minister to His children (see Heb. 1:14). I believe that an angel of wisdom was assigned to me that day, but even greater than an angel of wisdom is Jesus Himself who has become wisdom to us (see 1 Cor. 1:30). All we need in life is Jesus, for He is our all in all; and our first love, our first expression of honor, and our deepest adoration is to Him, but He does direct precious angels to serve us at times. We are to be grateful for angelic assistance and presence, but they are never to be worshiped or even slightly compared with Jesus who is all things to us and worthy of all.
I have very much enjoyed walking with and in God’s wisdom. When I would seek Jesus specifically for wisdom concerning a situation, as I waited, wisdom would suddenly come into my understanding. In like manner, as I was in leadership meetings regarding conflicts that needed to be resolved or obstacles that needed to be overcome, the solution would unexpectedly enter my mind.
Wisdom has been invaluable over the years and has offered solutions and insights into many challenging situations. When our ministry was initially led by the Lord to help those oppressed by sex slavery, I was directed to engage in a scouting trip to Thailand. One day while in Pattaya (a world-renowned city known for sex tourism) I was deeply burdened with what I saw. There were so many young girls working in the bars and brothels. After interviewing a number of them, I became aware of their painful stories—many of them had been brought to work in the brothels by their own parents in order to make income for the family. Bars and brothels lined the streets and all of them “employed” girls. The streets were full of sex tourists visiting from the nations, looking for “merchandise.”
After the first day of walking the streets in Pattaya, I was emotionally overwhelmed. I wanted to leave Thailand and never return. The problem seemed so massive, and I could not see the solution. In my hotel room later that day, I cried out to God in my anguish and He heard me. I desperately wanted to leave, but He wanted me to become a solution. Suddenly wisdom poured into my heart and I was empowered through it. It was simple at first. He questioned me, “Is My light able to penetrate darkness?” The answer was an obvious, “yes,” but then I was confronted on why I did not believe He was well able to help me to be part of the solution and to overcome.
The next evening, we joined with a local ministry to go into a bar/brothel. It was Valentine’s Day, and the church’s worship team offered “free entertainment” (love songs) for Valentine’s Day. (They neglected to mention to the establishment that they were “Jesus Love Songs.”) The brothel owner was delighted to have the free entertainment. While the worship team “entertained,” we sat with the girls at the tables, buying Coca-Cola and listening to their stories. We shared the gospel with them, prayed, and gave them hope.
The Holy Spirit directed me through His wisdom to give some prophetic words to those in the bar/brothel. Because it was still early, most of the bar was filled with workers and not many customers. I asked the brothel owner if I could share some words about people’s futures. She said, “Oh, you are fortune teller!” (Many of the Thai people love fortune tellers.) I explained that I was not a fortune teller but that I knew God and He was giving me encouraging words about people’s futures (destinies). She replied, “Yes, you fortune teller.” At that point, I thought that if I could get the microphone, she could call me a fortune teller—at least I would get the microphone.
I began to point out specific people whom the Holy Spirit highlighted and publicly, through an interpreter, gave them words. They were impacted and openly showed it through delight and tears in some cases. I then invited anyone who desired a word of blessing from God to come forward and I would give words to anyone who desired them. A substantial line came up to the front, and I prophesied destiny over each one. We then gave them opportunity to give their lives to the Lord. Some received and were followed up on by the local ministry.
When I returned to my room that night I was filled with fresh hope and vision. The wisdom of God visited me again and showed me an effective plan we could move forward with. In just a few months we returned to Thailand with our School of Extreme Love. We gathered believers from the nations to reach out in love to the girls in the brothels. We hosted banquets for them, networked with local ministries for follow-up, and established a full-time team member in Pattaya. We soon came to realize that there was so much more than only the girls in the brothels. There were boys and also young children, some were even infants, who were trafficked and enslaved. Many of the young children were from Cambodia, and there were no protections or advocates for these children at the time. Our worker met with the United Nations and with government leaders in both Thailand and Cambodia demanding some reform and protection for the Cambodian children. God filled her with “wisdom from above.”
As a result of her labors and following the divine wisdom of the Lord, she was able to build a Christian team of traffic police, social workers, and attorneys and bring about policies to protect the children. I am very proud of her and she now is the global head against child trafficking and exploitation for a network of over 100 organizations. The wisdom of God led her, gave her understanding and counsel, and supernaturally opened doors for her.
The wisdom of God further directed us to set up a base in Cambodia to help eliminate the trafficking of children and to establish health in the nation. Systemic poverty is one factor involved making children vulnerable to be sold into slavery by their parents. God gave us wisdom on how to come against that by building businesses and offering employment. He gave us wisdom on how to transform the slum areas that were the most vulnerable. Wisdom taught us to put feeding and education programs in place, to build prayer houses and churches, all that brought light into the darkness.
Over and over we have seen the wisdom of God lead. Wisdom was with God when He created the earth. Wisdom is a master builder. Wisdom is a person—Jesus Christ. “But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption” (1 Cor. 1:30 NKJV). As we worship and adore Him, understanding that He has become wisdom unto us, our lives will never lack the wisdom that is needed for any circumstance we face. In this era, we will see wisdom at work. We will see Jesus at work. Let’s position ourselves to receive.
Thoughts to Ponder
Jesus has been made wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption for you. Worship Him. All wisdom is in Him.
Is there an area(s) you need wisdom in at this time? Describe.
Have you made decisions in the midst of conflict and crisis without seeking God’s wisdom and counsel first? If so, why?
Are you willing to make seeking God’s wisdom and counsel a priority?
What things will help you receive His wisdom?
Heavenly Father,
You say in Your Word that if I need wisdom, I can ask of You and You will give it to me. Forgive me for any time in the past when I failed to seek You first before making decisions. I receive Your love and forgiveness. I ask that You fill me with wisdom today and always as I make wisdom a priority.
In Jesus’ name I pray,