by James W. Goll
Jesus taught us that we need new wine skins to hold the new wine. Without riverbanks, the teeming current of life can become nothing more than run-off water and even worse, forms into a flood plain. When good boundaries are put in place and adequately communicated and applied, this in turn creates what I call a “Safe House.” Too often—in church history and in recent times—the prophetic movement has tended to create a few messes. This could partially happen because we need to review ethical guidelines and protocols that are necessary for prophetic maturation—and even update these principles from time to time.
On Passover of 2020, late at night, I was worshipping the Lord in my backyard. As I was, the clear voice of the Lord came to me saying, “I have been waiting for such a long time for My people to slow down long enough so they can hear what I have to say in this hour. I have much I want to share concerning the new ways for the new era and the new wine skins for the new wine. Will you be like Moses and turn aside? I AM waiting there!” This word has personally pierced my being and set me on a path to make sure that in my own life I am not letting gifting or pressures of life and ministry distract me from getting in God’s face. If we ever need to “turn aside” to hear a clear word from the Lord, it is in these times.
I have had a friendship and functioned in an advisory role to Patricia King and her vital ministry for several years now. I know her well and consider it a great honor to walk with her and Ron, her strong, supportive husband. Patricia is as effective as she is because she lives her revelation. Her word is her bond. She has also chosen to surround herself with godly relationships in both apostolic alignment, great staff, and warring intercessors.
With this background and knowledge, Patricia King is perfectly positioned to release this book, A Prophetic Manifesto for the New Era, which you now hold in your hands. Thank you, Patricia, for helping identify the riverbanks of God and provide proper protocol to help propel the prophetic movement into great effectiveness and maturity.
With gratitude,
Founder of God Encounters Ministries
GOLL Ideation LLC