Firstly, I must thank Jo de Vries, series editor, for her suggestion that I should write this book in the first place and for her guidance.
Special thanks must go to Ian Post for his support over the years, his suggestions, and our many, often long discussions on how events unfolded in 1485. The same must go to Joe Ann Ricca of the Richard III Foundation for her interest in the project, her suggestions and support. I must also thank Toby McLeod for his words of wisdom, Richard Mackinder at the Bosworth Battlefield Centre, Allan Harley and the members of the Beaufort Household and Medieval Siege Society who helped with the practicalities of medieval warfare. I must also thank all those, too many to mention by name, who were involved in finding the actual site of the battle, and making this book possible.
The last words, however, must go to my children, Finley and Ellen – this book is for you.