First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge Rory McCracken, without whom this book would have not been possible. Beyond those in the dedication, I also want to acknowledge everyone who has helped, encouraged, or inspired me to get to this point:
Adam Sartwell, Aidan Wachter, Ali Dossary, Alura Rose, Amy Blackthorn, Anaar Niino, Andrew Theitic, Anne Niven, Beth Beauregard, Brandon Blair, Brandon Smith and the Anix, Chas Bogan, Chester Sesco, Chris LeVasseur, Chris Morris, Chris Orapello, Courtney Weber, Cyndi Brannen, Danielle Dulsky, Danielle Dionne, Daniel Schulke, David Erwin, David Salisbury, Deborah Blake, Diotima Mantineia, Durgadas Allon Duriel, Elizabeth Autumnalis, Elysia Gallo, F. Steven Isom, Gemma Gary, Gwion Raven, Holly Vanderhaar, Irma Kaye Sawyer, Ivo Dominguez Jr., Jackie Smith, Jason Mankey, Jason Miller, Jess Carlson, Jim Shackleford, Judika Illes, Kat Sanborn, Kit Yarber, Laura Tempest Zakroff, Lauryn Heineman, Lee Morgan, Lonnie Scott, Madame Pamita, Matthew Venus, Michelle Belanger, Maxine Sanders, Mickie Mueller, Mike Blair, Nicholas Pearson, Oceana Leblanc, Penny Cabot, Phoenix LeFae, Raven Grimassi, Robbi Packard, Robin Artisson, Sarah Lynne Bowman, Sharon Day, Sorita d’Este, Stephanie Taylor, Steve Kenson, Storm Faerywolf, Sylvie Dugas, Tara Love-Maguire, Tess Whitehurst, Thorn Mooney, Tiffany Nicole Ware, Enchanted of Salem, the Robin’s Nest, Moth and Moon Studio, the Mystic Dream, Modern Witch, the Temple of Witchcraft, the Sacred Fires Tradition of Witchcraft, Black Rose Witchcraft, the Cabot Tradition of Witchcraft, Coven of the Crown, the Black Flame Council, Patheos Pagan, and of course Llewellyn Worldwide.