Psychic Spells
and Magick Tricks
It’s my firm belief that magick can be utilized at almost any time if performed through one’s psychic faculties and willpower, as long as one has a firm understanding of the elements necessary. We don’t always have access to our altars, our tools, or our places of power. Sometimes we need magick in the moment. The following are some of the psychic spells and magick tricks that I perform fairly regularly to give you an idea of how everything in this book weaves together to create a foundation of enhancing your magick through your psychic ability and your psychic ability through your magick by uniting the two.
With all of these exercises we’re going to assume that you have the other exercises down and that you understand what it means to tune in (which by now should be readily achieved by using your psychic prompt), how to connect and invoke each soul or perform a soul alignment, and how to attune to a planetary power. If the spell indicates that it’s the Middle Self being tuned in to, you don’t need to do anything special as it’s considered our default setting. If for some reason you don’t understand those preliminary steps, go back and read and review those steps thoroughly if you want the psychic spells to work effectively. Each spell will indicate which soul(s) you’ll be invoking and connecting with and which planetary power to tune in to before you begin. I’ve also indicated which psychic abilities are being tapped in to and utilized in the spell itself.
Absorbing and Imprinting Energy into an Object
Self Possession: Lower Self
Planetary Power: Venus
Psychic Ability: Clairtangency
Do you ever wish you could “bottle up” a certain emotion or energy? A simple way to store energy is to awaken your hands and then hold an object in your projective hand that you want to use as the vessel for this energy, such as a crystal or charm, and using your receptive hand to conjure up the sensation that there’s a whirlpool in your palm that’s sucking in the energy or emotion that you want to contain. Draw that energy into your receptive hand and up your receptive arm and down your projective arm and imprinting upon the item in your projective hand. Feel the item receiving an aura about it of the energy that you’re “bottling up.” This is extremely helpful when you need a quick boost of energy such as love or self-esteem when you’re feeling depressed.
Boosting Offerings
Self Possession: Soul Alignment
Planetary Power: Jupiter
Psychic Ability: Clairvoyance
This is a technique that I use to bolster offerings that I make to sweeten it further to their tastes and likings, whether that’s offerings to spirits, ancestors, gods, or the land. Essentially what you want to do is envision that whatever you’re offering has a smoke-like energy that is rising into the air, whether you’re burning incense or offering another object like food or water. All you need to do to enhance the offering to be more pleasing is to envision items that the spirit enjoys as offerings or that are sacred to them rising up into the smoke. For example, let’s say that I’m giving an offering to Hekate. I place my hands above the offering and envision the energy rising up, carrying off things that are sacred to her. So in the case of this deity, I envision skeleton keys, saffron, garlic, and jugs of wine rising up in that smoke-like energy to her.
Clearing Out a Crowd
Self Possession: Middle Self
Planetary Power: Mars
Psychic Ability: Clairvoyance
Do you ever want to clear out a space but don’t want to be rude? Perhaps your guests are staying a bit longer than you want or there are unwelcome people in your environment? This one is my go-to secret trick. The beauty of this is that you never need to come off as rude or that you don’t want the people around you, and no one will know what you’re doing inside of your head.
I showed this to a coworker friend once to show them how effective it is. It was during October in Salem, and the witch shop that I was reading out of was beginning to close for the night at almost midnight, when suddenly about fifteen highly intoxicated people came into the store and began spreading out making fun of everything in the store with no intent of buying anything. I grabbed my coworker and went to the back of the store. I asked him if he’d seen Jim Henson’s Labyrinth and if he remembered the scene in which Sarah and Hoggle are running down a tunnel trying to escape a horrifying drill that took up the whole space of the tunnel. He nodded and asked where I was going with this.
Being a bit of a show-off in the moment, I smiled and told him to watch. I attuned myself to Mars and proceeded to envision the drill coming from where we were in the back of the store all the way to the entrance of the store. As I did, wherever the drill was being envisioned the drunk visitors began walking away from it in one steady swoop until they were out the door.
If you’re unfamiliar with Labyrinth (which is a shame), another good visualization would be from Star Wars: A New Hope where they’re in the trash compactor and the walls are coming in at both sides to squash the characters. However, instead of visualizing the walls coming in at both ends of a room, just envision one coming from the back making the room smaller and smaller and pushing them out.
Communicating Clearly
Self Possession: Middle Self
Planetary Power: Mercury
Psychic Ability: Clairgustance
Speaking clearly can sometimes be difficult, especially if we’re sharing something deeply emotionally charged, we’re speaking in front of crowds, we’re interviewing for a job, or we’re a bit shy. All you need to do after attuning to Mercury is begin to conjure up the taste of warm and soft honey in your mouth while you’re speaking. You may even want to solidify this memory of the taste to conjure by tasting warmed up honey before you go out to speak.
Creative Thinking Cap
Self Possession: Soul Alignment
Planetary Power: Mercury
Psychic Ability: Clairvoyance
This exercise is particularly handy when brainstorming for ideas and having epiphanies and revelations of a creative nature. After performing your soul alignment and attuning Mercury, sit down and close your eyes. Envision that you’re wearing a hat. Some like to envision this as a steampunk hat with gears and such, while others opt for a more cyberpunk-looking hat that has more of a sci-fi computer feel to it, and some just like to envision a simple top hat. Regardless of what you pick, ensure that the vision of it evokes a feeling of boosting your mental processes. Envision on the top of your hat a lit lightbulb that is attracting new ideas. Spend a bit of time in contemplative meditation with a focus on what you’re brainstorming, knowing that new creative ideas are coming to you.
Drawing Something to You
Self Possession: Lower Self
Planetary Power: Venus
Psychic Ability: Clairvoyance
This exercise can help boost any sort of spells you’ve cast or manifestation work that you’re performing while you’re out and about, and is best performed at the beginning of your day, every day until you’ve achieved your manifestation. Envision a symbol to represent your goal. Let’s say that you’re trying to manifest a new house. Tune in to your Lower Self, attune to Venus, and envision that you have a silver harpoon gun. See the symbol off in the distance and shoot your harpoon gun at it, envisioning a silver cord between you and it and seeing it slowly being drawn toward you.
Enticing Others
Self Possession: Lower Self
Planetary Power: Venus
Psychic Ability: Clairaudience
This is perfect if you’re out looking for a date or you just want people to feel comfortable around you in general. After tuning in to your Lower Self and attuning to Venus, just conjure up the sound of a cat purring extremely loudly. Hear that purring surrounding and engulfing your whole aura and feel that energy of relaxation and enjoyment associated with a cat’s purr. You’ll quickly find how much more people are drawn to you, whether it’s romantically or not.
Enhancing Candle Spells
Self Possession: Soul Alignment
Planetary Power: Venus
Psychic Ability: Clairvoyance
Here’s a simple way that I enhance any candles that I use in spellwork. All you need to do after aligning your souls and attuning to Venus is look at the candle you’re working with and add a visualization to the candle itself. For example, if you’re doing a love spell, envision beautiful roses popping out of the candle and blooming. If you’re performing a healing, you might want to envision a healing aura and halo around it. If the spell you’re casting is for money, envision golden coins popping out of it. The possibilities are endless, but this simple addition of clairvoyance to candle magick really strengthens the spell you’re performing.
Finding Lost Objects
Self Possession: Middle Self
Planetary Power: Venus
Psychic Ability: Clairvoyance
This is one that I use often, as I’m always losing stuff. If you’re going out of your mind trying to find something you’ve lost, just take a deep breath and relax. Attune to Venus and hold an image of the object in your Witch Eye. In your mind call out to it:
“[Name of lost item], for you I yearn. Without hesitation, now return.”
Envision the item glowing, rising up, and floating toward you. You may want to also pay attention to the scenery of where the object is when it begins to glow and rise up in your Witch Eye. This can often be a clue of where the item is, if not the exact location. If you can’t find the item within ten minutes of searching, just repeat the process until you find it. The key to this one is to ensure that you’re relaxed and not stressing out over losing the item. Stress blocks psychic perception.
Good Luck Blessing
Self Possession: Middle Self
Planetary Power: Jupiter
Psychic Ability: Clairvoyance
Need an extra boost of luck? Try this out the next time you hit up the casinos or buy a scratcher ticket. There’s arguably no symbol associated with good luck more than the four-leaf clover, which is said to draw good luck to its owner. Attune to Jupiter (who rules luck) and envision a magickal four-leaf clover with a rainbow aura. Envision the four-leaf clover swirling around you leaving a rainbow trail that’s enhancing your aura with good luck. Mentally or verbally state:
“Up and down, around and over. Good luck comes to me like a four-leaf clover.”
Heightened Psychic Receptivity
Self Possession: Higher Self
Planetary Power: Moon
Psychic Ability: Clairvoyance
This exercise is helpful if you want to go deeper with your psychic session with clearer results. This is particularly helpful if you’re performing mediumship or any sort of channeling. Invoke your Higher Self and attune to the planetary energies of the Moon. Envision that your mind is a clear crystal lake, completely pristine and still. See the full Moon above your head in your Witch Eye and envision its light and reflection appearing upon the crystal lake of your mind, knowing that your psychic receptivity and clarity is being enhanced.
Invisibility Cloak
Self Possession: Lower Self
Planetary Power: Moon
Psychic Ability: Clairvoyance
This won’t literally make you disappear before someone’s eyes, rather it will make you less noticeable. Think of it more as a camouflage and a deflector. This is great for when you’re in crowds and don’t want to be noticed. I originally learned something similar from a friend when we were visiting a graveyard at night close to a residential area and didn’t want to draw attention to ourselves. All you need to do for this exercise after tuning in to the Moon and the Lower Self is envision that you’re wearing a grey cloak composed of mist. Hold in your mind the grey cloak of mist that covers you from head to toe. Hold in your Witch Eye that the cloak is refracting all the light and color around it and blending in with your surroundings.
Lie Detector
Self Possession: Lower Self
Planetary Power: Jupiter
Psychic Ability: Clairvoyance and Clairtangency
This one will take some experimenting with another person to fine-tune your detector, whether it’s face-to-face or whether it’s through online chatting or phone. What you’re going to do is envision that the person has their fingers in a polygraph lie detector and set your intention to feel a bodily sensation whenever they lie. I usually feel a slight buzzing or tingling sensation when I do this, but you might experience something a bit different. You will have the person tell you ten things, half of which are false. Ensure that the answers aren’t too obvious.
After each statement, predict whether it’s true or false and have them tell you if it was a true or false statement before moving to the next statement. Regardless of what your prediction was, conjure up the programmed sensation of the buzzing or tingling of a lie in your body whenever they say it was a lie. This is how you will fine-tune your lie detector. Keep repeating this exercise and you’ll begin to notice that you can detect when someone is lying to you whenever you hold your psychic prompt, connect with your Lower Self, and envision their fingers connected to the polygraph machine.
Money Magnet Multiplier
Self Possession: Middle Self
Planetary Power: Jupiter
Psychic Ability: Clairvoyance
For this exercise you will need a dollar bill (or something equivalent based on your country). On a Thursday during a waxing moon, tune in and attune to Jupiter. Hold the dollar bill in your hand and envision it becoming magnetic. Draw the glyph for Jupiter somewhere on the dollar. Hold the dollar bill in your hands and envision money in every form that you can imagine being drawn to it. See dollars of every denomination, coins, checks, gold, jewels, increasing large bank account numbers, or anything you can think of all rushing to the dollar. Now fold the dollar up and place it somewhere in your wallet or purse where you won’t spend it, near but separated from your other money.
In your Witch Eye envision every dollar in your wallet being charged by this money magnet dollar. Know that every dollar that you spend will be returned to you increased. While I don’t suggest spending all your money on something frivolous, make sure that you’re spending some of your money on things that you enjoy and that bring you pleasure and not solely on bills, rent, or mortgage. If you feel like the magickal effects of the Money Magnet Multiplier are weakening, take the dollar out and perform the working again on another Thursday during the waxing moon and draw another Jupiter glyph on the dollar. It’s important to keep the same dollar for this working, regardless of how many Jupiter glyphs are on it.
Psychic Substitutions For Materia
Self Possession: Soul Alignment
Planetary Power: Sun
Psychic Ability: All
Sometimes we just don’t have an ingredient that we need for a spell. Do not fret! You can always summon the spirit of the materia that you’re missing. For this, you want to attune to the Sun regardless of what correspondence the item you’re missing is. The more familiar you are with the item that you’re missing, the better, and if the item is a plant, make sure you know its scientific name.
For example, let’s say that I’m creating an herbal blend that calls for various ingredients but I’m missing spearmint, the scientific name of which is Mentha spicata. What I would do is tune in and perform a soul alignment and then tune in to the planetary energy of the Sun. I would then call out to the spirit of spearmint by stating:
“I call upon the power and spirit of spearmint. Mentha spicata,
come and join my working and lend your power to this spell.”
While calling out to the spirit of spearmint, I would engage every psychic clair that I can. I would conjure up its taste, smell, appearance, and feeling between my fingers and envision myself dropping the ingredient into the formula. You can do this with almost any item whether it’s a crystal, a resin, animal fur, or whatever is called for that you just don’t have access to.
Recharging Your Magickal and Psychic Batteries
Self Possession: Soul Alignment
Planetary Power: Moon
Psychic Ability: Clairtangency
We all have times when we feel completely off and may feel completely disconnected from our abilities and feel like nothing is working for us. It’s completely normal and nothing to stress out about. Here’s my remedy. For this exercise you will need a body of water like the shore of a lake, ocean, or a shallow stream. Perform this during a warm night. You will also want to know under what moon phase you were born, which a professional astrologer can help you find out or you can find out by looking it up online and entering your birth info into different astrology sites.
Water is conductive and receptive to magickal and psychic energies and the Moon rules both. While standing in the shallow water during that moon phase, perform your soul alignment and attune to the planetary energy of the Moon. Envision the moon’s light falling all around you and blessing you. Don’t worry if you can’t see the moon or if you were born during a dark moon. Just visualize the moon sending you its energy. See the energy as white with silver sparkles. Proclaim:
“I align with the Moon on this night, to recharge my magickal birthright.
I align with the Moon on this night, to recharge my Witch’s Sight.
One and the same, me and the Moon. I am fully replenished by lunar boon.”
Removing a Curse on an Item
Self Possession: Soul Alignment
Planetary Power: Saturn
Psychic Ability: Clairvoyance and Clairtangency
Removing a curse or really negative energy from an item is usually less difficult than it sounds unless the person who cursed the item was an extremely skilled witch. Simply perform a soul alignment and conjure your Witch Fire. Attune to Saturn and hold the item in your hand envisioning it being engulfed in your Witch Fire. Now in your Witch Eye turn the fire from its electric blue color to a vibrant violet. The violet Witch Fire will burn away all curses, impurities, and negative energy attached to the item. In your Witch Eye see the flame burning the curse around the item to ash. See the ash being burned to nothing. While performing this, keep repeating the chant:
“The curse is lifted, the energy has shifted.”
If you feel that it’s yourself or another that has the curse upon them, you can perform this on the self or another instead of an object.
To Be Left Alone
Self Possession: Lower Self
Planetary Power: Saturn
Psychic Ability: Clairaudience
Sometimes you just want to be left alone and come across as threatening. This is one that I teach people to use when going through dangerous or sketchy neighborhoods or when they’re walking to their car alone late at night. In many ways this is the reverse version of Enticing Others. After tuning in to your Lower Self and attuning to Saturn, just conjure up the sound of the most vicious dog growling and barking extremely loudly. Hear that barking surrounding and engulfing your whole aura and really tune in to the sense that others shouldn’t mess with you.
Warding an Item
Self Possession: Middle Self
Planetary Power: Saturn
Psychic Ability: Clairtangency and Clairvoyance
Don’t want someone to touch a specific item of yours? Maybe it’s your journal or Book of Shadows. Sometimes protecting an item isn’t enough. Sometimes you want to make the item seem really unappealing to them if they touch it. For this one you want to combine it with the Psychic Password (exercise 47). The trick that I use to make things of mine that are important seem unappealing is to attune myself to Saturn and then hold the item and conjure the image of it growing thorns all around it, along with the feeling of being pricked by the thorns. Really conjure up the feeling of how bad it hurts to touch the item. Lock this feeling and imagery with your Psychic Password and use it to unlock the ward.