About the Series Editor

MICHAEL TEITELBAUM has been a writer and editor of children’s books for more than twenty-five years. He worked on staff as an editor at Golden Books, Grossett & Dunlap, and Macmillan. As a writer, Michael’s fiction work includes The Scary States of America, fifty short stories—one from each state—all about the paranormal, published by Random House; and The Very Hungry Zombie: A Parody, done with artist extraordinaire Jon Apple, published by Skyhorse. His nonfiction work includes Jackie Robinson: Champion for Equality, published by Sterling; The Baseball Hall of Fame, a two-volume encyclopedia, published by Grolier; Sports in America, 1980–89, published by Chelsea House; and Great Moments in Women’s Sports and Great Inventions: Radio and Television, both published by World Almanac Library. Michael lives with his wife, Sheleigah, and two talkative cats in the beautiful Catskill Mountains of upstate New York, where he and Sheleigah also host a music program on WIOX Community Radio.