Level One:
Let’s Get Cookin’

I developed the following recipes as a result of many trips to Europe, where I traveled through Italy and France. For example, the stuffed vegetables on this page-this page were inspired by my many visits to Saint-Tropez. I had them at a wonderful place called Café des Art, and then created a Somersize version, substituting mushrooms for bread crumbs in the filling—which I found was better than the original! When you prepare this recipe, you may find a substitute that’s even better than mine. I always cook with fresh herbs, vegetables, and olive oil. I prefer the taste of olive oil to butter, and so my cooking is more Tuscan-based than French-based.

These are meals I enjoy making for my family members (who love the taste of these foods that keep them trim and healthy), and they are suitable for entertaining the fussiest of guests. These dishes will serve as a blueprint for the delicious meals ahead of you. In no time you will be creating your own recipes, all the while marveling at your newly shaped body and wondering how you could possibly have ever eaten any other way. You’ll never feel deprived or hungry.

Good luck as you eat great and lose weight!