Sarah reluctantly loaded the kids into the car late on Sunday afternoon for a barbecue at Tom and Jeanette’s. She had a feeling she’d been invited primarily because of Travis. Jeanette was still conspiring to throw the two of them together, despite Sarah’s repeated claims that she wasn’t interested.

Of course, maybe she was reading things into the invitation. All of the Sweet Magnolias were supposed to be there, including Annie. Annie was also bringing her stepson, Trevor. There was even a chance Ty would make it over from Atlanta, if his home game ended early enough. The team had Monday off, so he’d promised to try. Along with Maddie’s kids and Helen’s little girl, the younger generation would be well represented, so it would be fun for Tommy and Libby.

Because the backyard at Jeanette’s had been turned into a spectacular garden, the kids and the men had been relegated to the front lawn to play. Libby and Tommy were welcomed, and immediately joined in the impromptu game of T-ball being played.

“We’ve got ’em covered,” Tom assured her. “Go on inside. The women are in the kitchen or maybe out on the back patio. We’ve been told to stay out from underfoot.”

Sarah glanced around, looking for Travis, but saw no sign of him. To her surprise, however, Walter was there. He waved a greeting but didn’t come over.

“Two questions,” she said, pulling Annie aside when she walked into the kitchen.

“I’ll bet I know one of them,” Annie said. “Walter’s here because he and my dad have suddenly become pals. I have no idea why.”

Jeanette apparently overheard them, because she grinned at Sarah. “And I’ll bet I know the other question. You want to know why Travis is missing.”

Embarrassed, Sarah flushed. “I never mentioned his name.”

Jeanette pinned her with an amused look. “Oh, then what was your question?”

She held up the salad she’d brought. “Where do you want me to put this?” she asked.

“On the table on the patio,” Jeanette said. “And even though you didn’t ask, I’ll tell you that Travis is in Charleston. He might make it back by dessert. He already knows the big news anyway.”

Her hint that the evening was more than a casual get-together took the edge off the news that Travis wouldn’t be here. Annie and Sarah both regarded Jeanette with curiosity.

“There’s big news?” Annie said.

Jeanette nodded. “But nobody finds out until later. I worked too hard on this meal. I want everyone to give it their full attention.”

Sarah’s gaze went to a plate piled high with burgers ready for the grill. If she knew anything about the men in this crowd, Tom had made those. “Yes, I can see how you’ve slaved.”

“And Sarah brought the salad,” Annie said. “And I brought corn on the cob. Mom brought appetizers, Helen and Erik brought dessert. What exactly did you do, Jeanette? Open the packages of hamburger rolls?”

“Very funny,” Jeanette said. “I cut up lots and lots of veggies, which are steaming in little foil-wrapped packets on the grill at this very moment. I also opened bags of chips. It was very tedious.”

“You poor thing,” Annie said, slipping an arm around her shoulder. “We feel for you. You probably need a margarita.”

Jeanette shook her head, her cheeks turning pink.

Annie’s gaze immediately shot to Sarah’s. “No margarita.”

“You’re pregnant,” Sarah guessed at once. It was the only thing that ever kept a Sweet Magnolia from their favorite drink.

The color in Jeanette’s cheeks deepened. “No comment. I promised my husband we’d make this announcement together.” But even as she spoke, the protective hand resting on her stomach told the story.

“Then let’s get this party started,” Annie said. “I’ll carry out the rest of these bowls. Sarah, you round up the kids and the men.”

Just as they went outside, Ty showed up. After scooping Trevor into his arms for a smacking kiss on the cheek, then releasing him, Ty dragged Annie off for a private greeting. She was flushed when they finally returned, and turned even redder when they were greeted with applause and taunts.

“Hey, I don’t get to see my husband that often,” she retorted, linking her arm possessively through Ty’s. “I intend to make the most of every minute. Deal with it.”

An hour later, with the sun dipping below the horizon and the garden awash with a golden glow, Tom stood up and pulled Jeanette to her feet beside him.

“We have news,” he said, his adoring gaze on his wife. “Jeanette and I are having a baby.”

Just as he made the announcement, Travis came through the gate, grabbed a beer from the cooler and slipped into the chair next to Sarah’s. She turned and caught an odd expression on his face, even as he lifted his bottle in the air to join in the toast proposed by Cal Maddox.

Sarah frowned. “You don’t look very excited about their news,” she said, noticing that though he’d gone through all the right motions, something about his reaction was off.

“I am,” he insisted. “I know how thrilled Tom is, and I couldn’t be happier for them.”

“Then what’s going on? You don’t look that happy.”

“Nothing worth talking about,” he said moodily.

“Come on, Travis. Don’t put a damper on their big moment.”

“How am I doing that? I just got here. I toasted them. What else am I supposed to do? Should I dance a little jig?”

She studied him with a puzzled expression. “Now you sound ticked off. What’s that about?”

“If I am, it’s because you’re making a big production out of my mood. I had a lousy day. Dealing with my folks is never a picnic. Seeing the two of them reminds me of why I’ve always been determined to stay single. Lately I’d almost forgotten how messed up relationships can get.”

His words cut right through Sarah. It wasn’t as if she’d ever looked far enough into the future to imagine a life with Travis. Not really. But apparently on some subconscious level, that hope had been buried inside her. Now he’d snatched it away fairly emphatically. If he’d truly reconsidered ever settling down, then what was she supposed to do with all these unvoiced feelings he stirred in her? Trying to figure it out depressed her more than she wanted to admit.

“Did something in particular happen today?” she asked, not quite able to make herself let it go.

“I spent the afternoon trying to calm my mother down because my father intends to marry a girl I used to date in college,” he said. “Is that twisted enough for you?”

She blinked at his response. “Okay, that must have been a little unsettling,” she admitted slowly. “Do you still have feelings for this woman?”

He looked horrified at the thought. “Good God, no! That’s not the point.”

“Then what is? Are you worried about getting along with your new stepmommy?” she asked, deliberately injecting a teasing note into her voice.

To her relief, his lips twitched. “I hadn’t thought of that. We got along well enough years ago.”

“I’m sure,” Sarah said wryly. “Look, at this stage of your life, what your father does has nothing to do with you.”

“I know that, but it does affect my mother. She’s all worked up over this. She expects me to fix it.”

“How are you planning to do that?”

“I’ve already planted a few little seeds about the importance of a prenuptial agreement. That definitely spoiled the glow for the bride-to-be.”

“You think she’s after your father’s money,” Sarah concluded, less shocked than she probably should have been. Maybe her own marriage had turned her into a cynic, after all.

“Seems like it.”

“Can’t your father look out for himself?”

“I always thought so, but after watching him tonight, I’m not so sure. Men can be fools in the hands of the right woman.”

“Is this more philosophy from the man who intends to remain single?”

“Based on fact,” he said.

“Based on the facts as you’ve observed them,” she contradicted. “I daresay there are many relationships in the world you haven’t seen. And if you want to take a look at one a bit closer to home, who would you say was the fool in my relationship with Walter, me or him?”

He scowled at the question, his gaze drawn to Walter, who was ignoring Libby’s pleas to be picked up. “Something tells me I should go with a no comment on that one.”

“Then I’ll answer it myself. I was the idiot,” she said. “I allowed him to demean me for way too long.”

“And even now that you’ve seen the light, you still let him get away with it,” Travis said.

When Sarah would have objected, he held up his hand. “I’ve seen it.”

“You’ve hardly ever seen us together,” she argued defensively, even though she knew what he was saying was true.

“Can you deny that there have been times when you’ll be saying and doing all the right things and the next time we talk you start questioning yourself?”

“Possibly,” she conceded.

“Well, every single time when I’ve asked you about the doubts, it’s gone back to some conversation you’ve had with Walter.”

“You’re wrong,” she said. “He’s been better.”

“Better doesn’t mean it never happens,” Travis countered. “Shall we get him over here and see how long it takes him to intimidate you?”

Sarah sighed, because she knew Travis was right. Walter could still send her into a tailspin. “No need for that,” she told Travis. “I’m working on it. I swear I am.”

“If it weren’t for your kids, I’d do whatever it took to get him out of town,” Travis said. “Having him here is not good for you. Watching the way he can still tie you up in knots makes me crazy.”

She was startled by his vehemence. “Why?”

“Because you’re better than that. Everyone knows it except you. I don’t know what it’s going to take to give you back your confidence. Maybe you need to be the one to tell him to leave or at least to straighten up and treat you with respect.”

“Honestly, Travis, he really has been trying. Most of the time we’ve been getting along okay, and when he does slip up, I’m standing up to him. Can we drop this, please?”

“Is that because you still want him in your life?”

“Not for myself, no,” she said adamantly. “That really would be self-destructive. But you said it yourself, I have to find some way to deal with him for Tommy and Libby’s sake. They adore him.”

“I can see that,” he said, nodding in their direction. Libby kept trying to scramble up into Walter’s lap, but he systematically set her back on her feet. He was clearly exasperated, though he seemed to be trying not to let it show too plainly.

Travis finally stood up and crossed the lawn in long strides. He scooped Libby into the air and set her on his shoulders. She was giggling and pulling his hair as he returned to the chair next to Sarah’s. Walter’s face flushed at the unspoken rebuke in Travis’s actions, but he kept silent.

“I’ll take her,” Sarah offered.

“Not a chance,” Travis said, sitting Libby on his knee. “This little girl is all mine, and I’m going to tickle her until she screams for mercy.” Libby dutifully squealed, the happy sound carrying across the lawn and earning another scowl from Walter.

“You’re deliberately baiting him,” Sarah said, trying to figure out why he’d bother. Was it some macho, territorial thing? She doubted it had anything to do with her, and probably not much to do with Libby.

“No, I’m doing what he should have done,” Travis said flatly. “I’m spending a little time with his daughter. Watching her beg for his attention was starting to break my heart.”

Though he made the comment in a flip tone, Sarah saw something in his eyes that stunned her. There was a real undercurrent of fury there that made her glad she’d never crossed Travis. For the first time, she realized that for all of his easy-going ways, he’d make a daunting enemy.

* * *

Mary Vaughn had known officially for a week now that she was pregnant, but she still hadn’t gotten over the shock. Not only had the three home pregnancy tests that Rory Sue had bought confirmed it, but so had her doctor. The hoped-for possibility of some kind of fluke, of not one but three false-positives had been ruled out. She was going to have a baby in about seven months. Oh, sweet heaven!

Now she had to tell her husband. She couldn’t put it off any longer. She’d decided to do it over dinner at Sullivan’s tonight. At least if Sonny passed right out, there’d be people around to help with CPR.

She’d spent all day Monday in a nervous daze. Even her clients had commented on the fact that she didn’t seem to be herself. Now she’d yanked everything out of her closet trying to find the perfect outfit for telling Sonny he was about to become a daddy again. Unfortunately, despite years of priding herself on her sense of fashion, she had no idea what to wear for an announcement that huge.

She finally opted for a simple black dress with a low-cut bodice. Not only was it a dress she probably wouldn’t be able to fit into in a few weeks, the display of cleavage might distract Sonny from the full shock of her news.

She arrived at Sullivan’s fifteen minutes ahead of time. She started to order a glass of wine to calm her nerves, then realized she couldn’t. That left her with a bad case of jitters and too much time on her hands.

When Sonny walked in, she tensed, even though the sight of him made her stomach all fluttery. Sometimes it hit her just how handsome he was, and just how lucky she was that he’d taken her back. He stopped several times en route to the table to speak to people, which gave her more time to study him, more time to panic.

“Hey, darlin’,” he said, dropping a discreet kiss on her cheek, then sliding into the booth next to her and giving her knee a much more intimate squeeze. “You look fabulous. What’s the occasion? I thought we were just grabbing a bite to eat.”

Mary Vaughn swallowed hard. “There’s something we need to talk about,” she said, her voice choked.

Sonny gave her a quizzical glance, then noticed her club soda. “What’s with the fizzy stuff? Don’t you want wine?”

“Not tonight.”

“A beer?”

She shook her head.

He studied her with a narrowed gaze. “The only time I’ve ever known you to turn down a drink was when…” His voice trailed off and his eyes widened with shock. “Holy crap! Are you pregnant?”

So much for the big announcement, Mary Vaughn thought, almost giddy with relief. She nodded, watching carefully for a clue about his reaction. He’d gone very still and just a little pale beneath his tan.

“Sonny? Are you okay? Are you in shock?” She picked up his glass. “Here, drink some water.”

He blinked and stared, his gaze going immediately to her stomach, then back up to meet her eyes. “A baby? We’re going to have a baby? How? When?”

She finally felt herself relaxing. At least he didn’t look horrified. A little bewildered, but not horrified.

“The usual way,” she told him, grinning. “And I think I can pinpoint when.” She reminded him about the afternoon she’d sold the space that was now the radio station. “The doctor figures I’m due in about seven months.”

Finally a full-fledged, genuine smile broke across his face. “This is the best news I’ve heard in I don’t even know how long! Are you okay? I mean, it’s not a problem that you’re…”

“Old?” Mary Vaughn offered wryly. “We’ll probably want to do some additional testing later on, but the doctor says I’m healthy and everything should progress without a hitch.”

Sonny yanked his cell phone out of his pocket. “We need to tell Rory Sue.”

She covered his hand. “Put that away. Rory Sue already knows. She was here when I had my first episode of morning sickness. She figured it out before I did. She even went out and bought a bunch of home pregnancy tests for me.”

“How’d she take it?”

“You know, at first she seemed a little thrown, but since then she’s kind of gotten into it. Ever since the doctor confirmed it last week, she’s been bugging me every day to tell you.”

“You’ve known for a week?”

She nodded. “Don’t be mad. I needed to get used to the idea, I guess. Figure out the best way to tell you. The amazing part is that I never had to say a word. You just knew.”

“Wild guess,” he insisted. “I never really imagined…”

She squeezed his hand. “I know. Neither did I, but it’s okay, right? You’re happy?”

“I can’t even imagine anything that would make me happier.”

“It’s going to mean middle-of-the-night feedings and changing diapers and preschool, then science fairs, and eventually all that teen angst. Do you think we’re up to dealing with all that again?”

“Hey, we can do anything. We did it before.”

“Yes, but that was over twenty years ago.”

“Doesn’t matter. We’ll get help, if we need it.”

Mary Vaughn saw the excitement in his eyes, the love that shone whenever he looked at her. “Do you have any idea how remarkable you are, Sonny Lewis?”

“I do when you look at me like that,” he said quietly.

“I’m sorry it took me so long to figure it out,” she told him, not for the first time.

“Darlin’, now’s all that matters. And you and me, we’re having a baby! It just doesn’t get any better than that.”

* * *

Even though he was on the air until late at night and rarely got to sleep before two in the morning, Travis found himself waking to listen to Sarah in the morning. Lying in bed with the sound of her sweet voice washing over him was torture. If he closed his eyes, he could imagine her right here beside him, the two of them intimately tangled together in the hot, sweaty aftermath of sex. It was starting to drive him a little nuts.

Then, again, lately everything was getting on his nerves. Tom and Jeanette were so happy, it was hard to be in the same room with them. His father was stubbornly going ahead with his wedding plans. And his mother had stopped bitterly complaining and now spoke in the resigned tone of the recently bereaved.

The only thing he could think to do that would change his circumstances was to move out of Tom and Jeanette’s and into a place of his own. In sheer desperation, he’d even considered a move to the Serenity Inn, but that suggested a lack of permanence, something he thought might impact the way people viewed the radio station. After all, why support a business when the owner wasn’t even a real part of the community?

He spent several days with Mary Vaughn Lewis looking at town houses and the few condos that had sprung up outside of town. They had the advantage of being new with little need for upkeep, but to his surprise, he realized he wanted a real home. He wasn’t sure why he yearned for a house, when up until now any four walls would do.

After the tenth walk-through listening to Mary Vaughn chat up granite countertops and walk-in closets, he finally said enough. “This isn’t what I want,” he told her.

“But you said you wanted something small with no upkeep,” she said, regarding him with bewilderment.

“I know. It’s not your fault. I guess I didn’t realize what I wanted until I spent so much time looking at what I don’t want. These little cookie-cutter places aren’t doing it for me.”

“You want a house,” she concluded. “I can do that. Do we need to go through another process of elimination, or do you know what kind you’d like to see?”

He laughed because she said it so cheerfully, without the faintest hint of impatience or resignation. “You’re a trouper, you know that?”

“So they tell me, but I hope you’ll make a decision before I go into labor seven months from now.”

He regarded her with surprise. “You’re pregnant? What’s going on in this town? Is it catching? Jeanette is, too.”

She laughed. “I know, but at least she’s not going to be as old as the grannies most of the other kids have. I should not be having a baby at my age.”

“But you’re ecstatic, just the same. I can tell.”

“Actually, I am, and Sonny is over the moon. I think Howard would have posters printed up with the announcement, if we let him.”

“Don’t let him,” Travis said. “It’ll give Tom ideas. Jeanette’s already worried he’s going to come on the air at the radio station one day to announce it. She’s made me swear I won’t let him near a microphone.”

“I think it’s kind of sweet the way all these men are so excited. I doubt they’d feel that way if they were the ones with morning sickness, though. Which reminds me, if we’re going to look at houses, we should get to it. My morning sickness tends to kick in around noon, which means this baby is going to be as perverse as his or her granddaddy.”

“We can wait and start tomorrow,” Travis said.

“Nope. I want to show you two houses right now. They’re at opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of style. Your reaction will give me some idea of what I need to zero in on.”

The first was in a new development on the outskirts of town. Though the lots were large, the houses overwhelmed them. All of the trees that might have offered shade or charm had been ripped out during construction. Travis refused to even leave the car.

“This isn’t it,” he said, waving her on.

“Okay, then, we’ll stick to Serenity proper. How do you feel about Tom and Jeanette’s house? I sold it to her, you know. In fact, she stole it right out from under Tom, and he didn’t utter a single protest. That’s when I knew they’d wind up living there together.”

“I love their house,” he admitted, “but I doubt they’ll let me have it.”

She chuckled. “But you do like the cozy little cottage style?”

He nodded. It felt like a real home, not like the mansion he’d grown up in or the sterile places he’d lived while he’d played ball. He wanted a house where he could envision raising a family, which was ironic since he had no intention of ever having one.

“Then I know just the place,” she said, “but I won’t be able to show it to you until tomorrow. The owner’s still living in it, and I need to schedule appointments a day in advance. She hates being there when people are walking through. She says it makes her sad to think of moving away.”

“Then why is she going?”

“Her son’s made arrangements for her to move to an assisted living facility closer to him. Even though she hates the idea, she doesn’t want to fight him on it. Of all her family, he’s the only one who lives nearby. She tends to listen to him.”

Travis bristled. “He shouldn’t be forcing her to do something if she’s going to be miserable.”

“She’s eighty-two. Managing a house is getting to be too much for her. It’s sad, but that’s reality,” Mary Vaughn said. “Do you still want to see the house tomorrow?”

He nodded. “Where will she go when we come by?”

“To play cards at the senior citizens’ center. She and her friends play gin rummy.”

At least she was still active, he thought. And had friends. In her eighties, that was something.

He told Mary Vaughn to schedule the appointment for ten-thirty, then vowed to tell Sarah about the senior center. Some of the members might make great interviews. Heck, maybe he’d go by himself. They could even do a remote from the center one day, he thought, excited about the idea. He’d never really known his own grandparents, so he liked listening to the older generation talk about the way things used to be.

As he headed for the station, he thought about the way he was becoming a part of Serenity bit by bit. He cared about the community. He liked the people in it. It should have felt like home, or the way he’d always imagined home should feel.

However, even he knew something was missing. Worse, he suspected it was more than just owning a house. And he was very much afraid that even though that something might be within reach, he wasn’t going to be brave enough to try to grab it.