Rory Sue stood defiantly in the middle of the office at the radio station, hands on hips, eyes flashing. Her posture and the drape of her dress made her look like some kind of goddess, Walter thought. A very angry goddess. He had to admit the sight was impressive.

“You are not putting this off one more minute, Walter Price. I found the perfect house for you, and you keep making excuses not to see it. What is your problem?”

Walter wished he could explain it. At first he’d avoided all the appointments Rory Sue tried to schedule because he hadn’t wanted to give in yet again to the kind of reckless passion she stirred up in him. Lately, though, it was something else. He hadn’t been able to put a name to it.

When he remained silent, she heaved a sigh and sat down in a swivel chair and propelled herself across the room until they were sitting knee to knee. He wanted to back away because he couldn’t think straight when she was that close, but there was no place to go.

“Talk to me,” she said, her voice gentler and less demanding. “I thought we were getting close. That night we spent together was amazing, but you’ve been avoiding being alone with me ever since.”

“I took you to the Fourth of July picnic,” he reminded her, recalling the shock on Sarah’s face when the two of them had arrived together. Apparently Raylene hadn’t bothered to mention the invitation to her. Though it had posed an awkward moment, it was probably better that she hadn’t been given a chance to nix the idea.

Rory Sue didn’t seem to be impressed with his gesture. She rolled her eyes. “And then you spent the entire day as far away from me as you could possibly get. Is that because of the way Sarah reacted? She’s your ex-wife, for goodness’ sakes. Her opinion shouldn’t count anymore.”

“It’s not about that. I wanted you to spend time with Sarah, Raylene and Annie. You need friends.”

She regarded him incredulously. “You were treating the barbecue like some kind of grown-up playdate?”

He winced at the accusation. It sounded stupid when she put it that way. In fact, it sounded patronizing. “Sorry. I was trying to help. You’ve said before that you don’t have a lot of friends, particularly women friends.”

“So you figured you needed to rush in and fix that? I don’t need a knight in shining armor, Walter. I just want someone I connect with emotionally and physically.” She studied him thoughtfully. “Or was this another way to avoid spending time with me yourself? Did you decide you’re not interested, after all?”

“Of course not,” he said, regretting it the instant the words left his lips, because of the way her expression immediately brightened. He sighed. “I was just trying to help. That’s all.”

“Okay, maybe I get that you meant well that day, but what about since then? Why have you been avoiding me? You can tell me if you’ve changed your mind about the house, or even about me, for that matter.” She gave him a wicked grin. “But I don’t think I’m the problem.”

“Actually you are,” he said, deciding he had no choice but to be candid. His excuses were only making a mess of things.

She backed away so fast, she nearly tilted over. “Me?” she said, looking hurt. “What did I do?”

Walter took a deep breath, then said, “You’ve stirred up some feelings in me that I really don’t want to have.”

“You don’t want to have sex? Mind-blowing sex, I might add.”

He allowed himself a grin at her incredulous expression. “No, I definitely want to have sex. I just don’t want it to matter quite so much.”

In fact, if he had to put a name to his behavior, it would be fear. He was terrified he was getting in too deep way too fast, just the way he had with Sarah. He suspected if he and Sarah had had time to think things through, a lot of their decisions would have been different. Not that Sarah was impulsive or free-spirited like Rory Sue. They were opposites, in fact, but he was still the same guy who got sex and love all tangled up in his head and thought it all should be forever.

Rory Sue looked bewildered. “I thought we were just having a casual fling.”

“You see, that’s the thing,” he said. “I don’t do casual flings. I get involved. It’s the way I was brought up.”

“And you never once rebelled? You never figured out you can sleep with someone just for fun?”

“Apparently not.” Respect for women had been ingrained in him. It was ironic, really, given the lack of respect his parents and, ultimately, he had shown for Sarah.

It looked as if understanding was beginning to dawn for Rory Sue, because there was a faint hint of the same panic he felt in her eyes.

“And you think you’re getting too emotionally involved with me?” she said, as if trying to be clear.

“Afraid so.”

“I see,” she said slowly. “But what does that have to do with looking at houses?”

“Remember how anxious I was to get out of that last place you showed me?”

“Sure. I thought you just hated the wallpaper. It was a little freaky.”

He grinned as he recalled the formal, dark brown, flocked wallpaper that made every room look closed in and depressing. “I did, but despite that, I kept imagining the two of us living there. I could practically see you in the kitchen cooking dinner when I got home from work.”

“Then your imagination definitely needs to be reined in,” she said with a shudder. “I don’t cook, at least not anything that can’t be nuked.”

He chuckled at her horrified expression. “Yes, I’ve gathered that, which just shows how delusional I can be.”

“Now, if you were getting any wild ideas about me in the bedroom, that would be different,” she teased.

“Believe me, I could envision us in there, too, and in that big old tub in the bathroom, and pretty much everywhere I looked.”

“I think I’m beginning to see the problem,” she told him, amusement lurking in her eyes. “How about this? Today I’ll just wait in the car. You can walk through the house all by yourself.”

“I don’t think that’s going to solve anything,” he said. “You’re still going to be in my head.” In fact, she was in his head so much and so vividly, he couldn’t sleep.

“Well, we need to figure out something, because this house is perfect for you. In fact, if it weren’t so perfect for you, I’d buy it myself.”

He stared at her. “That is the last thing you should have said. Now I really will envision you in every room. Maybe you should just buy it. If you have your own place and I can think about you there, maybe I won’t see you in every room of the houses you’re showing me.”

“Even I know that’s wishful thinking,” she said. Her tone turned brisk. “Come on, Walter, suck it up. Focus on Tommy and Libby. You want them to have a great place, don’t you? They have to be sick to death of visiting you at the Serenity Inn. There’s no room to play there, and this house has an amazing backyard. It even has an old tire swing hanging from a tree and room enough for Libby to practice T-ball.”

“Tommy’s the one—” he started to say, but she cut him off with a sharp look that reminded him a lot of both Sarah and Raylene.

“Haven’t you noticed yet that your daughter is determined to please you?” she asked with a touch of impatience. “Even I, without a single maternal bone in my body, can see she’s dying to get better at T-ball so you’ll notice her.”

All of her arguments—about Tommy and Libby and about the house—made sense. This place did sound ideal for his family. He stood up. “Let’s go,” he said grimly. “You’ll stay in the car.”

“If that’s what it takes,” she agreed.

What the heck! It might work.

At least until he got to the bedrooms.

* * *

When Carter stopped by Wharton’s for a burger in the middle of his shift, Grace was so busy, she barely spared him a glance, much less her usual chatty greeting.

“Cheeseburger, fries and regular iced tea?” she said as she passed by with an armload of meals for another table.

“That’ll do,” Carter said, relieved that he hadn’t had his heart set on something else. Clearly she was distracted and out of patience.

By the time she returned with his meal, the pace had settled down a bit and she took time to look him over.

“You look about worn out,” she said. “Busy day? I haven’t heard about any trouble.”

“And you would know, wouldn’t you?” he teased. “No, it’s been quiet. I just have a lot on my mind.”

“Those sisters of yours probably give you quite a time, don’t they?” she said, squeezing into the booth opposite him, her expression compassionate. “Every teenager in town comes through here at one time or another during the week, so I know them all.”

Something in her voice suggested to Carter that there was more on her mind. “The girls haven’t given you any kind of a problem, have they?” He couldn’t help thinking about kids who turned to shoplifting as a cry for attention or just for a lark.

“Heavens, no! Not the way you mean,” she said, obviously guessing his meaning at once. “I have noticed that the older girl—Carrie, isn’t it?—she doesn’t eat much. I probably wouldn’t pay any attention, but after what happened with Annie all those years ago, I’m more alert to that kind of thing with the teenage girls who come in here regularly. Just thought you should know.”

“I appreciate you taking an interest,” Carter told her.

“You know, I could use some extra help in here this summer, if she’s looking for something to do to earn a little money. I could maybe keep an eye on her at the same time. Maybe she’ll open up to me.”

Carter regarded her with gratitude. “That’s a very generous offer, Grace. I appreciate it. I’ll mention it to Carrie.”

“You do that,” Grace said, standing up. “Now eat your burger before it gets cold. I have customers who are starting to look a little antsy. Better see what they need.”

Carter chewed his burger thoughtfully. He didn’t know yet just how serious Carrie’s problem might be, but it seemed if she was in trouble, they couldn’t be living in a better, more caring place. He doubted his sister would think much of all the well-meant meddling, but he did. It reassured him that he’d made the right decision moving here.

* * *

After having a houseful of people on the Fourth of July and an appointment with Dr. McDaniels the day before, the peace and quiet the next day were making Raylene a little stir-crazy. With Sarah, Travis and the kids all out of the house on an overnight trip to Myrtle Beach, the silence felt oppressive. Worse, she hadn’t heard a word from Carter. The fact that it mattered after all those rational arguments she’d given him for not moving their relationship to the next level really annoyed her.

On top of that, ever since she’d heard the news about Paul, she’d been jumpier than ever. He might not be out of prison yet, but he might as well be for the way her nerves were shot. The slightest noise rattled her.

Earlier she’d tried going to bed, but she hadn’t been able to settle down, so she’d pulled on an old robe and gone back into the living room. She’d turned on every light, fixed herself a glass of wine and found a book she hoped would be so dull it would knock her right out. None of that had worked either.

It was closing in on midnight when the doorbell rang, scaring her so badly she knocked over what was left of her wine.

She crossed the living room slowly, regretting that there was no peephole to indicate who was on the other side of the door.

“Who’s there?” she called out, trying not to let her voice shake.


She threw open the door and had to resist the desire to throw herself straight into his arms. He looked so solid and reassuring in his uniform, and way too sexy for this hour of the night.

“You’re on duty,” she said, stepping aside to let him in.

“Just got off,” he responded. “I was driving past and saw every light in the house on. I thought there might be a problem.”

She regarded him sheepishly. “Sarah and Travis took the kids to Myrtle Beach. I got jumpy.”

“Why didn’t you call me?”

“And say what, that I’m too chicken to be left alone in the house at my age?”

“Or just that you wouldn’t mind some company,” he said. “That would be enough to get me over here.”

“But this way I didn’t have to humiliate myself by saying a word,” she said.

He shook his head. “That pride of yours is going to get you in trouble one of these days.” He spotted the wineglass on its side. “Did the drink help?”

“Most of it’s on the floor,” she told him. “But what I did drink didn’t do a thing to mellow me out.”

“How about a cup of chamomile tea? My mother used to swear by that.”

“I think there’s some in the kitchen,” she said, leading the way. “My mother was a warm-milk person, but to be honest, I’m pretty sure she laced it with booze.”

“We could go that route, too,” he said, but Raylene shook her head.

She found the tea bags for him, while he put water on to boil.

“Are you wide awake just because you’re alone in the house, or do you have something on your mind?” he asked as he poured boiling water over the tea bag, then handed her the cup.

“Mostly Paul,” she said.

“Want to talk about it?”

“Then I’ll never get to sleep. Tell me about your day, instead.” She sat across from him and sipped her tea, while he drank a beer he’d snagged from the refrigerator. She liked that he’d started to feel comfortable here, that he knew his way around. There was an intimacy to his actions that somehow warmed her. She could envision a future of nights just like this.

When he told her about his fight with Carrie, and then Grace’s observations and her offer to give Carrie a job, Raylene smiled.

“Grace means well, but do you really think a girl with food issues is going to want to work waiting on tables?”

“Probably not, but don’t you think it’s better than having her sit around at home all summer? She needs to do something, make some friends, maybe even earn her own money so she can feel a little independent. Don’t you think that might help with her self-confidence?”

Raylene thought about it. “I hadn’t looked at it that way. It might. Anyway, it should be her decision, not mine. Carrie might love the idea. Just don’t be too disappointed if she doesn’t.” She hesitated, then added, “If she doesn’t, I might have an idea of my own.”


“Dr. McDaniels is encouraging me to spend more time in the garden. She’s going to stay out there with me on her next visit, but after that she thinks I should try doing it on my own. I was thinking it might be easier if I got someone to help me work out there. I thought of Carrie—that is, if you don’t think Mandy would feel left out. She could always come along.”

“I’ll handle Mandy.” Carter’s lips curved. “This isn’t really about a summer job at all, is it? You’re hoping Carrie might open up to you.”

She nodded. “Maybe it’s crazy to think that something so simple would form a bond between us, but I thought it was worth a try.”

“It definitely is,” Carter agreed. “I like the idea of her spending time here with you.”

“Well, don’t push this idea on her, either. Tell her about Grace’s offer and mine, but give her the option of choosing.” She yawned before she could stop herself.

Carter chuckled. “Getting sleepy?”

“I think I am. You being here helped to relax me.”

“Why don’t you curl up on the sofa. I’ll stick around till you fall asleep.”

“You don’t have to do that. I’m sure you want to get home to the girls.”

“They’re fine. I called and checked on them right before I stopped here.” He winked at her. “Besides, since I won’t be getting into your bed anytime soon, this will be the next best thing.”

Raylene suddenly wanted more. Maybe she wasn’t ready for an all-out affair, but just having him nearby wasn’t enough.

“How about you sit on the sofa with me?” she suggested, then added tentatively, “I think I’d like to fall asleep in your arms.” As an innocent teenager, she’d imagined the joy and intimacy of that, but her reality had been very different. Most nights she’d lain awake, terrified that Paul would wake and force himself on her. There was never any tenderness in their relationship, not even when they were making love.

Carter looked momentarily surprised by her suggestion, then grinned. “Works for me.”

“I’m not asking too much of you, am I?” she asked worriedly. “It’s not as if that’s going to lead to something more, not tonight anyway.”

“I’ll let you know if something’s too much,” he promised. “This seems like the perfect next step.”

He sat at the end of the sofa and Raylene rested her head on his shoulder. His arms came around her oh so carefully, surrounding her with his warmth. Something in his relaxed embrace reassured her that she could get free if she wanted to. After a few hesitant moments, she felt the last of the night’s tension flowing out of her.

When her eyes eventually drifted closed, for the first time ever she felt a hundred percent safe in a man’s arms.

* * *

Carter’s arms had fallen asleep and his legs were cramped, but he couldn’t bring himself to move. Holding Raylene meant too much to shatter the intimacy by trying to get more comfortable. His heart ached with the understanding of just how much faith she’d put in him by letting him be this close.

She stirred. Her eyes opened slightly, then blinked.

“Carter? You’re still here?” She sat up straight, looking suddenly disconcerted as she realized sun was streaming in the windows. “It’s morning. You were here all night?”

“I didn’t want to leave you alone. Besides, you seemed so comfortable, I didn’t want to risk waking you.”

“What about you? Did you sleep at all?”

“A little,” he said, but he didn’t meet her eyes.

“Meaning you closed your eyes for about five seconds,” she guessed. “You should go home and get some real sleep before you go back on duty.”

“To be honest, I never sleep all that well during the day. I’ll just drink plenty of coffee today. I’ll be fine.”

She stood up. “Let me put the coffee on and then take a quick shower. After that, I can fix you a decent breakfast.”

“I should go home and check on things.”

“Will the girls be up at this hour? It’s barely seven.”

“No,” he admitted. “They’re slugs once school is out. They won’t be up for hours.”

“Then please stay.”

It sounded so important to her—and he wanted so badly to grab every minute he could to be with her—he didn’t resist. “Okay, but let me get the coffee started while you get dressed.” He risked looking directly at her. “You are planning to get dressed, right?”

She smiled at the question. “You scared I’m going to come back in here wearing some kind of sexy negligee?”

“Actually, I’m already a little turned on just by you in that robe. I keep trying to imagine what’s under it.”

“I think maybe I’d better not answer that,” she said in a way that hinted she might be wearing very little. She tightened the belt self-consciously.

Just his luck, he thought. He’d been holding a half-dressed woman in his arms all night long and he hadn’t done a thing about it. Maybe he had some saintly attributes, after all.

“I don’t suppose you want some company in the shower?” he asked, a hopeful note in his voice.

She laughed. “Nice try, but we agreed to keep things casual and friendly.”

“There’s nothing friendlier than showering together,” he retorted.

“What am I going to do with you?” she murmured.

“Nothing, apparently,” he said with not entirely exaggerated dismay.

He watched her walk out of the room, hips swaying provocatively. He wondered if she was deliberately taunting him, but he doubted it. Because of her past, he thought she’d be very careful about risking him making a move for which she wasn’t entirely ready. He couldn’t help wondering, though, if he was crazy for thinking that she’d ever be ready for the kind of relationship he was wanting more and more every time he saw her.

* * *

With her cheeks still pink every time she thought about the heat in Carter’s eyes and the desire she’d heard in his voice, Raylene had to resist the urge to dress in the most sedate outfit in her closet. Not that she had all that many. Her preferences had always run to clothes that emphasized her curves without being slutty. Lately, though, she’d been living in the same old jeans—designer label though they were—and whatever blouse she grabbed out of her closet. Now that she was living on the modest income awarded to her by the court from Paul’s savings, she was embarrassed to think how casually she’d thrown away money on expensive clothes.

Today she took the time to find a pair of linen slacks and a pale pink sleeveless shell that had cost more than her current monthly income. She even added a touch of lipstick and fluffed her hair before going back downstairs to join Carter.

He studied her intently when she walked into the kitchen. “You look different.”

“Different how?”

“Lady of the manor?” he suggested, his expression quizzical. “Like someone in that fancy magazine, what’s it called, Town and Country.”

“Do you spend a lot of time looking at Town and Country?” she asked, amused.

“No, but my mother did. I think she secretly aspired to be one of those women who went to polo matches and lived on a country estate.”

“Mine certainly did,” Raylene admitted. “She wasn’t happy being in Serenity. I think she got all caught up in the romance when she met my dad. It helped that her parents hated him. She was obviously in her rebellious phase and nothing would do but marrying him. Then reality set in. It was kind of sad for both of them, I think. My dad was a great guy and smart enough to know he could never make her completely happy.”

“Is that how you wound up with a guy like Paul Hammond? You decided to go for someone the opposite of your dad, the kind of man your mom should have married?”

“I never thought of it that way, but you’re right. I met him at my debutante ball. My mother and her parents were very impressed with his family connections and the fact that he was going to be a doctor. It didn’t seem to bother them that he was older and that I was way too young to be making such a huge commitment. I was a little in awe of the life he could offer me.” She met Carter’s gaze. “Pretty shallow, huh?”

“I’d say pretty normal for a girl who was, what? Seventeen?”

“Sixteen, when we first met. We married as soon as I graduated from high school. I’d barely turned eighteen.”

“How long before the problems started?”

“If I’m being honest, they started before the wedding, but I was too naive to realize that the way he wanted to control me wasn’t about love. It was about power and jealousy. If he called and I wasn’t there, he flipped out. He’d accuse me of cheating on him. I actually thought it was amazing that he loved me that much.”

“And no one in your family spotted the warning signs?”

“He hid them around my family. He was always the perfect gentleman, totally solicitous with them. They thought he was wonderful. And I loved him so much, I didn’t want them to know about this dark side that popped up from time to time, so I never said a word against him. Later, when things were really bad, my mother refused to believe it.”

Carter shook his head. “So you had no one on your side?”

“I think maybe my father would have been, but I didn’t want to tell him. Maybe I just couldn’t bear the thought that he might side with my mother. I would have been so disillusioned if he had.” She shook her head at how mixed up everything had been back then. “And then my dad died, and I was relieved that I’d never burdened him with my problems. He died thinking I was happily settled with someone who’d always take care of me.”

“What about Sarah or Annie?”

“I’d pretty much ended my friendship with them when I left for private school. In retrospect, I know I could have gone to them at any time. They certainly didn’t hesitate to help when I finally did turn to them, but for a long time I was too embarrassed to admit to anyone what a terrible mistake I’d made.”

“That’s pretty common,” Carter said. “Men who are abusive like to isolate their wives or girlfriends, make them think they’re the cause of all the problems.”

Raylene nodded. “Before I started seeing Dr. McDaniels, when I thought I could conquer all my problems on my own, I read a lot of books and a ton of articles online. I could see myself practically on every page. That was when I finally stopped feeling so alone and downright stupid.”

“I’m so sorry you went through all that,” Carter said. “You didn’t deserve it.”

“No, I didn’t,” Raylene agreed. “But for way too long I thought I did. I thought it was payback for being young and foolish and, let’s face it, a little greedy. I wanted what Paul could offer me—the big house, the fancy clothes, the expensive car. It’s taken a long time to adjust my thinking. Not only did I have to accept that no matter how selfish and immature I was, I didn’t deserve to be abused, but I had to grow up and realize that none of those material things matter.”

“Tough lessons,” he said.

“They were for me.” She met his gaze. “Carrie and Mandy are so lucky to have grown up with someone like you in their lives. They know how a decent man behaves. They won’t settle for less.”

Carter flushed at the compliment. “Don’t make me into any kind of hero, Raylene. I’ve made plenty of mistakes.”

“Not the kind that count,” she said with certainty. “Even if you weren’t wearing that uniform, I’d know you were one of the good guys. It’s in everything you do, in the way you care about them and about everyone else. I knew it that day you brought Tommy home. Even though I could feel your anger radiating at me for letting him slip away, what I saw was how much you cared about that little boy.”

He held her gaze. “We’ve come a long way since then,” he said quietly.

“I know, and I’m really glad about that,” she said. “I just wish I knew if we’ll ever be able to go any further.”

“We will,” Carter said firmly. “Count on it. I certainly intend to.”

Raylene wanted so badly to believe he was right, but about a million doubts crowded in, shouting so loudly she couldn’t ignore them. Maybe a few years ago, before Paul, she could have had more faith. As it was, though, she’d long since stopped believing in fairy tales and happily-ever-afters.