
Abraham, 11, 40, 46, 65, 183–94, 196–98, 200, 202–3, 231, 242–43, 252, 261, 280, 297–99, 310, 317

Abraham of Smolensk, 299

Albertus Magnus, 252, 313

Alcibiades, 181, 318, 326

Alexander of Hales, 240

Alexander the Great, 71, 125

Anaxagoras, 74, 98, 101

Anselm, St., 217, 225, 228–29, 233, 265, 299

Aquinas, St. Thomas, 106, 108, 213, 223, 228–31, 234, 237, 239–40, 242, 249–50, 252, 258, 260, 262, 313, 354

Aristotle, 14, 36, 52–54, 60, 62, 69, 71–77, 79, 80, 82–94, 96–98, 100–102, 105–7, 111, 122, 125–26, 135–36, 139–42, 144–45, 153, 161, 166–67, 190–91, 204, 212–13, 230–35, 237–39, 242, 244, 246, 248–53, 255, 257, 260–61, 267–68, 273, 276, 279, 283, 295, 301–4, 309, 312, 314, 325, 327, 330, 354, 355

Athanasius the Great, 230

Augustine, 33, 41, 95, 106, 210, 217–19, 223, 228–29, 232, 240, 248, 250, 258–60, 262, 264–65, 273, 276–77, 325, 353–55

Aurelius, Marcus, 171

Baranov, Natalie, 21, 348–49

Barrett, William, 27

Baudelaire, Charles, 28

Bayle, Pierre, 53, 275–76

Berdyaev, Nikolai, 25, 28–30, 32–33, 46, 334–36, 342

Bernard de Clairvaux, St., 179

Boethius, 235–36, 252

Bonaventura, St., 230, 233–34, 240

Brandes, Georg, 28–29, 332–33, 357

Bruno, Giordano, 312

Bulgakov, Sergei, 25, 28, 32, 35, 334, 336, 348

Calvin, John, 44, 90, 123, 326–27

Camus, Albert, 1, 18–19, 25–26, 348

Celsus, 109, 233, 243

Chekhov, Anton, 8, 18–19, 30–31, 312, 335, 337, 348, 358

Chrysippus, 236, 254

Cicero, 79

Cleanthes, 79, 83, 124

Clement of Alexandria, 210, 215, 224, 243, 269, 352

Cynicism, Cynics, 79, 82, 232, 245, 300, 309

Derzhavin, Gavrila, 305

Damian, St. Peter, 11, 16, 37, 62, 218, 234, 238–40, 251, 271, 279, 353

Descartes, René, 16, 52–55, 61, 71, 82, 94–95, 136, 145, 170, 186, 210–11, 213–14, 222, 237–40, 242, 255, 271–77, 290, 291, 307, 339, 350

de Wulf, M., 267, 354

Diaghilev, Sergei, 29, 334

Dilthey, Wilhelm, 79, 143

Dionysus the Areopagite, 260

Dostoevsky, Feodor, 2, 4, 8–9, 17–19, 29–31, 33–34, 37, 247–48, 250–51, 255, 261, 263, 265, 268, 279, 304, 316, 321–22, 334–35, 337–39, 341–42, 346, 350, 354, 357

Duns Scotus, John, 16, 63, 106, 217–19, 222–23, 225–27, 231, 237, 240–41, 249, 251, 257, 271–72, 313, 353, 355

Eckhardt, Meister, 297

Eliade, Mircea, 43

Epictetus, 69, 83, 85, 88–90, 94, 97, 101, 111, 122, 126, 249, 254, 259, 351

Epicurus, Epicureans, 124

Erasmus, 148, 162

Fauré, Gabriel, 28

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 115, 120, 130, 162–63, 296

Fondane, Benjamin, 3, 18–19, 35, 339, 342, 345–49

Francis of Assisi, St., 240, 263

Gaultier, Jules de, 25, 339, 342, 357

Gershenson, Michael, 32

Gilson, Etienne, 15, 62–63, 209–12, 214–15, 217–20, 227–9, 231–34, 237–39, 241–42, 244, 248, 250, 253–54, 256, 258–59, 261, 264, 266–69, 276, 278, 280, 341, 353, 355

Gnostics, Gnosticism, 216

Harnack, Adolf von, 3, 215, 230, 336, 355

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 5, 13, 30, 34, 40, 57, 63, 79, 107–17, 119–21, 123–26, 129–37, 139–41, 143, 145, 152, 154, 160, 162–63, 165–66, 171, 174, 182, 187, 189, 193, 195–96, 198–99, 210, 216–17, 228, 232, 242, 245, 256, 274, 277–79, 284–85, 296, 299, 313, 351, 353

Heidegger, Martin, 12–13, 33–34, 341, 345, 347

Heine, Heinrich, 300

Heraclitus, 42, 74, 83, 100, 138, 140, 233–34, 311

Herz, Marcus, 55, 328

Hofmannsthal, Hugo van, 33

Homer, 62, 232, 242, 255, 316

Hugo of St. Victor, 225

Hume, David, 75–77, 132, 273, 291

Husserl, Edmund, 1, 3, 8, 12–13, 15–18, 33–35, 39, 42, 323, 337, 340–42, 346–47

Ibsen, Henrik, 26, 30

Isaiah, 10, 65, 138, 157, 220–21, 229, 241–42, 247, 263

Israeli, Isaac, 244

Ivanov, Vyatcheslav, 32, 336–37

Ivanov-Razumnik, Razumnik, 335

Jeremiah, 153, 246

Jerome, St., 353

Jesus, 10, 125, 220, 245

Kant, Immanuel, 1, 12, 30, 40, 52–58, 60–61, 63, 75–77, 86–87, 102, 110–26, 130–36, 143, 148, 161–63, 167, 204, 210–11, 213, 216–17, 242, 248–49, 265, 273–74, 276, 284–86, 290, 292, 296, 298, 308, 318, 320, 322, 327–30, 340, 350–51

Kierkegaard, Søren, 3–5, 11–15, 19, 29, 34, 44, 64, 66–67, 143, 164, 177–206, 252, 268–69, 279–80, 341–42, 347, 351–54, 359

Koteliansky, S. S., 30, 345, 358

Lawrence, D. H., 4, 18–19, 25, 30–31, 338, 345, 358

Leibniz, Gotfried Wilhelm, 52–58, 60–63, 65, 114, 130, 144, 148, 170, 210–11, 213–14, 221, 234, 255, 274–76, 277–79, 284, 350, 354

Lenin, Nikolai, 295

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 210, 226, 241

Levin, David, 29

Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien, 25, 33, 340, 342, 346

Locke, John, 130

Lowtzky, Herman, 27–28, 32, 348

Loyola, St. Ignatius, 41

Luther, Martin, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14–16, 33–34, 41, 65, 67, 115, 143, 148–49, 153–54, 157–68, 171–75, 178–79, 182–84, 186, 196, 198, 201, 204–5, 229–30, 267–71, 279, 327, 336, 346, 355, 359

Malebranche, Nicolas, 148, 211

Mann, Thomas, 18, 33

Matthew of Aquasparta, 230

Merezhkovsky, Dmitri, 29

Mirsky, D. S., 26

Montaigne, Michel, 352

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 317

Murry, John Middleton, 18, 25, 31, 337, 358

Musset, Alfred de, 28

Nicholas of Cusa, 105, 146–47, 309

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 1, 4–5, 7, 10–12, 14, 19, 26, 29, 33–34, 41, 45, 64, 67, 163–72, 174–82, 184, 186–89, 191, 194–95, 200, 204–6, 225, 258, 261, 265, 278–79, 304, 326, 330, 333–34, 340, 357–58

Ocampo, Victoria, 345, 349

Occam, William of, 16, 222–23, 225–27, 231, 237, 241, 313–14, 316

Parmenides, vii, 8, 12–13, 60, 64, 69, 72, 74, 80–83, 89, 91, 96, 99–100, 104, 120, 124–26, 340, 345–47, 349–50, 352

Pascal, Blaise, 10, 33–34, 40–41, 65, 185, 203, 242, 247, 268, 270, 272, 279, 316, 339

Paul, St., 5, 7, 10–11, 21, 41, 49, 59, 66, 137–38, 156–57, 165, 172–73, 197–98, 220–21, 229, 241

Pelagius, Pelagianism, 258, 262

Philo of Alexandria, 5, 17, 215, 232

Plato, 2, 7–9, 11, 29, 49, 52, 54, 71–74, 76–77, 79, 82, 84–86, 88–91, 93–95, 97–105, 115–16, 124, 135–36, 143–44, 158, 163, 169, 181, 190, 212, 219, 224–25, 230, 243, 245, 247, 250–52, 254, 256, 258, 260, 268, 279, 281, 284, 292, 294–95, 298–99, 304, 308–9, 314, 316–17, 319–23, 327, 330, 350

Plotinus, 1–2, 9, 15, 33, 73, 76, 89, 100, 102, 115, 141, 185–86, 222–24, 227, 240, 257, 260, 271–72, 281, 284, 292, 304, 309, 314, 316, 322, 330, 340, 349

Protagoras, 137–38, 233–34, 244, 323, 350

Pushkin, Aleksandr, 113, 122, 299–300, 317, 322

Rageot, Tatiana, 21, 348, 359

Rasputin, Grigori Yefimovich, 295

Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai, 28

Rozanov, Vassily, 29, 334–35

Salieri, Antonio, 317

Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von, 110, 115, 117, 120, 130, 152, 162–63, 277, 285, 296, 307

Schleiermacher, Friedrich Daniel Ernst, 143

Seneca, 77–80, 83, 114, 121, 124, 207, 219, 247, 264, 266, 272, 289

Serge of Radonezh, St., 299

Siger of Brabant, 252

Socrates, 5, 14–15, 39, 43, 54, 59, 61, 64, 66–67, 80, 82–90, 93, 95, 97–99, 101, 103–4, 109–10, 125, 129–31, 134–45, 147, 150–52, 154–56, 159–72, 174–75, 177–94, 196, 203–6, 219, 224–26, 243, 245–46, 251–52, 258, 260, 265–66, 280, 283–84, 289, 294–95, 297–98, 300, 302, 307–8, 310–11, 318–19, 324–28, 352

Soloviev, Vladimir Sergeyevich, 28, 321, 332–33, 359

Sophists, 95, 137

Spinoza, Benedict, 2, 5, 15, 33, 36, 40–41, 52, 54, 56–63, 81, 90–93, 95, 97, 101, 111, 115–16, 124–25, 127, 129–31, 133–36, 143–62, 165–70, 174, 177, 179, 180–82, 184, 187, 190, 193–96, 203–5, 210–11, 236, 239, 248, 259, 265–67, 283–85, 290, 305–6, 315, 326–27, 339, 346, 349, 350, 354

Stoics, Stoicism, 79, 83, 113, 141, 245–47, 259, 266, 295, 304

Tertullian, 3–5, 9, 12, 15, 37–38, 220–21, 238, 244, 251, 271, 279, 316, 347, 351, 353

Thales, 241

Tolstoy, Leo, 3–4, 7–9, 19, 29–30, 33, 333–34, 336, 338, 341, 345–46, 357

Verlaine, Paul, 18, 29

Voltaire, François Marie Arouet, 108–9, 111, 232, 242, 245

Wagner, Richard, 172

Wolf, Christian von, 276

Wolfshagen, Heinrich, 33

Xenophon, 143

Zeller, Eduard, 222–23