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Ableben. See perishing
Achelous, 5
actuality, 22, 26–34, 48, 83, 85, 117, 126, 129, 178, 190, 229
Adam, 60, 69, 72, 177
Adorno, Theodor, 138
aesthetics, xiv–xv, xviii, 66, 109, 124, 134–39, 146–51, 157, 198–99, 206
Agamben, Giorgio, 71, 98, 101
Agamemnon, 7
agriculture, 15, 108–9, 153, 198, 204
Akhmatova, Anna, xvii
akinesia, 182
Al-Juzajani, 80
anamnesis, 10, 178
anarchy, 26, 56, 130, 140–41, 149, 161
anthology, xvi
anthropocentrism, 101, 130, 190, 235n13
anthropomorphism, 101–3, 111
apeiron, 219, 228. See also infinity
appearances, 4, 16–18, 205, 223, 226, 232n7
apple, 34, 61–62, 176–78, 189; tree, 174–75, 179, 182, 187, 190
Aquinas, St. Thomas, 117
arbor sacra, 97–101, 109, 112, 200
Arendt, Hannah, 64, 66, 173; Love and Saint Augustine, 64
Arisaema japonica, 207
aristocracy, 18, 37
Aristophanes, 163
Aristotle: De Anima, 12, 27, 234n36; De Plantis, 34; Metaphysics, 22, 26; The Movement of Animals, 25; Nicomachean Ethics, 22, 36; On Generation and Corruption, 33; Physics, 22, 28; Politics, 22, 35–37, 232n11; Rhetoric, 24
Arkhē, 29
ars rhetorica, 4
assimilation, 66, 105, 141–42, 160, 166, 244n33
attention, 122–23, 146, 191, 193, 205, 214, 216, 223–24, 236n49
Attis, 66
Aufhebung. See sublation
Augustine, Saint: The City of God, 65–66, 68, 70–71, 75; Confessions, 54, 59–61, 64, 66–69, 72, 76
autoaffection, 207, 217
autopoiesis, 83
Avicenna (ibn Sīnā); The Cannon of Medicine (Qanun), 79–80, 88, 95; A Compendium on the Soul, 93–94; The Metaphysics of The Healing, 82; Treatise on Love, 90–91, 93
Bacchus, 154–56
bamboo, 12
Baracchi, Claudia, 27, 232n7; Aristotle’s Ethics as First Philosophy, 27
Baroque: fold, 126; garden, 115, 118; painting, 118, 121; theater, 120, 124
Bass, Alan, 207
Bataille, Georges, 203–4, 219; “The Solar Anus,” 205
beauty, 9–10, 63, 65, 90, 108–9, 133–39, 142, 147–50, 175–76, 200, 232n7; free, 150
being: -for-self, 158–60, 166; forgetting of, 176; in-relation-with-the-other, 217; -with, 219–20
Benjamin, Walter, xvi
Bernstein, Jay M.: The Fate of Art, 138
blaue Blume (blue flower), 211
Bloch, Ernst, 89
blossom, xiv–xv, 12, 43, 48–49, 56, 133, 139, 167, 169, 178–85, 189, 190–91, 207–8, 215, 217–21, 224, 228–29, 244n33
Book of Nature, 75, 193
Boreas, 5
botany, botanical, xiii, xvi-xviii, 7–8, 13, 34–35, 48, 71–72, 75, 110, 123–24, 139, 142, 158, 168, 170, 206–8, 210, 216
Brahma, 229
branches, 6, 9, 26, 39–40, 42–43, 55, 75–76, 103, 108, 112, 120–21, 124, 140, 159, 177, 183, 186, 222, 229
bread, 14, 23–25, 154–57, 176
breath, xvii, 54, 69, 72, 83, 162, 170, 207, 213, 215–16, 222, 224, 226–27
broom flower, 202
bud, 56, 167, 200, 207
Buddha and Buddhism, 214–16, 218, 220–21
Bush, George W., 28
Butler, Judith, 145
cactus, 12, 14
calcium, 161
carnation, 123
castration, 66, 206, 219
causes: efficient, 26–27, 29, 83, 142; final, 27, 29, 34–35, 45; first, 29, 92, 106; formal, 27, 29, 142; material, 22, 26
celery, xv, 80, 86, 91
cereal, xv, 22–23
Ceres, 154, 156
Chamovitz, Daniel, 13
cherry, 158, 169
Christianity, 28, 41, 53, 60–61, 64–65, 68, 70, 73, 99–100, 105, 155
“circumcision of the heart,” 61
Clarke, Samuel, 115
classification, 7, 9, 11, 23, 37, 40, 88, 122, 138, 150, 181, 201
cognition, 4, 224; a priori, 143
communication, 13, 46, 110, 146, 161, 181–82, 202, 221
conatus (essendi), 91
consciousness, 18, 31, 33, 47, 94, 111–12, 156–58, 182
contemplation, xv, 7, 10, 12, 30–31, 44–46, 50, 66, 101, 136–37, 213–15, 220–21
Cook, Alexandra, xiii
cooking, xv, 155
cork tree, 222
cosmogony, 8, 81
cosmology, 8
creatio ex nihilo, 28
cross-pollination, 166
cultivation, 8, 15, 23, 35–36, 41, 43, 121, 124–25, 134, 154, 181, 202, 204, 214, 217–21, 227–29, 243n6
culture, 15, 35, 135, 153–54, 159, 166, 169, 178, 180, 199, 201–2, 211, 214, 220, 222, 225, 228
daemon, 8, 10
daffodil, 221
dandelion, 13
Dasein, 180, 183, 186–90
death, xiv, 16, 41, 49, 53, 69, 71–72, 80, 84, 91, 98, 104, 112, 141, 145, 156, 173, 180, 186–90, 205–6, 226, 229
decay, xiv, 29, 43, 72, 112, 166, 205, 217
decision, 112, 188
deconstruction, 194, 197, 203, 205–11, 216, 219–20
dehiscence, 207–8
dehumanization, 47, 52
deism, 41
Deleuze, Gilles, 125
democracy, 36–37, 138
Derrida, Jacques: Circumfessions, 62; Glas, 198–200; Margins of Philosophy, 203; Negotiations, 194; The Postcard, 195, 198, 202, 207; The Truth in Painting, 137
de Saussure, Horace-Bénédict, 133–34, 138, 150; Journey in the Alps, 134
Descartes, René, xviii, 168, 175, 228
desire, 12–15, 42, 44–46, 49, 52, 59–60, 74–75, 90–93, 135, 180, 204, 215, 221, 228, 232n7
dialectic, 55, 116, 153–55, 158–70
différance, 194, 199, 201, 206
differentiation, 14, 26, 117, 120, 129
digestion/indigestion, 67, 69–72, 80, 84, 155; spiritual, 67, 69–70, 156
Dionysian, 175
Dioscorides, 110
directedness-toward, 184, 189. See also intentionality
“disenchantment of the world,” 110
dissemination, 194, 203, 216
Divine Providence, 83, 112, 236n49
dualism, 68, 165, 168
egalitarianism, 174
eidos, 15, 175, 184, 190–91, 224. See also Ideas
enjoyment, 64–66, 68, 76–77, 98, 134–35, 138, 204
enlightenment, 95, 124, 178, 216
equilibrium, 36, 81–82, 91
erection, 205–6, 218–19
ergon, 208
essence, 24, 49, 50–51, 76, 101, 103, 117, 126–27, 154, 156–57, 167, 200, 205, 217
estrogen, 165
ethylene, 161
Eucharist, 155–56
eudaimonia, 45
Eurydice, 18
Eve, 60, 72
“everyday language,” 23
excess, 4, 43, 67, 80–82, 85, 91–92, 108, 118, 121, 135, 140, 166, 193, 195, 204, 216, 219
existence, xv, 11, 18, 22, 33, 35, 40, 47–48, 50, 52–54, 71, 73–77, 82–84, 87, 90–94, 98, 100–105, 107, 110, 112, 117, 119, 126–28, 136–37, 140–44, 146, 156, 166, 168–70, 174, 178–81, 186–90, 193–95, 197, 220, 222, 224, 226, 229, 234n36; Necessary Existent, 92
exoskeleton, 32
expression, 49, 52, 88, 117, 125–28, 148, 175–77
faith, 61–62, 76–77, 94, 105, 110, 175, 222–25
Fardella, Michel Angelo, 130
feminism, xv, 17, 163
fermentation, 79, 153–56, 158–59, 166, 170, 176
fern, 12
fertility rituals, 108
feudalism, 81, 83, 86
fig, 60, 68–69, 146
Flora (goddess), 65
forest, xiv, 22, 124, 163, 198
formal logic, 24, 30–31, 52, 201
Francione, Gary, 46
freedom, 33, 44, 54, 112, 135, 137, 139, 141, 150, 160, 164, 166, 199, 206, 215, 229
Freud, Sigmund, 32, 163, 204; polymorphous perversity, 165
frui, 64–65, 68. See also enjoyment
Galileo, 176
garden, xiv, xvii, 56, 115–22, 124, 126, 129, 198; Garden of Eden, 177; literary, 6; pepper, 150
gardener, 17, 40–41, 43, 56
gender, 207, 225; identity, 165
generation and regeneration, 26, 28–29, 34, 44–45, 52, 55–56, 75, 91, 101, 217
Genesis, 67
Genet, Jean, 198, 200, 202
genêt. See broom flower
genetics, 28–29, 34, 143, 166; mutation, 34; stress-inducible genes, 142
genus, 22, 40, 88, 90–91, 136, 141, 149; process, 166
geometry, 89, 117, 177; non-Euclidean, 177
germination, xiv, 17, 24, 27, 48–49, 73, 91, 106–7, 109, 112, 133–34, 159, 179, 186, 194, 202–5, 224, 226
ghāzīa, 84
glucose, 155
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 161, 168; The Metamorphosis of Plants, 161
Gomez-Lobo, Alfonso, 28
Goody, Jack, 135
grafting, 100, 108–10, 140–41, 157, 166, 187, 202, 218
grape, xv, 62, 153–59, 166, 169–70
grass, xv, 4–6, 8, 23, 28, 116–20, 123, 126–27, 130, 229; blade of, 28, 116–20, 126–27, 229
growth, xiii-xvi, 6–7, 12, 15–17, 33, 35, 41, 43–45, 47, 49, 54–55, 67, 82, 84–85, 90, 94–95, 98, 100, 104, 106–7, 109, 118, 129, 140–43, 159–60, 163, 165, 168–70, 179, 186–87, 193, 195, 201, 205, 213–14, 217–20, 222, 224–28; activity, 51–52; faculty, 84–85, 91, 95; principle, 42, 45, 49–50, 52–53, 55; thought, 47–48, 50
Hall, Matthew: Plants as Persons, 145
Hallé, Francis: In Praise of Plants, 186
Haraway, Donna, 71
Hebel, Johann Peter, 180
Hegel, G. W. F.: Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences, 158, 167; Lectures on the Philosophy of History, 169; Phenomenology of Spirit, 154, 167; Philosophy of Right, 162, 164
Hegel, Marie, 153
Heidegger, Martin: Being and Time, 178–79, 188–89; The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics, 182; “The Origin of the Work of Art,” 181; Phenomenological Interpretations of Aristotle, 186; What Is Called Thinking?, 178, 190; Zollikon Seminar, 176
heliotropism, 196–98, 201, 203, 205
herbarium, 22, 41, 198; botanical, xvi-xvii; intellectual, xv-xviii, 16, 23, 40, 134, 170, 175–76, 198, 210, 216; living, xvii
hermeneutics, 60, 67, 70, 72, 76, 105, 110, 112, 201
Hermes, 22
hierarchy, 6, 14–15, 56, 81, 84, 86–89, 94, 100, 125, 128–30, 175, 181, 228
Holt, Jim, 126
homonymy, 24–25, 102, 105, 137
homo sacer, 71, 98
horror vacui, 121
hortus siccus, xvi–xvii. See also herbarium
hospitality, 196, 244n33
Humulus japonicus, 165
hunger, 14, 45, 60, 64, 135, 153
Husserl, Edmund, 24, 175, 198, 207; Logical Investigations, 24
hylē, 21, 37, 73, 121, 208, 232n1. See also matter
hystera, 17
Ideas, xiii, xv, xvii, 9–11, 16–18, 23–24, 111, 140–43, 150, 173–76, 178, 181, 190–91, 197, 203–4, 226–27; clear, 123; marketplace of, 158, 169; “midwife of,” 17; vs. ideals, 142–43
immanence, 47, 54, 56, 67, 122, 129, 221
incarnation, 7, 41, 66, 214
individuality, 116, 120, 128, 156, 159, 162, 166, 189–90
infinity, 28–29, 34–35, 40, 76, 91, 94, 117, 120–23, 128–30, 158, 177, 215, 219, 228; “bad,” 160
innocence, 60–61, 133, 160, 200
instrumentalization, xv, 60, 69, 86, 200
intention (kavanah), 100
intentionality, 184, 189
interiority (subjective), 33, 62, 164
Irigaray, Luce: “Belief Itself,” 217; Elemental Passions, 217; I Love to You, 213; In the Beginning, She Was, 219; To Be Two, 215
Isaiah, 110–11
‘ishq, 90
Jesus, 69, 73, 155–56
Joseph ben Judah of Ceuta, Rabbi, 102
Judaism, 61, 67, 74, 97, 100, 110
judgment, 6, 71, 88, 99, 133, 138–39, 148, 150, 199; aesthetic, 136, 138, 148, 151; of God, 106; teleological, 140
jungle, 124
justice, xv, 36, 42, 145
Kant, Immanuel: “Copernican turn,” 137, 147–48; Critique of Judgment, 133, 137, 140, 149; Critique of Practical Reason, 137, 143; Critique of Pure Reason, 137; The Metaphysics of Morals, 143, 147; Opus Postumum, 140
Kennedy, J. B., 4
khazon, 111
Kierkegaard, Søren, 175
kin-recognition, 33
Klages, Ludwig, 204
knowledge, 3, 5, 10, 13, 23, 60–62, 76, 80, 88–89, 94–95, 103, 105, 123, 125, 136–37, 139–41, 147, 149, 158, 168, 204, 215, 218, 225
Krauzer, Conradin, 180
Kuehn, Manfred, 134
labor, 23, 26, 36, 99, 125, 127, 141–42, 174, 208
labora laborans, 183, 209
laws, 5, 14, 29, 60–61, 74, 97, 105, 107–9, 116, 118, 141, 146, 175, 235n8; of continuity, 123–24, 127; Leibniz’s, 115–16, 120–21; moral, 144, 148; natural, 70; of physics, 95, 176–77; of property, 98; of Sabbath, 100; of understanding, 148–49
leaves, 13–14, 34, 39, 42, 46, 48, 75–76, 112, 116–17, 121, 123, 128, 130, 139–40, 142, 147, 161–62, 168–69, 184, 197, 215
Leben, 186
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm: divine machines, 121; identity of indiscernables, 115–17, 119, 123; Monadology, 120–21, 129; New Essays on Human Understanding, 127, 236n4; “Primary Truths,” 117; sufficient reason, 116, 119, 126; Theodicy, 127, 237n39
lemon, 123
Levinas, Emmanuel, 145
liana, 12
life, killable, 70–71
lime, 123
Linnaeus, Carl, 7
Locke, John, 118, 127
locomotion, 9, 12, 87, 102–3, 163
logocentrism, 204
logos, xvi, 6–7, 47–48, 50, 52, 188, 205–8, 216, 219–21, 225–27
lotus, 216–18
love, xiii, 5, 52, 60–61, 64, 68, 73–74, 90–93, 95, 105, 143–44, 147, 195–96, 201, 207, 210, 213, 215, 221–23, 225, 227–28, 232n7
ludi florales, 65
Maimonides (Rabbi Moses Ben Maimon): Book of Acquisitions (Qinyan), 98, 107; Book of Agriculture (Zeraim), 109; Book of Cleanliness (Tahara), 106–7; Book of Seasons (Zemanim), 99, 107; The Guide for the Perplexed, 102, 105; Medicinal Plants, 110; Mishneh Torah, 97, 108
Manichaeism, 68–73
marijuana, wild (Cannabis sativa), 165
Marx, Karl, 36, 228
Mary, Virgin, 199–200
mastery, 21, 43, 61, 80, 83–84, 86, 159, 224–25
mathematics, 79, 83, 117–18, 176, 236n4
matter, 21–22, 24, 37, 41, 43–44, 48, 54, 73–74, 81–83, 85, 88, 92, 100, 102, 117–18, 120–25, 129–30, 141, 146, 176, 195, 208–9, 214, 225, 232n1
mawallida, 85
McDonough, Richard, 179, 181
memory, 33, 48, 67, 69, 88, 99, 122, 135, 156, 183, 198
metamorphosis, xiii, 5, 7, 69, 135, 153, 162, 167–68, 178, 220, 224, 229, 231n3
metaphor, 3, 16, 24–25, 37, 55, 64, 67–68, 74, 121, 154, 156, 167, 181, 196–97, 201, 204, 208, 220
metaphysics, 29, 41, 45, 54, 67, 81, 89, 100–101, 112, 116–17, 126–28, 130, 169, 175, 177–78, 182, 186–87, 191, 203, 205–7, 209, 213, 216–20, 223, 227; of presence, 204–5; Western, 177, 196
methyl jasmonate, 161
Miller, Elaine: The Vegetative Soul, 163, 220
Miller, J. Hillis, xvi
mind, xv, 6, 12, 17, 46–48, 50–52, 88, 94, 190; as “blank slate,” 118; “stomach of,” 67; and substance, 125, 127
minerals, 17, 81, 84, 102–3, 106, 126, 155, 159–60, 183, 210, 225
Mitsein. See being, -with
monad, 122, 128–29; monadology, 119, 229
Monica, Saint, 69
movement, 9–10, 29, 72, 82, 84, 103–4, 129, 159–60, 169, 182, 195–97, 205, 215, 219, 223
myth, 3, 5–6, 21, 37, 68, 110–11, 216, 221; of the Cave, 4, 16–17; of Er, 7
nāmīa, 84–85
narcissism, 207, 221–22
Narcissus, 221
naturalism, 83, 89, 120
nature, 11, 14–15, 25–26, 29, 31, 35–36, 44, 55–56, 60, 76, 86, 89–90, 98, 100, 107, 109, 112, 116, 123–24, 127, 139, 142, 149–50, 153–59, 168, 179, 184, 190, 199, 201–2, 205, 210, 213–14, 219–20, 222, 224–29, 237n39; afterlife of, 170; and equilibrium, 36, 82, 103; goddesses, 216; inorganic, 110; natura naturans, 99, 183, 209; organic, 81, 178; poverty of, 83–84; rape of, 218; truth of, xiii
nefesh, 102
negation, 101, 149, 154–55, 162, 169, 196, 203
“negative attributes,” 102
Neo-Platonism, 91
Newton, Sir Isaac, 83, 176, 178
Nicolaus of Damascus, 34
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 41, 67, 100, 175, 178, 187, 190, 203, 209, 218, 226
nihilism, 41, 73, 100, 127, 209
noema, 189
Nothingness, 93, 101, 162, 199
nourishment, xviii, 9–10, 12, 17, 25, 31–32, 44–45, 47, 54, 66, 72–73, 75, 83–85, 88–89, 91, 94, 104, 135, 155, 159, 170, 200, 202, 213, 222, 224–25
Novalis, 55–56; Heinrich von Ofterdingen, 211
nymph, 5, 216
nymphaea. See water lily
Nymphaea nelumbo. See lotus
Nymphē, 216, 218, 223
oak, 7, 37, 142, 163, 185–86
Odysseus, 7
oikos, 228
olive, 33–34, 98–99, 186
ontology, xiii, 27, 30–31, 56, 75, 81, 85, 93, 101, 104, 108, 116–17, 122, 125, 137, 142, 163–64, 176, 178–79, 183, 185–86, 188–90, 219, 227
ontotheology, 60
openness, 139, 181, 183, 186, 221, 224
orange, 123
ordo amoris, 91
Oreithyia, 5, 216
organism, 25–26, 31, 33, 40, 44, 47, 49, 67, 74, 80, 85, 91, 104, 129, 137, 141, 149, 160, 162, 168, 173, 186; sessile, 128
Orpheus, 7, 18
otherness, 45, 155, 207, 214, 221–22
Owl of Minerva, 170
oxygen, 215, 222
palm tree, 12, 71, 97–101, 104
parasitism, 140–41
parergon, 208–9
“parts/whole” problem, 14, 23–26, 34, 43, 49, 56, 104, 121, 126, 140–42, 161
pea, 186
pear, 59–61, 63, 67–68, 158
pepper, 150
perception, 12, 51–52, 86–90, 102–3, 116, 128, 133, 178, 215; dull, 127; intellectual, 105
perfection, 77, 81–82, 85, 90–92, 102–4, 130
Periander, 37
perishing, 71, 188–89
personhood, 28, 145
petal, 135, 150, 159, 169, 207, 217
phallogocentrism, 204–8, 226
phallus, 204–6, 218–19
Pharmaceia, 5, 216
phenomena, 24, 31, 46, 53, 72, 104, 126, 147, 188–89, 205, 232n7
phenomenology, 24, 89, 116, 118, 126, 174, 184, 191
philosopher-king, 14
photosynthesis, 12, 182–83
phusis, 11, 55, 179, 184, 214, 217, 219–20, 225. See also nature
phuton, 11, 47, 55, 179
phytophenomenology, 118
phytophilia, xiii–xiv, 231n2
plane tree (platanos), xv, 4–7, 11, 17–18, 22–23, 119, 173
plant-thinking, xvii, 47, 49, 67, 88–89, 105
plasticity, 34, 141–42, 161, 219
Plato: divided line, 16, 226; Phaedrus, 4, 7, 11, 23, 119, 216; The Republic, 4, 7, 14, 16–17; sun/good analogy, 16–17, 76; Symposium, 5; Timaeus, 8, 39; two-world theory, 16–17
Plotinus: Enneads, 39, 41, 45, 47, 49–50, 55
Pollan, Michael, 86
polytheism, 110
Ponge, Francis, 194, 242n20
poppy, 80
Porphyry, 39, 56
possibility, 46, 67, 117, 119, 126, 162, 166, 180, 189, 196, 220, 225; abstract, 49; “blossoming of,” 229; conditions of, 95, 139, 142, 147, 208; logical, 100; nonactualizable, 178, 187, 190; worlds, 40
potassium, 161
potato, 86
potentiality, 22, 26–35, 168, 190, 225
potestas. See potentiality
proportion, 36, 81–82, 85, 91
psyche, xiii, 9, 14, 18, 30, 44, 47, 53, 62, 72, 74, 81, 88–89, 94, 104, 207
purity, 45, 106–9, 134, 160, 206
purpose, 10, 23, 31–32, 34–35, 45, 141, 149–50, 160, 182; purposiveness without, 147, 149, 151
Pythagoreanism, 177
Raphael: School of Athens, 23
realism, 175
reflection, xiv, xvii, 9, 37, 41, 170, 177, 194, 196, 219, 221
relativism, 46, 103, 148
reproduction, xiv, xvi, 12, 24, 27–29, 31–32, 34–35, 55, 65–66, 72–73, 80, 82–83, 85–86, 88, 90–91, 118, 121, 137, 141, 146, 149, 157, 160, 165–67, 169, 176, 178, 201, 203, 206–7, 224–25; asexual, 187
respect, 28, 101, 143–47, 210, 214; ontological, 176
“right to choose,” 28
root, xiv, 8–13, 15, 17–18, 24, 32, 42–44, 49–51, 54–55, 64, 70, 75, 98, 103, 106–7, 109–11, 121, 126, 142–43, 150, 159, 175, 179–80, 186, 191, 193–95, 201, 213–14, 218, 222–23, 226, 229, 244n33
rose, 12, 179, 201, 217–18
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, xiii, 61, 209–10, 228, 231n2, 231n3; Confessions, 62; Reveries of a Solitary Walker, xviii
Sabaeans, 108, 111
sagebrush, 154
sap, xviii, 226–27, 229
Saramago, José, 119
Sartre, Jean-Paul; Nausea, 193–94
Sayre, Kenneth M., 6
Scheherazade, 79
Schmitt, Carl, 188
selflessness, 160–61, 163
self-: actualization, 29, 53; consciousness, 156–57; expression, 117–18, 127; feeling, 160; fertilization, 166; generation, 82; knowledge, 93–94, 125, 168; love, 221; movement, 13; negation, 162–63, 187, 222; reflection, 120, 123–24, 165, 167, 169; respect, 146
sentience/nonsentience, 46–47, 71, 75, 102, 105; “insensate living beings,” 87, 90
sequoia, 54
sexual: difference, 74, 213, 218, 221, 228; identity, 206; morphology, 165; organs, 66, 206, 220
sexuality, 64, 108, 163, 165–66, 205; feminine, 205–7; masculine, 205–6
Shakespeare, William: Hamlet, 120
sharing, 12, 15, 27, 55, 85, 104, 164, 187–88, 214, 221–22, 228
signaling, 13, 110, 161; biochemical, 146; cell-to-cell transport, 161; electrical, 46; hormonal transmission, 161
signatura rerum, 63
signification, 82, 126, 185, 198–99, 201, 204, 210
silence, 14, 43, 48–49, 76, 146, 162, 181, 220–22, 225
singularity, 97, 99, 127, 130, 133–35, 137–39, 149, 151, 162, 174, 176, 186–87, 197, 228
sitos, 22–27, 35, 232n2
skin, 62, 213, 215–16, 224
Sloterdijk, Peter: Spheres, 185
Socrates, xiii, 3–8, 16–18, 39, 75, 203, 209, 216
Sophie (princess of Hanover), 115
Sorel, Georges, 139
soul: appetitive, 12, 14–15, 45, 52; augmentative, 84, 88, 91, 95; care for, xiii; imaginative, 108; nutritive, 52, 103, 105, 108; rational, 9, 14, 88; spirited, 14, 44
“Soul of All,” the, 39–40, 44, 48–49, 54, 226
sovereignty, 71, 99–100, 159, 188
Spinacea oleracea, 207
Spinoza, Baruch, 47, 91, 120, 175: Ethics, 88, 119
“state of exception,” 98, 109
Stiegler, Bernard, 124
strawberry, 121
sublation, 154–55
substance, xvii, 8–10, 13, 47, 55, 68, 88, 90, 118–20, 125, 127–30, 157, 167–68, 175, 177, 236n4; extended, 22
summum bonum, 64
sunflower, 195–98, 203–5, 211
sustainability, 98
symmetry, 150
Swift, Jonathan, 120
symbolism, 15, 18, 23, 31, 41, 60, 62, 66, 68–69, 73, 75, 77, 93, 112, 135, 155–56, 159, 166, 168, 174–75, 181–84, 191, 195–97, 199, 201, 204, 211, 214, 220
synecdoche, 24–25, 167, 197, 205, 225, 228
taby’yat, 81, 84
taxonomy, 122, 124, 134
technē, 184
technicity, 124, 201
telos, 7, 31. See also purpose
teleology, 7, 32, 85, 190, 224–25
theatrum mundi, 112
theoria, 30, 33, 45, 50
thorn, 63–64, 161
Thrasybulus, 37
thumos, 44
tō threptikon, 27, 31–32, 89, 103, 234n36
tournesol (see ‘sunflower’), 195–96
transcendence, 16, 23, 54, 77, 221, 228
transcendental: arguments, 135, 203; conditions, 140; indifference, 145; purity, 197; signified, 204; subject, 144, 148
transcriptional reprogramming, 142–43
tulip, 123, 133–39, 142, 148–50, 198–99, 206, 238n4: festival (Ottawa), 136: mania, 123, 135, 238n4
twig, 39, 43
Umwelt. See world, surrounding
Unconscious, 18, 51, 94–95, 112, 168, 180, 194, 205
undecidability, 196
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 80
unmoved mover, 29, 33, 42, 92, 175, 232n7
uselessness, 66, 133, 135, 149, 198–200, 203, 209
Van Gogh, 208
veganism, 71
vegetarianism, 68, 70
Vermittlung, 227
vine, xv, 17, 186
violence, 70, 72, 98–99, 145–46, 170
von Alvensleben, Carl August, 115, 117
von Uexküll, Jacob: A Foray into the Worlds of Animals and Humans, 185
wakefulness, 182
Ward, Julie K., 25
water lily, xv, 215–18, 221, 223–24
watermelon, 33
Weber, Max, 110
weeds, 15, 43, 70–71
well-being, 42, 45–46, 50, 80, 88
wine, xv, 23, 35–36, 80, 153–57, 166, 170, 176
wheat, 22–28, 30–31, 33–37, 232n2
Whitehead, Alfred North, 5
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 21
wood, 21–22, 24, 37, 73–74, 98, 111, 134, 147, 208–9, 232n1, 235n8
world: being-in-the, 182; forming, 181; poor in, 181; surrounding, 181, 185; virtualization of, 197
worldless, 181–82
“world-plant,” 40, 42–44, 48, 51, 54, 56
Zeus, 7
Zeuxis, 157
Zoroastrianism, 68