MY HANDS WERE SWEATING and my mind churned over what I needed to do and how to accomplish it. By going back to that exact moment, I would have time to shout the words out before she averted her gaze. And, I would be out again, back in my own world before she had the opportunity to do anything to wreck my life.
The only thing that could go wrong would be that she wouldn’t stand and stare in triumph at me like she did the first time, but flee the bathroom immediately. If that happened, I’d be trapped for good, since it was unlikely she’d ever place herself in a position to be tricked again. It was a chance I had to take. I wanted my life back. I wanted my family back. I wanted Jimmy back.
I was betting that she would remain true to her nature.
If all went well the whole thing would take less than an hour.
I’d be back in time for supper. If I remembered right, three weeks ago Mom had planned roast beef for that night. My favorite.
I knew I’d have an appetite, regardless of all the chocolate chip cookies I’d inhaled.
I stood up.
I walked to the bathroom.
I took a deep breath.
I looked into the mirror and deep into my eyes.
They were blue.