1. Study
2. Attentive Listening
3. Orderly Speech
4. Understanding of the Heart
5. Fear
6. Awe
7. Humility
8. Joy
9. Serving the Sages
10. Closeness to Friends
11. Debating with Students
12. Settledness
13. Studying the Written and Oral Torah
14. Purity
15. Limiting Sleep
16. Limiting Conversation
17. Limiting Work or Business
18. Limiting Levity
19. Limiting Pleasure
20. Limiting Mundane Activities
21. Slow to Anger
22. Goodheartedness
23. Faith in the Sages
24. Accepting Suffering
25. Knowing One’s Place
26. Happiness with Your Portion
27. Making a Fence around Your Activities
28. Not Claiming Credit for Oneself
29. Being Beloved
30. Loving God
31. Loving God’s Creatures
32. Loving Rebukes
33. Love of Uprightness
34. Distancing from Honor
35. Not Being Overly Satisfied in One’s Learning
36. Not Taking Joy in Handing Down Rulings
37. Bearing the Burden with the Other
38. Judging Others Favorably
39. Leading Others to Truth
40. Leading Others to Peace
41. Being Settled in One’s Studies
42. Asking Pertinent Questions
43. Listening and Contributing
44. Learning in Order to Teach
45. Learning in Order to Do
46. Making One’s Teacher Wise
47. Clarifying What One Has Heard
48. Saying Something in the Name of Its Speaker
Conclusion: With Heart in Mind
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