conflagration. A large fire.

engine company. A group of firefighters assigned to an apparatus equipped with water pump, fire hose, and other firefighting tools.

firebrands. Airborne embers.

firebreak. An open space cleared as much as possible of flammable material.

fire codes. Regulations that help prevent fires.

fire drill. A practiced method of getting people out of buildings during emergencies in a calm and orderly way.

fire inspector. Someone who issues permits, inspects buildings, and enforces fire codes.

firestorm. Strong currents of air drawn into a blaze, making it more intense.

flashover. When everything flammable in a room or small building catches fire all at once.

Halligan bar. A firefighter’s tool that’s like a combination of an ax and a pick, used for forcing open doors.

overhauling. Looking for coals or embers that could rekindle a fire.

pumper. A fire truck equipped with a pump and a water tank.

rollover. Ignition of ceiling-level fire gases.

turn out. Respond to a fire.

turnout gear. Protective clothing worn by firefighters.