All page number are refer to the print edition of this title.

abattoirs, 146
Abkallu shikla, 59
Abraham, 7
Abu Dhabi, 33
abundance, 158
Academy of Athens, 190
Adad, 98
Adad-apla-iddina, 40, 110
Adad-shumu-usur, 45–46, 52, 59, 62
Adam, 33
Addaru, 57
agriculture, 27–30, 169–70
Ahura Mazda, 183
Akitu temple, 150
Akkad, 8–9, 35, 105, 109, 140, 157
Akkadian, 9
Akkullanu, 58, 60
Aldebaran, 108
Alexander the Great, 186–87
al-Masudi, 193
Ammisaduqa, King, 1, 65, 66, 92–93, 168
Amos, 138
Amurru, 109
antediluvian stone inscriptions, 39–40
antiquities, scramble for, 21–26
Anu, 78, 82, 155, 170, 172
Anunitu, 81–82
Apuleius, 86
Aquarius, 130
Aquila, 113–14
Arbela, 149
    Behistun inscriptions, 10–13
    central temples, 31–32
    Kuyunjik mound, 13–14, 18–19
    nature of early efforts, 14–16
    Nimrud, 16–18
    Tigris disaster, 21–22
archetypes, 85
Architect of the Cosmic Designs, 115
Argiropoulos, John, 209
Aries, 162
Aristotle, 2, 207
Ark of the Covenant, 91–92
arrogance, 59–60
Asalluhi, 98
ascendants, 189–90
Asclepius, 199–200, 210–11
ashipu, 51
Ashtar, 125
Ashtoreth, 125
Ashurbanipal, King, 14, 24, 25, 104
    creation of royal library, 38–42
Ashurnasirpal II, King, 52
Aspects of Babylonian Celestial
, 110
Asshur, 77, 149, 153, 155–56
Assyria and Assyrians, 94, 95–96. See
        also specific cities

Assyrian Gallery, 24
Assyrian scholars, 55–63
Astarte, 125
astrolabes, 170–72
astrology and astrologers, 51–54, 57–59
    analysis of Nineveh tablets, 49
    calendars and, 167–68
    eclipses, 109–14
    entrail divination, 49–50
    importance of studying, 2–4
    perception of reality and, 146–47
    shift to natal astrology, 182–86
    theory and, 187–88
    types of, 1
    See also specific topics
Astrology Restored, 135
astronomy, 167–76
Attar, 125
Auriga, 81–82
authority, 187

Babylon and Babylonians, 9, 30–31,
        35–37, 88, 94, 95–96, 149–54, 164
    attacks against, 179–82
    See also specific cities
Baghdad, 9
Bahrain, 32–33
Balasi, 38, 40, 60–61
Balawat gates, 24–25
Balbillus, 190
bankers, 166
baru, 51
Behistun inscriptions, 10–13
Bel-le’-i, 57
Belshazzar, 178–79
Belteshazzar, 50
Bernard, Saint, 126–27
Berosus, 188
Bibby, Geoffroy, 32–33
Bil-ipush, 57
birth charts, 93, 146–47
Birth of Venus, 214
Bit Akitu, 155
Black Virgin, 126–27
Blavatsky, Madame, 19
blue beard, 103–4
Borsippa, 161–62
Botta, Paul-Émile, 9, 13–14, 15–16
Botticelli, 213–14
boundary stones, 137
Brice, William, 196
British Museum, 16, 17, 22–23, 24,
        43–44, 175
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 19
Burnaburias II, King, 74
butchers, 146

calendars, 167–68
Cambyses, 180, 185
Campbell-Thompson, Reginald, 3–4
Canaan, 107
canals, 28–29
Cancer, 79, 130
catalog lists, 41
cattle, 145, 146
causation, 95–98
chalcedony, 141
Chaldaeans, 213
chariots, 148–49
Chicago’s Adler Planetarium, 172
chisels, 162
Christian, Paul, 19
Christians and Christianity, 2, 25–26,
        94, 187–88, 193, 205
Cicero, 186
Cidenas, 187
city god, 34
Claudius, 190
clay tablets, 40, 41
clepsydra, 171
cloud, 79–80
collective unconscious, 85
commerce, 30–31, 174
Constantinople, 193, 195, 205
Coptic texts, 199–200
Cosimo, 204, 205–6, 208–10
creation, 25–26
creation myths, 152–53
crescent moon, 149
Crusaders, 195
cult of Nabu, 161–66
cuneiform, 10, 20
cylinders, building, 164
Cyrus, King, 35
Cyrus II, King, 178–79

Damascius, 193
Daniel, Book of, 50
Darius, King, 10, 180
dark clouds, 89
Darwin, Charles, 25
death, 144–45
Demeter, 124
deserts, 8
Determiner of Fates, 115
diaries, 173–74, 181–82
Dilbat, 113, 149
Dilmun (island), 32
divination, 46–49, 94
Divine Bull, 154
dreams, 50
Dur Sharrukin, 15

Ea, 82, 170, 172
eagles, 137
earth, 47, 85–86, 90, 107
earthquakes, 79–80
eclipses, 55–59, 109–14, 120–21
Eden, 27
egotism, 59–60
Elam, 109
Elamites, 73, 75
Elohim, 103
Elul, 165
Enlil, 82, 116, 145, 170, 172
entrail divination, 49–50
Enuma Anu Enlil, 4, 40, 43, 62,
        64–83, 139, 175–76
    historical information in, 74–76
    historical significance of, 64–67
    preexisting traditions, 67–70
    references to sun, 117–18, 122–23
    systematic discipline of astrology, 70–71
    tablets of, 77–83
Enuma Elish, 33, 139, 152–53, 162, 170
envoy, 143–44
Epinomis, 186
equinoxes, 172, 174
Ereshkigal, 126, 143–44
Eridu, 31–32
Esagila, 150
Esarhaddon, King, 15, 38, 42, 52, 56,
        60, 104, 119, 169
Euphrates River, 27–28
Eve, 33
excavation permits, 21

famine, 141–42
farming, 27–30, 169–70
fate, 118–19
Ferrara, 206
fertility gods and godesses, 89–90
festivals, 148–56
Ficino, Marsilio, 99, 204, 209–13
First Cause, 195
First Reason, 195
fixed stars, 189
flood, 25–26
Florence, 206–8
fog, 79–80
freedom, 187

gallbladder, 49–50
Gamma Andromedae, 75
Garin, Eugenio, 204
Gemistos, George, 206
Genesis, Book of, 106
Gilgamesh, 87, 91
gnomon tables, 172
Gnostics and Gnosticism, 33, 199–200
Gobryas, 170–80
Greatest of the Gods, 178–79
great omen series. See Enuma Anu Enlil
Greek cross, 8
Greeks, 184–88
Green, H. S., 142, 200
“Gudea’s Dream,” 70
GU.UD, 165
gymnosophists, 198–200

Hall of Destiny, 155
Hammurabi, King, 55–56, 70–71, 161
harmony of the spheres, 185
Harper, R. F., 44–45
Harran, 106, 149, 153, 164, 178–79, 191–204
    excavations of, 196–97
    Sabians of, 197–98, 200–203
    temples of, 193–95
heaven, 47, 85–86, 90, 107
Heaven, Book of, 163
hepatoscopy, 49–50
Herculaneum, 185–86
Hermes Trimegistus, 86–87, 190, 195,
    198–200, 202–4, 210–11
Hermetica, 198–200, 202–4, 210–11
Herodotus, 28, 35–36, 128–29, 156
Hesiod, 170
Hittites, 73, 76
Hone, Margaret, 135–36
horns, 105
humanists, 207
Hunger, Herman, 4
hush of reverence, 155
Hydra, 188
Ibi-Sin, King, 68, 74
immanent, 88
Inanna, 125
Indus Valley, 33
intercalation rules, 172
irrigation, 28–29
Isaac, 7
Ishtar, 88, 124–34
Ishtar-shumu-eresh, 58, 60, 77–78, 214
Isis, 114, 124
Islam, 2, 193
Israelites, 92–93
Istanbul Museum, 43

Jacobsen, Thorkild, 84, 91–92
Jarmo, 30
Jenny, 125
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 10
Jung, Carl, 85
Jupiter, 58, 71, 79, 108, 156–60, 164, 194
Justinian, 190

Ka’aba, 194
kalu, 51
Kassite Dynasty, 76
Katna (city), 73–74
Kermanshah, 10
Khorsabad, 14
Kidinnu, 187
King of the Gods, 178–79
Kish, 34
Kislew, 166
Kos, 188
Kuwait, 33
Kuyunjik collection, 44–45
Kuyunjik mound, 13–14, 18–19, 23–24
Labar, René, 119
Laertius, Diogenes, 185
languages, 53, 87
Laroche, Emmanuel, 3–4
Layard, Austen Henry, 9, 16–20
lead, 141
Leo, 79, 130
Leo I, Pope, 205
Lévi, Éliphas, 19
Liber De Vita, 211–12
Libra, 131
lion hunt reliefs, 24, 25, 42
liver, 49–50
Lloyd, Seton, 196
Lord of the Swine, 138
Lugalmeslam, 143
lunar eclipses, 112–13
lungs, 49–50

Magi, 185
Mah-Ishtar, 42
marble, 141
Marduk, 71, 148–60, 162
market price, 174
Mars, 56–57, 79, 113, 136, 143–47, 189, 194
Mary, 114, 126–27
mashmashu, 51
mason’s chisel, 162
Masudi-al, 193
measuring rods, 162
Medes, 116–17
Mercury, 8, 60–61, 79, 145, 161–66, 164, 189
Mesopotamia, 4
    Behistun inscriptions, 10–13
    condition of artifacts, 6–8
    divination texts, 46–49
    farming, 27–30
    Kuyunjik mound, 13–14, 18–19
    Nimrud, 16–18
    See also religion
metaphors, 87–89
minerals, 141
Modernists, 25
Mohenjo-Daro, 32
Mongols, 191
months, 174
moon, 55–59, 102–14, 164, 172
moon god, 193–94
moon’s path, 172–73
Mosul, 13–14, 16–17
mud bricks, 7
mul.Apin, 171–76
mul dingir Marduk, 156
mundane astrology, 1, 49, 182
Mylitta, 128
mythology, 104, 144–46
    as mirror, 84–87
    role of sun, 116–17

Nabonassar, King, 173
Nabonidus, 107, 178–79
“Nabonidus Chronicle,” 179
Nabu, 8, 149, 154, 161–66
Nabu-ahhe-eriba, 61
Naburianos, 187
Nabu-rimannu, 187
Nabu temple, 164–65
Nabu-zeru-leshir, 52, 60–61
Nag Hammadi, 199–200
Namburbi rituals, 97–99, 118, 120, 131–32
Namburbi texts, 96–97
Nanna, 103
nasaru sha gine, 173–74
natal astrology, 1, 182–83, 188–90
natal divination, 93–94
Nebuchadnezzar, King, 50, 75, 175
Necessity, 195
negotiation, 119
Neolithic period, 29–30
Neoplatonism, 198–200
Nergal, 143–47
Nergal-itir, 57
Nero, 190
Neugebauer (professor), 190
new moon, 55–59, 168
New Year festival, 155–56, 179, 180
Nile River, 27–30
Nimrod the hunter, 7–8
Nimrud, 16–18, 20, 77
Nineveh, 35, 77, 149
Nineveh and Its Remains, 18–19, 24
Ninurta, 135–42, 141, 143
Nippur, 8, 153
Nisabu, 161–62
Nisannu, 57, 112, 149
Nisannu eclipse, 157
numbers, mystical, 150–51

Oates, Joan, 3
offerings, 97–98
Old Father Time, 103–4
Old Testament, 8, 19, 26, 89, 103
omens, 46–49, 60, 78–83, 104–9,
        110–14, 165
omina, 184
Oppenheim, Leo, 2, 86, 109
Orion, 81–82, 113
Orphic Hymn, 211

paganism, 192, 197–98, 200–203, 208
Papus, 19
Parpola, Sima, 4, 45–46, 52–53, 60,
        62, 104, 138
Parthians, 36, 187–88
path of the moon, 172
Paul, Saint, 187–88
Pausanias, 54
Péladan, Joséphin, 19
Persephone, 124
Perseus, 81–82
Persia, 9–10
personal god, 91–92
Petrarch, 207
Picatrix, 201–2, 210–11
pillar of fire, 89
Pingree, David, 65–66, 75–76, 172
Pisces, 79, 181–82
Place, Victor, 22–25
planetary periods, 172
planetary spheres, 185
Plato, 183, 185–86, 210
Platonic Academy, 190
Pleiades, 79, 81–82
Plethon, 208–9
Pliny, 54
Plough star, 79
Pluto, 146, 147
political events, 174
politicians, 166
Primavera, 213–14
primordial images, 85
private libraries, 41
Proclus, 190
property boundaries, 29–30
prostitutes, 127–29
Psellus, Michael, 203, 208–9
Ptolemy, 113, 172–73
Pythagoras, 183, 184–85

qadishtu women, 127–29
Qatar, 33
Queen of the Windows, 127

rain, 28
Ramesey, William, 156–57, 159
Ramman-apal-iddin, 75
Raphael, 112
Rassam, Hormuzd, 9, 17, 22–25, 35, 42
Rawlinson, Creswicke, 9–13, 16, 23–24
Rawlinson, Henry, 163–64, 180
reality, 146–47
Rebecca, 7
regular watching, 173–74
Regulus, 79, 108, 158–59
Reiner, Erica, 4, 65–66, 75–76, 82, 109, 172
religion, 84–99, 182–86
    growth along with culture, 89–95
    metaphor and, 87–89
Rennaissance, 2, 213–14
reservoirs, 28
Rice, D. S., 196–97
Rochberg-Halton, Francesca, 4, 72, 96, 109–10
Roman Empire, 198–200
Rosetta Stone, 10
Roux, Georges, 2–3
royal library of Nineveh, 38–54
    contents of, 32–46
    creation of, 38–42
    divination texts, 46–49
    structure of intellectual traditions, 51–53
    use of, 42

Sabaeans, 164
Sabbath, 105
Sabians, 197–98, 200–203, 213–14
Sachs, Abraham, 183–84
sacred marriage, 156
Saggs, H. W. F., 3
Sagittarius, 56–57
Sagmegar, 156
Sakkut, 138
Sarah, 7
Sargon, King, 35, 68, 102
Saturn, 56–57, 79, 107–8, 117, 135–
        42, 147, 164, 181, 189, 194
Sayce, Archibald, 26, 78–79
scholars, 42–43, 51–53, 55–63
scientific texts, 39
Scorpio, 56–57, 62, 79, 108, 130, 145, 147
seasons, 169–70, 172
Seer, 105
Selene, 114, 194
Seleucia, 54
Seleucid Era, 183, 187–88
self-importance, 59–60
Sennacherib, 20, 63
Severus, Septimus, 37
sextiles, 189
Shamash, 8, 98, 115–23, 126
Shatt al-Arab waterway, 22
She Who Loiters About, 127
Shihtu, 165
shimtu, 95
Shinunutu, 81–82
Shitir Shame, 163
short diaries, 173–74
Shumma Izbu, 48–49
Shumma Martu, 49
Siculus, Diodorus, 117, 139
sidereal period, 181
Simplicius, 193
Sin, 102–14, 126, 178–79, 193–94
Sinai, Mount, 107
Sippar, 153, 179
Sirius, 174
Smith, George, 26
soil, salt content of, 29
solar eclipses, 120–21
Solar things, 212
solstices, 172, 174
Spica, 188
spring equinox, 149
spring festival, 148–56
squares, 189
Stager, Lawrence, 197
statues of the gods, 88–89
stelae, 137
stellar geography, 168, 182
Stoic philosophers, 188
storm, 79–80
Strabo, 54, 187
Subartu, 109
Sumer and Sumerians, 8–9, 31–37, 102–3
sun, 102–3, 105–6, 115–23, 164
Susa, 73
Swallow, the, 81–82
symbols, 87–88
sympathetic action, 99
synodic periods, 181

Tabia, 59, 62, 133
tablets, Sumerian, 34
Tab-silli-marduk, 52
talismanic magic, 192–93
tamarisk wood, 115–16
Tardieu, Michel, 193
Taurus, 108, 158
Templar cross, 8
temple of Nabu, 164–65
Temple of the Soul, 195
temple prostitutes, 127–29
temples, central, 31–32
Terah, 106
Tetrabiblos, 113
theory, 187
Theosophical Society, 19
thieves, 166
thirteen, significance of, 34
Thompson, Reginald Campbell,
        44–45, 104, 138, 163
thunder, 79–80
Tiberius, 190
Tigris disaster, 21–22
Tigris River, 27–28
Timaeus, 86–87, 186
time capsule, 39
trade guilds, 34
transcendent, 88
Triangulum, 75
Trimegistus, 86–87, 190, 195, 198–
        200, 202–4, 210–11
trines, 189
tupsharru, 51
twelve constellations, 81

Ubaid, 31
Ur, 7, 30–31, 32–33, 106, 149
Urad-gula, 52
Uruk, 30–32, 124–25, 149, 155, 183, 184
Uruk school, 77
utu, 88

Valens, Vettius, 54
Van der Waerden, Bartel, 172, 182–86, 185
venereal disease, 129
Venus, 30, 60–61, 79, 102–3, 116,
    124–34, 164, 181–82, 194
Venus Tablet, 110
    historical significance of, 64–67
    preexisting traditions, 67–70
    systematic discipline of astrology, 70–71
“Verse Account of Nabonidus,” 179
Vespasian, 190
Vesuvius, Mount, 185–86
Virgo, 188
Virolleaud, Charles, 73–74, 79

Walker, Christopher, 3–4
war, 85
water clocks, 59
water dock, 170
Waterman, Leroy, 45
wax, 40
wealth, 183–84
weather, 174
Weidner, Ernst, 3–4, 73, 75, 77, 78–79
Weltanschauung, 98
wet nurses, 127
whores, 127–29
windpipe, 49–50
Wolf, the, 79
wood, 40
“Work and Days,” 170
World Order, 195
writing, 30–31, 34, 40–41
writing desks, 162

Yates, Frances, 204, 214
Year of the Golden Throne, 66

Zagros Mountains, 30
Zeno, 188
ziggurats, 7
zodiac, 162–63, 172–73, 183
Zoroastrianism, 182–86
Zosimus, 37