Books have one name on the front but dozens who make it happen, and I am fortunate to have the best people on my team. I am ever grateful for the fabulous folks at Minotaur Books, especially my terrific and supportive editor, Daniela Rapp, but also Kelley Ragland, Cassidy Graham, Kayla Janas, and Danielle Prielipp.
Thanks also to my agent, Jill Marsal, who provides quick answers and steady guidance whenever I need it.
Writing can be a lonely pursuit where you have to give birth to an entire universe, but I am lucky enough to have a crackerjack beta squad to share the experience. They offer advice, encouragement, criticism, and daily hilarity. Thank you to Katie Bradley, Stacie Brooks, Rony Camille, Ethan Cusick, Rayshell Reddick Daniels, Jason Grenier, Suzanne Holliday, Shannon Howl, Robbie McGraw, Michelle Kiefer, Rebecca Gullotti LeBlanc, Jill Svihovec, Dawn Volkart, Amanda Wilde, and Paula Woolman. Special thanks to Suzanne Magnuson for Chicago beta assistance this time around.
I am blessed to have the kind of parents who will carry my book around in a bookstore and show it off to customers. I think it’s resulted in exactly one sale, but it’s the cutest darn thing. Love you, Brian and Stephanie Schaffhausen. As a bonus, I got the kind of in-laws who show up to my book launches even in terrible New England winter weather, and they even bring friends. Love you, too, Larry and Cherry Rooney.
As ever, my deep thanks to the family that lives with me and supports me through all things, my husband, Garrett Rooney, and daughter, Eleanor. Most people would not love a summer vacation to Chicago that featured photographing police headquarters and walking the streets near O’Hare, but you endured it with good humor. Love you to the moon and back.
Finally, thanks to my basset hound, Winston, who got off my lap long enough for me to complete this book. If you happen to find any stray hairs in your copy, he’s the reason why.