DEEP SEXUAL SATISFACTION is the foundation for enduring and meaningful intimate relationships. Whatever their sexual orientation, individuals who enjoy more liberated, informed, and gratifying sex lives are also known to live healthier, happier, and more satisfying lives in general. My mission is to empower women and men to enjoy and share greater pleasure.
We live in a sexually charged atmosphere in which the powers of sex and seduction are used by mass media to generate corporate profit for everything from pornography to an infinity of unrelated commodities. But nowhere within this incessant flux is the promotion of sexual well-being and satisfaction integral to a happy and harmonious existence.
In such a climate, sexual ignorance can only thrive. In fact, current statistics reveal that the needs and desires of sexually mature adults are being fulfilled merely on a primal level. Sexual dissatisfaction is the primary motivation that leads couples to separate and seek divorce. This frustrating and often debilitating condition also helps explain why so many individuals are unable to create enduring intimate bonds.
What ultimately keeps us from experiencing the satisfaction that we desire and merit?
Over the past twelve years I have worked as a consultant for couples and individuals on a quest to answer this vital question, which has as many answers as the number of men and women who ask it. I am not a doctor, and I don’t consider those who seek my assistance as “patients.” They are life-loving individuals who put their fears aside in order to seek out and attain the sexual understanding, satisfaction, and well-being that is rightfully theirs. Their trust in me and in my method, which evolves with them, gives me the rare opportunity to explore the sexual realm beyond the confines of my own personal experience. From this work I gleaned the insight that the primary culprit behind sexual disappointment is no longer the taboo against sex itself, but rather a taboo against pleasure.
Seeking pleasure is part of human nature: ultrasounds reveal that from the sixteenth week of gestation, fetuses caress their newly formed, fully differentiated genitals. Even before a child reaches the age of three, his or her sexual identity begins to take shape with the discovery of the anus and the genitals. Unfortunately, this innocent exploration does not last long—by the time we reach sexual maturity, most of us have learned to repress rather than embrace our sexuality.
The primary goal of The Boudoir Bible is to dismantle the pleasure taboo, helping lovers recognize pleasure-inhibiting myths, uproot misconceptions, reverse the negative consequences of social conditioning, and take full responsibility for their sexual satisfaction. To this end, The Boudoir Bible was not conceived as a guide in the classic sense of the term, but rather as a catalyst for sexual growth. Yet it is also chock-full of tips and instructions to help lovers cultivate sexual health and happiness. As we develop and refine our sexual skills, we begin to expand our capacity for pleasure to greater, more mutually satisfying degrees. As we unlearn pleasure-inhibiting behavioral patterns, our sexual horizons expand, and the true essence of our sexual personae may finally be unveiled.
Being that our sexual health and satisfaction are not only the result of but also the foundation for more harmonious interrelations, sexual knowledge and understanding should be the birthright of every adult. No matter what race, religion, or socioeconomic status, we were all (ideally) conceived through pleasure, and that pleasure should accompany us throughout our entire lives.
I now invite you to celebrate your sexuality by embarking on a lifelong journey into the realm of enhanced pleasure.
May The Boudoir Bible accompany you and yours, every ecstatic step of the way!
June 2012