Very soon in this land deceptive acts may occur from without and within. If, in such an event, we fail to defend our land, the holy lamas including “the triumphant father and son” [the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama] will be eliminated without a trace of their names remaining; the properties of the reincarnate lamas and of the monasteries along with their endowments for religious services will be seized. Moreover, our political system originated by the three Dharma Kings will be reduced to empty name; my officials, deprived of their patrimony and property, will be subjugated, as slaves for the enemies; and my people subjected to fear and miseries, unable to endure day or night. Such an era will certainly come.
Prophecy regarding the “Reds,”
written by the Thirteenth
Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyatso,
shortly before his death in 1933