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Adams, John
Adam’s Rib
adolescent culture
attitudes toward play
flouting of convention
loss of cultural boundaries
media portrayal of youth
move toward, during 1950s
perpetual adolescence
rock ’n’ roll worldview
self-identification with counterculture
Adolescent Society, The (Coleman)
abdication of authority
cartoon viewing of
child-parent switch
complicity in 1960s youth movement
lampooning of
language of
loss of confidence
milestones and hallmarks of maturity
as negative force
nonconformist behavior as adult behavior
role in generational segregation
virtue and
“adversary culture”
Al-Azhar Religious Institute
“Alexander’s Ragtime Band” (Berlin)
Alexandrescu-Dersca Bulgaru, Maria Mathilde
Alien Nation (Brimelow)
Altschuler, Glen C.
Ambrosino, Robert
American Tragedy, An (Dreiser)
American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP)
America (The Book) (Stewart)
Andreoli, Giuseppe
Andreoli, Marco
Angelou, Maya
Angelov, Dmitar
Anti-Semitism Worldwide (United Nations)
“Anything Goes” (Porter)
Arabi, Ibn
Arab League
Arlen, Harold
Arsenio Hall Show, The
arts and letters
Mary Poppins
public spending on
The Satanic Verses
Sensation art exhibit
social boundaries and constraints
young adult fiction
See also censorship
ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers)
Asia Times Online
Associated Press
Astaire, Fred
Atlantic Monthly
Audi, Tamara
Auster, Lawrence
authoritarianism, rejection of
authority, adult abdication of
avant-garde culture, mainstreaming of
“A Warning to the Music Business” (Variety)
Babbitt (Lewis)
Babbittry, Babbitts
Baby Boom generation
affluence and consumerism
college attendance
generational divide
imitation of adolescent behavior
James Dean legend
modern liberalism
rejection of authoritarianism
shift in social sensibilities
transformation of parent-child relationship
See also youth movement
Baird, Zoe
Baker, James A., III
Baldelli, Simone
Barber, Samuel
Barzun, Jacques
Basayev, Shamil
Batavia, New York
Bat Ye’or
The Decline of Eastern Christianity
The Dhimmi
dhimmitude, scholarship on
immigration studies, “Eurabia” policy
on myth of Islamic tolerance
“politics of dhimmitude”
Baydawi, al- (Islamic commentator)
Beau Geste
Beecher, Willard and Marguerite
Beiderbecke, Bix
Benedict XVI
Benson, Lyric
Berg, A. Scott
Berger, Peter L.
Berlin, Irving
Berlusconi, Silvio
Berns, Walter,
on campus protest movement
on making vice difficult
on political peril of shamelessness
on Supreme Court pornography ruling
Bernstein, Angelique
Bernstein, Leonard
Bernstein, Sabrina
See also terrorism
Bethesda Magazine
bin Laden, Osama
Biro, Gaspar
Blair, Tony
Blood of Dracula
BMI (Broadcast Music Incorporated)
Bochco, Steven
Bonnie and Clyde
one-day library ban
suppressed novels
young adult fiction
Bork, Robert H.
on modern liberalism
on obscenity debate
Bostom, Andrew G.
Boston censor
Boston Globe
bourgeoisie. See mainstream
Bouyeri, Mohammed
Bowman, James
Bozell, Brent
Braceland, Francis J.
Briggs, Asa
Brimelow, Peter
Britain. See Great Britain
British Department of Education
Broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI)
Brooklyn Museum
Browning, Robert
Bruce, Lenny
Buckley, William F., Jr.
Buffett, Warren
Burke, Johnny
Bush, George W.
Abu Qatada on
compared to Hitler
“crusade” against terrorists
espousal of universal values
on Islam
Bush, Laura
Byrd, Robert
Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam (CDHRI)
Caldwell, Christopher
Campbell, Duncan
campus demonstrations
complicity of adults
issues and demands
perpetual adolescence and
Vietnam War protest
“Candy Shop” (50 Cent)
“Can Parents Be Trusted?” (Finn)
Captain Lightfoot
Carey, Mary
Carmichael, Hoagy
Carroll, James
Carroll, Madeleine
Carter, John F.
Cartoon Rage 2006
Cash Box
Cassidy, David
CDHRI (Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam)
Cedillo, Gil
Boston censor
“creeping Islamism” at the UN
free speech movement
of Hollywood
“liberal censorship”
one-day book ban
Sensation art exhibit
suppressed novels
Chambers, Whittaker
Charlie & Ray
Checker, Chubby
“Cheek to Cheek” (Berlin)
Chesterton, G. K.
Chicago Tribune
in adult spheres
child-centered home and society
in communal information environment
decadence and shamelessness
exposure to adult world
gangland behavior
invention of childhood
isolation of, from adult world
sexualization of
See also Baby Boom generation; youth movement
“Children Who Won’t Grow Up, The” (Furedi)
Chinlund, Christine
Churchill, Winston
confidence and
Islamization as threat to
obscenity and
sense of duty and honor
Civilizing Process, The (Elias)
Clarke, Kenneth
Clift, Montgomery
Clinton, Bill
adolescent behavior
on multiculturalism
Clinton, Chelsea
Clinton, Hillary
Clooney, Rosemary
hijab ban
similar, for parent and child
Clovers, The
Cobain, Kurt
Cocker, Joe
Coffman, James H., Jr.
Cohen, Jacob
Cole, Nat
Coleman, James S.
college campus demonstrations. See campus demonstrations
Columbia University
Colvin, Stephen
“Combating the Defamation of Religions” (United Nations)
Comer, Cornelia A. P.
Coming Apart (Rosenblatt)
Commies (Radosh)
confidence, loss of
with generational divide
in multiculturalism
Connolly, Cyril
consumerism, teenage
Cooper, Gary
Copland, Aaron
Cornell University
Cosby, Bill
Couric, Katie
Coward, Noel
Cox, Archibald
Crosby, Bing
Crossland, Roger Lee
Crowther, Bosley
“crusade” against terrorism
Crusade in Europe (Eisenhower)
Crusades, the
Cukor, George
cultural equivalence
cultural identity loss
culture war. See dhimmitude; multiculturalism
Cvijic, Jovan
Daily Telegraph
Dalrymple, Theodore
Danesi, Marcel
Dartmouth College
Däubler-Gmelin, Herta
Davidson, Sara
Dean, James
Decca Records
Decline of Eastern Christianity, The (Bat Ye’or)
Dee, Joey
de la Mare, Walter
Denizet-Lewis, Benoit
See also Jyllands-Posten, Cartoon Rage 2006
Derwent, Clarence
Detroit Free Press
Dhimmi, The (Bat Ye’or)
appeasement of Islam
Cartoon Rage 2006
definition of
as immaturity, infantilization
submission to sharia
in United States
in the West
See also Bat Ye’or
DiCaprio, Leonardo
Dickinson, Emily
Diddly, Bo
Dietz and Schwartz
Digital Living Today
DiMaggio, Joe
Dinner at Eight
Dirda, Michael
Doggett, Lloyd
Domino, Fats
Dreher, Rod
Dreiser, Theodore
hijab ban
immodesty in
similar, for parent and child
Drifters, The
drug use
Dubs, Lord
Dufourcq, C. E.
“Dung Virgin” (The Holy Virgin Mary) (Ofili)
See also Sensation art exhibit
Dylan, Bob
East of Eden
Easy Rider
Ed Sullivan Show, The
education. See schools
egalitarianism, radical
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
electronic media. See media, electronic
Elias, Norbert
Elizabeth II, Queen of England
Ellian, Afshin
Ellington, Duke
Ellul, Jacques
Encyclopaedia of Islam
England, Lynndie
Ennis, Phillip H.
Erikson, Erik
Ernst, Morris
Euro-Arab Dialogue
European Union
Fain, Sammy
Fairfax County, Virginia
Fallaci, Oriana
father as head of
generational divide
as social safety net
Fanny Hill (Cleland)
Fessio, Joseph D.
Fields, Dorothy
50 Cent
film. See movies
Finkielkraut, Alain
Finn, Chester, Jr.
First Things
Fitzgerald, Ella
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Fleischer, Ari
Fonda, Peter
Foote, Mary S.
Forever Young (Danesi)
Forrest Gump
Forti, Carl
Fortuyn, Pim
Fox television
Franke, Anoushka
Franklin, Aretha
freak dancing
Freed, Alan
hurriyya, Islamic conception of
freedom of speech versus freedom of religion (Islam)
versus Western freedom
free speech. See censorship
Friede, Donald
Friends television program
Furedi, Frank
Gable, Clark
Gabriel, Brigitte
Gardner, Philip “Pip”
Gates, Bill
General Died at Dawn, The
generation gap
George, Laura
Gershwin, George
Gershwin, Ira
“Get Back” (Lennon and McCartney)
“Get Low” (Lil Jon & the Eastside Boyz)
Ghazali, al- (Islamic commentator)
Gilbert, Eugene
Gish, Lillian
Gitlin, Todd
Giuliani, Rudy
Glazer, Nathan
Glèlè-Ahanhanzo, Maurice
Glendon, Mary Ann
Glenn, John
Goldberg, Whoopi
Goldstein, Al
Goldstein, Richard
Goldwyn, Samuel
Goldwyn (Berg)
Goodman, Benny
Goodman, Rachel
Gore, Al
Gould, Morton
Grant, Cary
Grecian Guild Pictorial
Great Britain
Rushdie fatwa
school discipline
self-censorship concerning Muslims
support for sharia in
universal values
Green, Johnny
Guccione, Bob
Guitta, Olivier
Gurstein, Rochelle,
on consequences of indecency
impact of Supreme Court pornography ruling
Gutenberg, Johannes
Haley, Alex
Hall, Radclyffe
Hamas Charter
Hammerstein, Oscar
Hand, Augustus
Handy, W. C.
Hanks, Tom
Hanson, Victor Davis
Harburg, Yip
Harding, Warren G.
Harlow, Jean
Harriman, Mrs. Borden
Harriman, Mrs. E. H.
Harrington, Michael
Hart, David
Harvard Crimson
Harvard University
Christian student group
student rebellion
undergraduate sex magazine
“Have You Met Miss Jones?” (Rodgers and Hart)
Hayakawa, S. I.
Hays, Will H.
“Heartbreak Hotel” (Axton and Durden)
Hechinger, Fred M. and Grace
Hefner, Hugh
Hendler, Howie
Hendler, Shelley and Barbara
Hendrix, Jimi
Hewitt, Hugh
hijab, French ban on
Hilfiger, Tommy
Hi-Lo’s, The
Himmelfarb, Gertrude
Hirsi Ali, Ayaan
Hiskett, Mervyn
Hitler, Adolf
“Bush = Hitler”
Hoffer, Eric
Hoffman, Abbie
Hollywood. See movies
Hooters restaurant chain
Hope, Bob
Hopper, Dennis
Horowitz, David
“How Adults Stole the Twist” (Checker)
Howard, Johnette
Howe, Geoffrey
Huart, Clement
Huck’s Raft (Mintz)
human rights
CDHRI (Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam)
in Islam versus the West
UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
UIDHR (Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Rights)
Huntington, Samuel
hurriyya (freedom), Islamic conception of
versus Western freedom
Hymowitz, Kay S.
I Am Charlotte Simmons (Wolfe)
“(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” (Rolling Stones)
immigration. See also Islamization
individualism, radical
Intervention television program
government by sharia
marriage age for girls
rejection of “universal” human rights declaration
Rushdie fatwa
Isaac, Jim
Arab Palestinian terrorists
Benedict XVI on
Berlusconi on
Bush on
Churchill on
Cartoon Rage 2006
“creeping Islamism” at the UN
Crusades, the
D.C. snipers
dhimmi status under
in French pop culture
French riots
“hair-trigger moderates”
Hamas Charter
hijab, symbolism of
human rights in Islam versus human rights in the West
hurriyya (freedom), Islamic conception of
Islamic tolerance myth
jihad as core institution
jihad tradition
Koranic fixity
Muhammad’s teachings
in Netherlands
Oriental myth
Rice on
Rushdie fatwa
unity of religion and politics
Washington Ramadan celebrations
See also sharia
Islamic Council of Europe
conflicting human rights concepts
cost to Judeo-Christian traditions
of Europe
spread of sharia
as threat to Western civilization
Western silence on
See also dhimmitude, sharia
“I Want Your Sex” (Michael)
I Was a Teenage Frankenstein
I Was a Teenage Werewolf
Invasion of the Saucer Men
Jackson, Janet
Jackson-George Regional Library System, Mississippi
Janssen, Werner
jazz music
Jazz (Whiteman)
Jeffrey, Arthur
Jessel, George
contemporary scholarship on
as core institution
tradition of
“Jihad and the Ideology of Enslavement” (Willis)
Joel, Billy
John, Elton
John Paul II
Joice, Elizabeth
Jones, Kathy
Journal News
juvenile behavior. See adolescent culture
Kael, Pauline
Kazan, Elia
Keillor, Garrison
Kelleher, John V.
Kennan, George F.
Kennedy Center Honors
Kent State University
Kern, Jerome
Khomeini, Ayatollah
Kidman, Nicole
Kid Rock
Kilgore, Jerry W.
Kimball, Roger
on 1960s
on Sensation art exhibit
on Timothy Leary
King, Coretta Scott
Kinnock, Neil
Kissinger, Henry
Klemme, John
Koestler, Arthur
Koran and Muhammad’s teachings
Krauthammer, Charles
Kristol, Irving
on absence of adults
on expansion of “adversary culture”
on “liberal censorship”
on obscenity
Krogh, Egil “Bud”
Kulkis, Mark
Labi, Nadya
LaGuardia, Mrs. Fiorello
Lal, K. S.
Lamour, Dorothy
Lane, Burton
Lang, Eddie
conceptions of “freedom”
describing danger of Islam
euphemisms for “terrorist”
multicultural versus Western interpretations
sex-industry euphemisms
Lauder, Aerin
law and legislation
as arbiter of morality and aesthetics
on children in pornographic movies
compensation for societal shortcomings
Immigration Act of 1965
repeal of obscenity laws
suits against schools
Leary, Timothy
“leer-ics” in rock music
Lefkowitz, Linda
“Legacy of the Late Sixties, The” (Mansfield)
Lennon and McCartney
Leonardo da Vinci
Lerner, Alan Jay
“Let’s Do It, Let’s Fall in Love” (Porter)
Levin, Kenneth
Levi-Strauss, Claude
Lewinsky, Monica
Lewis, Bernard
Lewis, Sinclair
“liberal censorship”
liberalism, modern
library censorship
life as we know it television program
Lil Jon & the Eastside Boyz
Linder, Robert M.
Lindsay, Howard
Linkin Park
Lipset, Seymour Martin
Literary Digest
literature. See arts and letters
Little Richard
Littman, David G.
Lives of a Bengal Lancer
Livingstone, Ken
Lonely Crowd, The (Riesman)
Look Who’s Talking
Losing Our Language (Stotsky)
Loudoun Valley High School, Virginia
“Love for Sale” (Porter)
Lowry, Rich
Lukas, J. Anthony
Lynd, Helen Merrill
Lynd, Robert S.
MacArthur Foundation
MacDonald, Dwight
for teenagers
and counterculture, weakened distinction between
lack of guidelines, danger of
lowering of middle-class standards
moral decline
rock music
sexually suggestive music
Males, Mike
Malvo, Lee Boyd
Mandela, Nelson
Manji, Irshad
Mansfield, Harvey
on mainstreaming of counterculture
on 1960s
Manson, Marilyn
MANual magazine
Mapplethorpe, Robert
Maran, Deanna
Maran, Harriet
Margoliouth, David S.
Marlowe, Christopher
Martin, Dean
Martin, Tony
Martyr, Peter Anglerius
Marx, Groucho
Marx, Harpo
sex education in schools
teen driving legislation
Mary Poppins (Travers)
Massacre, The (50 Cent)
Massey, Raymond
Matrix Reloaded
maturity. See adults
May, Clifford D.
Mayer, Louis B.
McCartney, Paul
McHugh, Jimmy
McNeill, Patrick
McNeill, Patrick, Jr.
Mead, Margaret
media, electronic
anti-authority stance
dissemination of communal information
idealization of youth
nonjudgmentalism in news reporting
political correctness
public scrutiny of private matters
sexual references
media, print
book censorship
magazines for teenagers
one-day library book ban
pornographic magazines
publishers and booksellers as terrorism targets
young adult fiction
Mencken, H. L.
Menotti, Gian Carlo
Men’s Journal
Mercer, Johnny
Meredith, James
Merman, Ethel
Michael, George
Middle Ages
middle class. See mainstream
Middletown in Transition (Lynd and Lynd)
Middletown (Lynd and Lynd)
Midnight Cowboy
Minow, Nell
Mintz, Steven
Minutemen Project
Mississippi, Jackson-George Regional Library System
Mitchell, Joni
Mogadishu, Battle of
Molnar, Thomas
Monroe, Marilyn
Morabito, Robert
abdication of adult responsibility for
as concern of charitable groups
as concern of religious groups
during Roaring Twenties
rock music as threat to
virtues versus values
See also censorship
Morgan, Mrs. J. Pierpont
Morissette, Alanis
Mötley Crüe
Moulton, John Fletcher
child actors in risky roles
Hollywood sex scandals and self-censorship
infantile depiction of adults
James Dean legend
sex and profanity in PG-13 films
shift in portrayal of women
werewolf genre
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
Muggeridge, Malcolm
Danish cartoons depicting
teachings and hadiths
See also Islam
Muhammad, John Allen
Muir, William
cultural equivalence
“culture wars”
demographic shifts
“diversity” and “inclusiveness”
in education
end of
euphemistic language
Harvard Christian group
idealization of Other
in Iraq War
political correctness
revision of Mary Poppins
tolerance of intolerance
universal values
U.S. immigration laws
See also Islamization
Mundy, Liza
audience age
concerns about jazz
concerns about rock
impact of rock on adulthood
impact of rock on jazz, popular music
rap profanity
rock versus popular
Muslims. See Islam; Islamization; sharia
Nachman, Gerald
Naipaul, V. S.
Naked Lunch (Burroughs)
Nasab, Ali Mohaqeq
National Academy of Sciences
national identity crisis, loss of confidence
National Public Radio
National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC)
National Review
National Review Online
Nelson, Horatio
“Neo-Macho Man” (Goldstein)
New Delhi
New Jersey schools
New Left Notes
Newman, Paul
New Republic
New Yorker
New York Post
New York schools
New York State Court of Appeals
New York Times Magazine
New York Times reports and editorials
Ambrosino murder-suicide
Batavia, New York, Rotary Club calendar
Boston censor
Brooklyn nanny’s blog
Laura Bush’s comedy
euphemism for “terrorist”
“fears of racial profiling”
immodesty of women’s dress
Intervention television program
Morris Ernst on obscenity
Muslim riots in France
play in adult lives
praise of counterculture
preteen pop concerts
sex-guide publishing
standards of decency in art
Twist dance craze
West Wing television program
New York University News
Nicholson, Jack
9/11 attacks
1984 (Orwell)
1960s youth movement. See youth movement
Nixon, Richard
in education
in news media
notions of appropriate behavior
parent as caretaker
in personal relationships
Noonan, Peggy
North Carolina schools
NRCC (National Republican Congressional Committee)
obscenity. See pornography and obscenity
Oklahoma! (Rodgers and Hammerstein)
Olen, Helaine
O’Neill, Patricia
Ono, Yoko
Operation Enduring Freedom
Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)
Orwell, George
on decency
Osbourne, Ozzy
Oslo Syndrome, The (Levin)
Page, Bryan
Pakistani Times
Palestinian Authority
Palladino, Grace
parents and parenting
caretaker role
culture of exposure
enabling of bad behavior
failure of parental safety net
influence of 1960s counterculture
informed decision-making theory
institutions compensating for poor parenting
lack of moral guidance
loss of authority to institutions
nonsupport of school discipline
parent-child role reversal
postwar rejection of authoritarianism
safety versus innocence of children
Parents on the Run (Beecher and Beecher)
Parents Television Council (PTC)
Parks, Rosa
Pasteur, Louis
Patrick, Thomas
Paz, Brenda
Pei, I. M.
Pelton, Christine
Penman, David
Perkins, James
Philadelphia Story, The
Phipps, Mrs. Henry
Pierce, Patricia Jobe
Pim Fortuyn Memorial Conference
Pinter, Harold
Pipes, Daniel
on Benedict XVI’s comments on Islam
news media euphemisms for “terrorist”
on Rushdie fatwa
scholarship on jihad
Piss Christ (Serrano)
play, contemporary attitudes toward
political correctness (PC)
birth of
in “crusade” against terrorism
discussing Islam
in education
French riots
as means of societal control
in television programming
similarities to dhimmitude
versus Western values
Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades, The (Spencer)
Popper, Karl R.
pornography and obscenity
children and
legal protection of
mainstream acceptance of
as sexual regression
societal failure to recognize
spoofs of
Wal-Mart anti-obscenity policy
See also censorship
Porter, Cole
Postman, Neil
on adulthood and childhood
on literacy and childhood
on television and childhood
Powell, Colin
Powell, William
Prager, Dennis
Presley, Elvis
Pryor, Anthony S.
Prysock, Red
PTC (Parents Television Council)
Public Enemy
publishing business. See media, print
Pusey, Nathaniel
Qaradawi, Yusuf al-
Qatada, Abu
Queensborough Community College
Quran. See Koran and Muhammad’s teachings
Qutb, Sayyid
radical egalitarianism and radical individualism
Radosh, Ronald
Rage and the Pride, The (Fallaci)
Rahman, Abdul
Rahmani, Mohammed Aref
Rainbow Party (Ruditis)
Raitt, Bonnie
Raitt, John
Rall, Ted
Ray, Nicca
Ray, Nicholas
rebellion. See Baby Boom generation; youth movement
“Rebels Without a Program” (Kennan)
Rebel Without a Cause
Reno, Janet
Repeal of Reticence, The (Gurstein)
rhythm and blues music
Rice, Condoleezza
Riesman, David
Ritter, Scott
Road to Zanzibar, The
“Road to Zanzibar, The” (Burke and Van Heusen)
Roberts, J. M.
Robin, Leo
rock culture
Rock Pool, The (Connolly)
Rodgers and Hammerstein
Rodgers and Hart
Rodgers, Richard
Romberg, Mrs. Sigmund
Ronstadt, Linda
Rooney, Mickey
Roosevelt, Mrs. James
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rose, Flemming
Rosenblatt, Roger
Rosenthal, Franz
Ross, Steve
Rosten, Leo
Rotary Club, Batavia, New York chapter
Roy, Olivier
Rubin, Jerry
Ruby, Harry
Rudd, Mark
Rushdie, Salman
Saatchi Collection
safety of children
culture of exposure
enablement of adolescent vice
failures of parental safety net
innocence seen as handicap
lack of moral guidance
red light–district parenting
Sarkissian, Katrina
Sarkozy, Nicolas
Satanic Verses, The (Rushdie)
Saudi Arabia
Schlossberg, Caroline Kennedy
compensation for parental deficiencies
cost of education
hijab bans
information without guidance
isolation of children from adult world
lack of parental support for
multiculturalism in
See also campus demonstrations
Schwartz, Arthur
Schwartz v. BMI
Screw magazine
SDS (Students for a Democratic Society)
Seale, Bobby
Sensation art exhibit
September 11 attacks
Seriously Funny (Nachman)
Serrano, Andres
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Seventeen magazine
Seventeen (Tarkington)
Sex Pistols
freak dancing
immodest clothing
Judeo-Christian law and
language of adulthood
legal controls on behavior of minors
in movies
in music
in publishing business
sex education in schools
sexualization of children
shame and
teenage sexual activity
television references to
Shakespeare, William
on apostasy
incompatibility with “universal” human rights
in Islamic human rights declarations
in Islamic states
in post-Taliban Afghanistan
in the West
See also dhimmitude, Islam
Sharif, Omar
Sharm al-sheik
Shaw, George Bernard
Silber, John
silence and denial
on Benedict XVI’s comment on Islam
Danish Muhammad cartoons
euphemisms for “terrorist”
on Islamic terrorism
on Islamization of West
on Muslim anti-Semitism
on Muslim threat in France
myth of Islamic tolerance
on nature of Islam and jihad
pacification as means for survival
for protection of beliefs
on Rushdie fatwa
on sexuality
See also dhimmitude
Sina, Ali
Sinatra, Frank
Sin City
Singer, Issac Bashevis
Sinnott, Richard, J.
Sixties, The (Gitlin)
Sniper rap band
Snoop Dog
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
sophistication of children. See children
Sorkin, Aaron
Soros, George
Soto, Gary
Spencer, Robert
on the Crusades
on Sayyid Qutb
Spengler (columnist)
Spielberg, Steven
Spock, Benjamin
spring break
Springsteen, Bruce
Spur Posse
Stabile, Katherine
Stewart, Jon
Stevens, George
Steyn, Mark
Stone, Lewis
Stotsky, Sandra
student radicalism. See campus demonstrations
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
Submission (van Gogh)
Suburbia’s Coddled Kids (Wyden)
Sultan, Wafa
Supreme Court
Suyuti (Islamic commentator)
Tabari, al- (Islamic commentator)
Taheri, Amir
Talese, Gay
Tamburlaine the Great (Marlowe)
Tamiroff, Akim
Tan, Amy
Tarkington, Booth
Tarrant, Basil
Taylor, Elizabeth
teachers. See schools
Teagarden, Jack
teenagers. See Baby Boom generation
Teenagers (Palladino)
Teen-Age Tyranny (Hechinger and Hechinger)
Tel Aviv
television. See media, electronic
Arab Palestinian
Beslan attacks
Bush “crusade” against
during Clinton administration
demoralization of victims
euphemisms for
9/11 attacks
Ramadan 2005 attacks
7/7 attacks
sympathy for
3/11 attacks
verbal terror
Thatcher, Margaret
“They Can’t Take That Away from Me” (Gershwin)
Thompson, Virgil
Times (London)
Tocqueville, Alexis de
tolerance. See multiculturalism
Tommy (The Who)
Top Hat
Tormé, Mel
Torsello, Gabriele
Trafalgar Square
Travers, P. L.
Travolta, John
Trilling, Diana
Trilling, Lionel
on “adversary culture”
on “deriving values from the young”
on “making a life”
Trim magazine
True Grit
Trumbauer, Frankie
Trump, Blaine
truth, suppression of. See silence and denial
Twist (dance)
Ultimate Elvis, The (Pierce)
Ulysses (Joyce)
United Nations
anti-Semitism report
“creeping Islamism”
silence concerning Rushdie fatwa
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Rights (UIDHR)
University of Chicago
University of the Incarnate Word (Texas)
Urban II
U.S. News & World Report
Valentine, Helen
Van der Leun, Sheryl
van Gogh, Theo
Van Heusen, Jimmy
Vanity Fair
Venuti, Joe
Verdonk, Rita
vice. See pornography and obscenity
Vicious, Sid
Victorian culture
Vietnam War
Vincent, Steven
Virginia, Fairfax County
Wafaysofi, Hosnia
Wagner, Robert
Waldegrave, William
Walker, Alice
Wall Street Journal
Wallström, Margot
Walton, Norman
Warraq, Ibn
on Christianity’s protection of Islam
on cultural relativism
on Rushdie fatwa
scholarship on jihad
warnings concerning Islamization
on Western curiosity
Washington Post reports and editorials
euphemism for “terrorist”
freak dancing
gangland behavior of children
immigration law proposals
Muslim riots in France
profanity in PG-13 movies
USS Cole bombing
Wayne, John
Way of the Muslim, The
Weekly Standard
“Welcome Back, Duke” (Noonan)
Welcome to the Neighborhood television program
Well of Loneliness (Hall)
Welt, Die
Wenner, Jann
Wesley, John
Wester, Matthew
West Wing television program
What Price Hollywood?
“When Even the Pope Has to Whisper” (Spengler)
White House Years (Kissinger)
Whiteman, Paul
Whitman, Walt
Who, The
“Why Today’s Teen-agers Seem So Different” (Gilbert)
Wien, Robert and Rochelle
Wilders, Geert
Williams, Robin
Willis, John Ralph
Willits, Robert
Wisconsin schools
Wolfe, Tom
Women, The
Women’s Rights magazine
Wood, Kimba
World Trade Center
1993 attack
9/11 attack
World War II
“World War II Syndrome”
Wycliff, Don
Wyden, Peter
Ying Yang Twins
York, Byron
Young, Victor
Yousef, Hamzi
youth movement
abdication of adults
desire to avoid military service
lack of content
parental sympathy for
rock ’n’ roll as expression of
sense of moral distinction
See also Baby Boom generation; campus demonstrations
Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-