Writing this memoir has been very personal for me. Exposing your skeletons in the closet and baring your soul to the world can be both humbling and frightening. It reminds me of checking into BUD/S and gazing up at the life-sized “Creature from the Black Lagoon” statue, gift of some graduating BUD/S class or other, that stands on the quarterdeck greeting all newcomers with its green-mouthed, red-eyed stare. The sign around its neck reads, SO YOU WANNA BE A FROGMAN. Not a question, just posing a dare.
So you wanna write a MEMOIR.…
The first time I sat down to discuss this project with my agent, the legendary Margret McBride, in her office in La Jolla, California, she gave me a crucial piece of strategic advice. “Nobody writes his or her own memoir, Brandon,” she said. “You’re a good writer, but you need a great coauthor to help you out.”
I didn’t get great; I got incredible. Thank you, John David Mann. Having you as my “swim buddy” on this book project was like having one of my trusted teammates covering my six (navyspeak for “watching out for my backside”) in the field. You took all my scattered notes, napkin files, threads of memories, and countless hours on the phone, and then you turned it all into something truly special. For that I thank you tremendously. We have many sayings in the SEALs. One of them goes, “That guy is solid; I’d take a bullet for him any day,” and that’s how I feel about John Mann.
The support of so many people goes into any book project, far too many to identify each by name here, but at the top of my list are the following family and friends who will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you:
To my mother, Lynn, for not giving me up for adoption in those early years in Canada (!) and for always being there for me, rain or shine.
To my dad, Jack, for being there for those early-morning sporting events; it meant a lot to me.
To my sister. You’re the best!
To my ex-wife, for being a great friend, coparent, and mom to our wonderful kids.
To my family in Canada.
To Glen “Bub” Doherty, my sniper-school shooting partner and lifelong friend. No one makes a better right-hand man.
To Eric Davis, for your friendship and hard and innovative work at the SEAL sniper course.
To the men of SEAL Team Three GOLF and ECHO platoons; you know who you are.
To Travis Lively, for proving that brotherhood still exists.
To Thomas Frasher, for always being there when it counted. You’re a true brother.
To Johnny “Tsunami” Surmont, one of the most creative SEALs I know, always inventing something new. You’ve been a great friend, Johnny—keep making great things!
To Billy Tosheff, my friend and fellow aviator and hell-raiser; thanks for everything, brother. Not too many friends will show up at 2:00 A.M., no questions asked!
To Alex Tosheff, for believing in my site and the business potential of You are Tier One IT, my friend!
To Master Chief Manty, for teaching me what it means to be a chief.
To Master Chief Jason Gardner, for your support and knowledge in all things sniper.
To Sally Lyndley, for your amazing muselike support, love, and friendship. You’re the world’s best fashion stylist, in my opinion. Apparently a whole lot of important people agree with me.
To fellow teammate Rob Smith and his lovely wife, Nicole. It never ceases to amaze me how creative guys in our SOF community are. Rob, your handmade RESCO instruments are incredible, and I’ve gladly put my Rolex out to pasture in favor of my new RESCO. Thanks for keeping the brotherhood alive and working with me on the signature “Red Circle” RESCO watch.
To Bill Magee, owner of the dive boat Peace. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of time on that boat with you and the crew.
To Marc Resnick, our editor at St. Martin’s, for believing in this book before it even existed, and to our literary agent, Margret McBride, for helping to make it happen.
To Marcus Luttrell and his wife, Melanie (I know who’s in charge). Thanks for that great foreword, brother.
To the WindanSea Surf Club, for welcoming me into their clan.
Finally I want to acknowledge the following fallen SEAL teammates who touched my life in both training and combat. You guys will live in my memories forever: Matt “Axe” Axelson, Mike Bearden, Chris Campbell, Jason Freiwald, Mike Murphy, Tom Retzer, Heath Robinson, Jon “JT” Tumilson, John Zinn, and honorary teammates Mike Dahan and Paulo Emanuele.
See you on the other side, gents.