“You’re here, you’re here!” Keira danced in the foyer, spinning and laughing. “You have to meet Callie. She’s the best. You’re going to really like her.”
Delaney smiled as she walked into the house. “You’re full of energy.”
“I’m excited!”
Delaney had impulsively texted Keira late Sunday morning, asking if she wanted to do homework together. She wasn’t sure what it said about her that she’d been more comfortable getting in touch with a twelve-year-old than one of her own friends, but there she was. And if she were totally honest with herself, she would admit that when she was done with her homework, she just might see if Malcolm were home. So yes, she was pathetic on several levels. It was just that lately, her condo wasn’t the haven it had once been. She was restless, confused and while not unhappy, then certainly not happy and she had no idea why.
Keira grabbed her hand and pulled her upstairs. “I’m writing a paper for my sociology class. It’s on mixed-race marriages.”
“You’re in seventh grade. Isn’t that a little advanced?”
Keira paused halfway up the stairs to glance over her shoulder. “It’s an exclusive and expensive private school. Parents want to know they’re getting their money’s worth.”
“I guess. I didn’t take sociology until I was in college. I feel as if I missed out.”
Keira grinned. “You did academically but not socially.”
“Wow, that’s so judgmental.”
Keira only laughed and led the way to her room. Once there, she raced over to a pretty blonde holding Lizzy.
“This is Callie, my sister! Callie, this is Delaney. I told you about her.”
Delaney saw the physical similarities immediately. The freckles, the blue eyes. No one would be surprised to find out those two were related. She also saw a bit of Malcolm in Callie, mostly in her smile.
“Nice to meet you,” Callie said. “Keira talks about you a lot.”
“Back at you. Welcome to Seattle. I’m sorry about the rain. It generally stops around the Fourth of July.”
“Then I’m going to need a better raincoat.”
Keira led them all into her playroom. Books and her laptop were spread over one of the sofas. A huge tray filled with sandwiches, fruit, sodas and brownies sat on the ottoman.
The three of them dropped to the floor. Lizzy greeted Delaney with a couple of head butts and some purring.
“She’s getting so big,” Delaney said, picking up the black-and-white kitten. “Aren’t you, sweetie?”
Lizzy reached for a strand of hair. Delaney set her down, then turned to Callie.
“How are you settling in? It must be very odd to find out you have siblings.”
“It was hard to grasp,” Callie admitted. “But now it’s all good.”
“I’m an excellent sister,” Keira announced.
“You are,” Callie told her. “And my favorite sister.”
Keira rolled her eyes. “I’m your only one.”
“Then you’ll never not be my favorite.”
“Or your least favorite,” Keira added with a giggle. “Which means you’re my least favorite sister, too.”
Their obvious affection for each other was good to see, Delaney thought. Malcolm might have trouble relating to Keira, but Callie obviously didn’t. She’d jumped right into the relationship. Hopefully Malcolm could learn from her. And speaking of Malcolm...
She honestly couldn’t think of a way to casually mention him, so she reached for a sandwich and took a bite.
“Callie’s from Texas,” Keira said.
“And Oklahoma,” Callie added, reaching for a sandwich. “It was much hotter there and a lot more humid. Now I’m here.”
“I’ve never lived anywhere but Seattle.” Delaney looked at Keira. “You’ve lived in two different states. I’m the bumpkin.”
“Not necessarily,” Callie told her. “Having a hometown is nice.”
“It is.” Delaney smiled. “I grew up on a great street where everyone knew everyone else. I lost my mom when I was born, so all the moms looked out for me. It was very difficult to do anything wrong. Someone was always around to tell my dad.”
“Delaney’s dad was a police officer,” Keira said. “He was shot in the line of duty and is now in a wheelchair.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Callie looked surprised. “How is he doing?”
“Great. He’s newly engaged and about to go on his first cruise.” She smiled as she thought of her father. “He’s the kind of man who always finds a way. I admire that about him. Keira tells me you’ve gone to work at Alberto’s Alfresco. What’s that like?”
“Good. I’m enjoying the work and making lots of friends.”
Delaney didn’t know much about the family’s circumstances, but she knew there was plenty of money and Malcolm had mentioned each of his sisters had a trust fund. She suspected Callie didn’t actually have to work if she didn’t want to. Delaney knew it said something good about her character that she’d insisted on getting a job right away.
“I recently went back to college,” Delaney admitted. “It’s so much harder than it was when I was eighteen.”
“You are old,” Keira offered with a grin.
“Yes, twenty-nine. I’ll be eligible for social security next year.”
Everyone laughed.
After they’d finished the sandwiches and made a big dent in the pile of brownies, Delaney and Keira pulled out their schoolbooks and started to study. Callie had a book on the history of Seattle that she’d checked out of the library. While Delaney ran through her calculus homework, Keira typed on her laptop and Callie read. Lizzy found a comfortable cushion and curled up for a nap.
By two thirty, Delaney just couldn’t take it anymore. Yes, she enjoyed Keira’s company and Callie seemed very nice, and the kitten was adorable, but she really, truly wanted to see Malcolm. Just thinking about him made her feel restless and happy at the same time. It wasn’t a combination suitable to deep study.
She searched for a casual way to bring him up, then just went for the simple question. “Keira, is Malcolm around?”
“I think so.” The twelve-year-old didn’t look up from her computer. “He was going to work in his office in the morning, then go for a run. He might be back. You could go see. His home office is down the hall.”
Delaney collected her things and stood. Callie looked up at her.
“It was nice to meet you,” Callie said. “I enjoyed putting a name with the face.”
“Same here. We should hang out sometime.”
“I’d like that a lot.”
Delaney walked toward Malcolm’s office, changed her mind and started downstairs only to head back up to the second floor. Keira had said he was in his office. It wasn’t as if she were showing up unannounced in his bedroom. She would knock and if he didn’t answer, she would text him. Maybe he was still out running or maybe he’d left to go do something with friends. Or maybe—
She was dithering, she thought with exasperation. Remember when she used to be decisive? She groaned before walking purposefully to his door, knocking once, then pushing it open.
“Malcolm, it’s Delaney. I was visiting Keira and wanted to stop by and say hi.”
She paused just inside what looked like a den or upscale home office. She had a brief impression of a large desk, bookshelves and a sofa before she heard Malcolm’s voice.
“Yes, I was visiting Keira and I...”
The rest of her words got caught in her suddenly tight throat. Malcolm appeared in the doorway of his study, drying his hair with one towel while wearing another towel around his waist. The room he’d come from wasn’t a neutral den or kitchen or hallway—it was his bedroom.
“Is everything okay?”
A reasonable question and one she would answer once she got past the sight of him, well, pretty much naked. Oh, and once she caught her breath.
He looked good. Better than good. He was muscled, sexy and just so calm, standing there looking quizzical.
She felt herself flush and half turned away. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude. I was just—” She closed her eyes as she fought against embarrassment.
She was twenty-nine and according to Keira, very old. Shouldn’t she be able to handle situations like this better? Except she’d only ever been with Tim and by the time they’d become lovers, they’d been together for a couple of years and even so, she’d never walked in on him naked.
“Sorry to bother you,” she mumbled, remembering when she’d had it all together and wishing she could be that woman again. “I should go.”
“Or not.”
Two simple words spoken in a very low voice. Involuntarily, she turned back toward him and saw he’d dropped the towel he’d been using to dry his hair. His intense gaze locked on hers and even she knew exactly what he was thinking.
She hadn’t bothered him at all. He wasn’t the least bit annoyed. If anything, he was very, very interested in having her in his room.
Oh, my.
Heat poured through her, unexpected in its intensity. Wanting exploded as an almost-forgotten hunger roared to life. Her backpack fell to the floor.
He smiled at her. “If that’s a yes, may I suggest you close and lock the door?”
What an excellent idea, she thought as she did as he requested. After the lock was secure, she turned toward the bedroom, only to find him walking toward her. His stride was confident, purposeful and right before he reached her, he dropped the towel around his waist.
It took every ounce of self-control not to gasp. The man was naked. Totally and completely, and still moving toward her. She barely had time to open her arms before his mouth was on hers.
The kiss was hot and deep and reminded her that she was alive and female and that her body had been built for a pleasure she hadn’t experienced in nearly two years. At the same time, she put her hands on his bare shoulders and felt the erotic warmth of his skin. Dear God, this was really happening!
Anticipation grew until she trembled against him. She felt his fingers moving up and down her spine, which was nice, but not nearly enough. She pulled back slightly to drop her jacket on the floor, then toe out of her boots. Before she could do anything else, he pulled off her sweater. As it flew across the room, he leaned in and pressed his mouth to her jaw. He trailed kisses to her ear where he sucked on her earlobe for a second. When she felt his teeth lightly graze her skin, she moaned.
Her body was on fire. Heat burned everywhere. Her breasts ached and between her legs she felt that telltale heaviness that told her she was more than ready. She wanted him kissing a lot more than her earlobe. She wanted his hands everywhere, seeking, stroking, rubbing until she had an orgasm, then she wanted him to do it again and again.
She reached for her bra and unfastened it. His hands immediately cupped her breasts. The feel of warm skin on her curves was perfection. When he gently squeezed her tight, sensitive nipples, she felt the sensation all the way down to her clit.
He kissed her again. She met him stroke for stroke, as they mimicked what was to come. She touched him everywhere she could reach. His shoulders, his chest, his belly, then lower. She took his erection into her hand and began moving from base to tip. He drew back and stared at her.
She smiled, not sure if the single word was a request or a command. She was good either way. Stopping only to unfasten her jeans and push them and her panties to the floor, she trailed after him. As he pulled back the covers, she realized she’d left on her socks. They came to midcalf and were covered with little pigs with wings, but she wasn’t sure he would care and she suddenly didn’t, either.
She slid onto the mattress and held out her arms. He joined her, running his hand up and down her body before lowering his head to take her left nipple in his mouth. He circled the tip with his tongue, then sucked deeply, making her breath come in pants.
So good, she thought as the delicious tugging made the rest of her hum with need. She was aroused, happy and alive. How long since she’d felt any of those?
He moved to her other breast and sucked again. All rational thought fled as the very core of her cried out. Without thinking, she pushed his hand between her legs and parted her thighs. Not the most subtle invitation but one that Malcolm didn’t seem to mind.
He found her clitoris immediately. At the first brush of his fingers, she felt a deep pull low in her belly. By the third she was halfway along a nearly forgotten journey. He started circling her with a steady rhythm that stole any sense of control she might have thought she’d had. She opened her legs as wide as she could, arched her back and gave herself over to the feelings he created.
Every muscle tensed. Every nerve quivered. He pressed a little harder, moved a little faster and she was right there, on the edge, so close. So—
She came with a scream that was ripped from the very heart of her. She exhaled as the pleasure came in rippling waves of wow-did-I-need-this. Her orgasm went on and on until she thought she should be embarrassed, but dammit, she was due. Then it slowed and she was able to breathe again.
Warm lips pressed against hers.
“Watching you come nearly made me lose it.”
Delaney opened her eyes and saw Malcolm smiling at her. The confession—one that made him seem even sexier than before—created a tiny crack in the wall around her heart.
“I’ll bet you say that to all the girls.”
“I wish, but no.”
He turned and opened a nightstand drawer, then pulled out a condom. Once it was in place, he shifted between her thighs. She exhaled.
“I’m so going to enjoy this,” she whispered.
“Not more than me.”
She laughed. “Want to bet?”
“Later. I’ll do anything you want, as long as it’s later.”
He eased into her. He went slowly, which she appreciated. Her body had to stretch to accommodate him. Fortunately she was so aroused from what they’d already done that she quickly grew accustomed to him.
He withdrew and pushed in again. The friction was perfect—just intense enough to get her attention. She drew her knees back so he could go deeper, then wrapped her legs around his hips as she gave herself over to feelings rushing through her.
With every stroke she was more and more aroused. Her body was alive with sensation. Need grew so fast, she was caught off guard. She went from “This is nice” to “Holy crap” in about eight seconds. Her breathing increased as she was suddenly on the edge.
Unable to stop herself, she whispered, “Faster, please!”
He complied, moving in and out at a pace designed to make them both lose control. He filled her once, twice and then she was lost, crying out as her body shattered. Seconds later, he pushed in and shuddered his release.
They held on to each other until their breathing slowed. When normalcy returned, Malcolm lightly kissed her and smiled.
“You should stop by more often.”
She laughed. “You have no idea how much I agree with that.”
* * *
“Delaney and Malcolm are dating,” Keira said, still looking at her computer. “I don’t know if they’re having sex yet.”
Callie did her best not to yelp. “Maybe you shouldn’t think about stuff like that.”
“I can’t help it. That’s what people who date do.”
“There’s actually more to the process,” Callie told her, only to realize that she was hardly in a position to discuss that topic. The last date she’d been on had landed her in prison. It felt like eighteen lifetimes ago, which probably explained why she’d acted so incredibly stupid when Santiago had mentioned going out with her. Just thinking about how she’d run out on him made her want to hide under a bush somewhere and never be seen again.
Keira sighed. “I guess. Still, it’s a gross thing to do. I don’t like boys.”
“That may change.”
“I hope not.” Keira closed her laptop. “Did you like Delaney?”
“I did.”
“Good. I hope we can all be friends.”
“I’d like that.”
Callie thought about all that Malcolm had told her and wondered how they could talk about it. “How’s school?”
Keira looked at her. “Malcolm told you about my essay, didn’t he?”
Callie flopped back on the sofa and covered her face with her hands. “You’re saying I’m not the least bit subtle.”
“Not really. It’s okay. We can talk about it.”
Callie rolled over to face her. “I know you were mad and scared.”
Keira picked at the faux fur rug. “It’s hard sometimes. I want to be okay, but I’m not.”
“Do you think Malcolm’s going to throw you out?”
Keira looked at her. “I don’t know. Less than I did, but I still get scared. Where would I go? I’m going to be thirteen in a few weeks, but so what? I’m still a kid. I can’t get a job or take care of myself.”
Callie felt her sister’s pain. Keira was dealing with way too much. It wasn’t right. And there weren’t a lot of ways to convince her that she was safe and secure. But without that knowledge, how would Keira ever relax enough to be a happy, mentally healthy young woman?
Callie slid to the floor and held out her hand, fingers splayed. “If Malcolm throws you out, I’ll take care of you until you tell me you’re sick of me. We’ll take Lizzy and find somewhere else to live. Just the three of us. I pinkie swear.”
Keira rolled her eyes. “Don’t you think the subject is a little too serious for a pinkie swear?”
“I don’t know. Is it?”
Keira’s gaze settled on hers. “You mean it? You’d do that?”
“I would.” She gave her sister a gentle smile. “It’s not a hard promise to make. I would do it in a heartbeat, but I don’t think Malcolm would let you go. He doesn’t act the way he does because he doesn’t care, but because he doesn’t know how to be a big brother. He’s still learning. Regardless, I would take you away and keep you safe.”
Keira worried her lower lip for a second before nodding slowly. “Okay, we can pinkie swear.”
They locked little fingers and squeezed tight.
“I pinkie swear that whatever happens, I’ll take care of you,” Callie whispered. “No matter what, I’ll be here for you.”
Keira’s eyes filled with tears. “I believe you.”
“Now will you tell me the big secret?”
Callie dropped her hand to her lap as the back of her neck prickled. “What are you talking about?”
“Oh, there’s something. Malcolm and Grandfather Alberto have stopped talking a couple of times when I came in the room. Everybody has secrets, I guess. You, Delaney, Malcolm.”
“What’s Delaney’s secret?”
“I don’t know, but she has one. Sometimes she gets this really sad look. Malcolm’s secret makes him mad, so I’m sure not going to ask him. But you don’t get mad about yours.”
Callie did her best to keep her mouth from dropping open. “That’s really insightful.”
“It’s not hard. People forget I’m in the room and they say stuff. Or not.” She smiled. “Are you a spy? Are you married? Is your mom a movie star?”
“Nothing so grand.” She hesitated, not sure what to say. Telling Keira made the most sense, but what if it changed everything?
“I won’t tell,” Keira told her, her blue eyes solemn. “I more than pinkie swear.”
“It’s not that. I’m afraid you won’t like me anymore.”
“As if.”
Callie nodded. “Okay. When I was a senior in high school I had a very bad boyfriend. He convinced me it would be fun to rob a liquor store, so we did and we got caught.”
Keira’s mouth dropped open. “No way. That’s awful. Oh, wait. You were convicted, huh? And you went to jail. That’s the secret. You’re a felon.”
Now it was Callie’s turn to be stunned. “How could you possibly know that?”
“Angelina went to jail for stealing jewelry when she was a personal assistant. After my mom died, I couldn’t stay with her because of that. They don’t like convicted felons taking care of kids. Not if they’re not related to each other, or anything. I don’t think they would take me away from you because you’re my sister.” She leaned against the sofa and sighed. “Angelina was great. She made everything fun. We’d sing karaoke together.” She looked at Callie. “It’s okay. I really won’t say anything.”
“Thank you. I thought you’d be more upset.”
Keira flicked her wrist. “Honey, life happens.”
Callie started laughing, then hugged her sister. “Yes, it does. To all of us.”
Keira hugged her back. They held on to each other for a long time. Callie felt some of the weight she’d been carrying ease just a little. Acceptance was a powerful drug, she thought. One that might be very hard to walk away from.