
Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following periodicals in which these poems first appeared or will appear, sometimes in different forms:

Agni Review: Steinberg Case (originally “His Shadow”)

American Poetry Review: Old Ice, Dark Existence, Black Series, The Servant, December Shadow, January Dawn, March Dawn, Blossoms Appearing, Every Life, A Vigil, First Thought, Adult Joy, Gnostic Heaven, Magdalene, Little Furnace

Antaeus: Dark Matter

The Berkeley Voice: The Rat

The Denver Quarterly: Sorrow of Matter

Epoch: Branch, Scraping, Luminous Textures, and an untitled fragment, (—Why did you tremble . . .)

Equinox: Three untitled fragments, (—Who wounded you . . .), (While I slept you stood . . .), and (—In the cave of the self . . .)

Estero: Vast Fluttering, The Snakeskin

The Nation: Trapped Light

The New Yorker: A Foghorn

The Paris Review: Meridian Plinth, Autumn Moon

Partisan Review: Torn Shadow

Ploughshares: The Spell, Small Spaces

River Styx: Several Errands

The Taos Review: Marshy Area, Useful Shadow, Empty Shadow

Tikkun: Holding On

The Threepenny Review: Food, Toll Collector

ZYZZYVA: Mighty Forms, Recycling Center, Spare World

Pushcart Prize XVI reprinted Mighty Forms.

Many thanks to Alex, Fran, James, Joe, John, and Roland.