Archaic Wanderings

I walked with my traveler

and thought of the other women before me.

Probably they’d looked at those very same grasses together,

hairgrass, foxtail, barley, who

cares, so what if they had;

willows dropped their blonde eyebrows.

In childhood, I had this map called Canaan

at the Time of Conquest.

That was before I knew the Kennedys did it,

before any sex at all.

Minuscule names of tribes slanting

into each other,

the mouth-wrinkles smiling around the Dead Sea;

the thought of all those boys and women

with cloth and the long hair and the many directions,

striped tents,

the vast fluttering, the whisper

of airy things being lifted off, the warm

dry mouths of strangers being kissed;

sex stays fairly secret

for a long time, doesn’t it. That map

had pale yellow skin,—like many of my wrists—