Transliteration from Russian follows Library of Congress standards; however, in the body of the text, I have used the established English transliteration for well-known figures: Mandelshtam rather than Mandel’shtam, Dostoevsky and Bukovsky rather than Dostoevskii and Bukovskii, Joseph Brodsky rather than Iosif Brodskii. I have also anglicized common first names for the sake of readability: Alexander, Tatiana, Olga, Yurii, Ilya rather than Aleksandr, Tat’iana, Ol’ga, Iurii, Il’ia. In the bibliography, however, Library of Congress transliteration is used for all Russian names.
All translations from the Russian, unless indicated otherwise, are my own. Many copies of Russian samizdat journals are not paginated. In cases where I refer to such a copy no page references are given.