Where to Get Help

In today's electronic society it is getting harder and harder to hide out in America. There used to be group of "underground" and "freedom loving" people who lived off the land and away from the general society. These individuals would often provide shelter, help, and comfort to those seeking to run away from society. However, with today's increasing paranoia and dangers, offering to help others is a dangerous proposition. Therefore, if you are considering disappearing, then you may want to consider getting some help from a professional organization that assists individuals in specific situations to hide out from other people.

Just keep in mind that if you are going to use the help of a professional organization, they are going to want you to have a valid reason for running away and hiding out from other people. These professional organizations will report you to the authorities if they feel there is a reason they should. For example, none of the professional organizations suggested here will help you if you are running from law enforcement. (Note: While a foreigner may get assistance from an embassy in the form of provisional security from police authorities, this is beyond the scope of this book.)

A new class of citizen has developed in recent years. They go by a variety of names, but most commonly they are called “New Age”. While many are considered social misfits, they interact with regular society during the day and in their off-hours, they do their own thing. There have always been groups of society that are anti-establishment and socially disassociated; these individuals are always helpful to those on the run. However, in order to get their assistance you need to be able to find them first. Once you find them, it is important that you be honest with them.  Otherwise, they will be highly unlikely to help you.

Let's consider some of the reasons why people disappear.