If you choose to disappear and start a new life, there are three important parts you need to focus on to be successful.
1. Gather up All Your Resources
First, when you are preparing to disappear, you need to make sure you gather all your resources. Before disappearing, you need to make sure you have everything you'll need in order to survive. Move assets to cash and store money in a secure location until you're ready to take off and disappear. Purchase any supplies you will need with cash. Some necessary items will include the following:
Warm clothes
Waterproof items such as matches
Sturdy Shoes
Sleeping Bag
Pocket Knife
If you don't want to rough it in the wilderness, then you will want to make sure you have cash, necessary papers, and a few basic items of clothing before you disappear.
Don't take any valuable or sentimental items with you. Expensive items can get stolen, and sentimental items can be used to find you.
2. Know Where to Go
Once you have all your resources ready, you can take off for your new life. However, you need to make sure you know where you're going. There really is no limit on where you can go, except for customs.
If you are thinking about starting again in an international location, you should research the visa or government regulations first. Cheaper countries will make it easier to live for a longer period of time, but you want to make sure everything is legal.
If you are choosing to stay in your home country, then carefully consider your odds of being found. Make sure no one within 100 miles knows you, and of course don't go to a spot you used to vacation.
Make sure you plan your destination and commit to it before you leave. You don't want to buy false papers and decide where to go on a whim; this is just inviting disaster. Commit yourself to a specific destination and then plan and prepare for it.
Disappearing is a physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally difficult process. Make sure you have carefully considered all the pros and cons of disappearing before you decide whether or not it is right for you.
3. Adapt to Your New Life
Lastly, once you have disappeared and arrived at your new destination, you should cultivate new habits as a part of your new life. If you don't adopt a completely new persona, you'll easily adopt the old patterns that made you want to disappear in the first place. To do this, there are a few things you can do.
Buy clothes you normally wouldn't wear.
Cut and dye your hair a natural color that doesn't attract attention.
Eat different foods than you used to.
In addition, once you have started a new life you never want to let your guard down since people can always be looking for you. To do this you can practice the following habits:
Start wearing hats indoors to avoid being caught on security cameras.
Clean up after yourself, don't leave any evidence behind that can be traced to you.
Stay away from regular mail since it can be used to easily track your location.
While there are many other steps involved in successfully disappear and start a new life, these are three of the most important areas to focus on order to make the process easier.
Let's take a deeper look at some of the things you can do to successfully start a new life after disappearing. We'll start by looking at how you can avoid leaving traces of yourself for others to find.