How to Have Financial Privacy and Security

There are many ways your privacy can be invaded, and there are just as many ways to protect your privacy. One area to look into is your financial privacy. When it comes to your personal information as a customer, financial privacy is the most important thing. You need to make sure this information stays private at any cost and doesn't get leaked beyond your financial institution. Many customers today are faced with leaks that risk their financial information.

Many aren't aware that personal privacy is a fundamental right of humans. Despite this, in many States, the laws do little to nothing to protect this fundamental right. It seems nearly impossible to secure your financial privacy based on the rules and regulations in most States, central banks, and corporate policies. In addition, options such as digital currencies, buying silver or gold and bartering clubs haven't gained as much traction due to the centralization of State power.

Using Bitcoin for Financial Privacy

This is where Bitcoin is a good option. Bitcoin is a type of digital currency that has been gaining in popularity recently. Bitcoin aims to fix the problem of centralization and allows users to have greater control of their financial privacy. With centralization, the power is vested to a central body such as a central bank. However, Bitcoin's successful peer-to-peer operation doesn't allow for a central authority or a third party when it comes to a fundamental currency. This decentralization allows Bitcoin to stand out from the rest of the digital currencies.

No central authority issues or verifies Bitcoins. Users are able to generate this type of digital currency through free open-sourced software. This means everyone has access to a free Bitcoin wallet and can quickly and cheaply engage in financial transactions. Once you generate Bitcoins, you can transfer them safely and securely while maintaining your privacy.

How Bitcoin Works

Bitcoin uses extremely strong encryption protocols to help minimize the risk of loss from identity thieves or hackers. Some argue that Bitcoin is a system of digital currency that is difficult to use. However, new applications are being developed above Bitcoin protocol that makes it easier to use, nearly as easy as email.

Bitcoin transactions are nearly instant. You can also do micro-transactions that use a very small amount. This type of digital currency can easily be exchanged with national currency or cash in less than an hour through various exchange services.

Perhaps the best benefit of Bitcoin is that it is very difficult for governments to compromise or take control of the protocol or block chain behind Bitcoin. While Bitcoin currency is not legally defined, it isn't illegal anywhere. Even if States try to stop Bitcoin, they will likely fail because of the open-source code. Bitcoin works to protect financial security like no other monetary innovation on the market.

However, there are some disadvantages of Bitcoin. There are those who are overly concerned about the potential for Bitcoin to be a privacy enhancing tool. These individuals don't remember that the only moral reason a State should exist is to protect human rights and that financial privacy is a fundamental human right.

In addition, Bitcoin is extremely new, and some of their applications are difficult for the average individual to handle. As more people start to use Bitcoin, it is likely to increase in value.

Lastly, there is the disadvantage that all transactions are non-reversible, so you need to make sure you get it right the first time.

Although financial privacy is a vital and fundamental human right, there are many individuals out there who are attempting to steal financial information. Thieves, extortioners, identity thieves, rogue States, criminal gangs and other nefarious individuals are all trying to steal your information; Bitcoin is a free and open-source software that allow you to protect your financial privacy.