Unless otherwise stated, works refer to the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud [SE], translated under the general editorship of James Strachey (London: Hogarth Press and Institute of Psychoanalysis, 1953–74).
- AC “Some Psychical Consequences of the Anatomical Distinction Between the Sexes”, SE XIX: 241–58.
- AN “On the Grounds for Detaching a Particular Syndrome From Neurasthenia Under the Description ‘Anxiety Neurosis’”, SE III: 85–117.
- AO (with Joseph Breuer) “Case Histories, 1: Fraulein Anna O”, SE II.
- ATI “Analysis Terminable and Interminable”, SE XXIII: 211 ff.
- BPP “Beyond the Pleasure Principle”, SE XVIII: 1–64.
- CD “Civilization and Its Discontents”, SE XXI: 58–149.
- CH (with Joseph Breuer) “Case Histories”, SE II: 18 ff.
- CWD “Creative Writing and Daydreaming”, SE IX: 141–53.
- DO “The Dissolution of the Oedipus Complex”, SE XIX: 171–9.
- DT “The Dynamics of the Transference”, SE XII: 99–108.
- EI “The Ego and the Id”, SE XIX: 1–66.
- EPM “The Economic Problem of Masochism”, SE XIX: 155–70.
- F “Femininity”, New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis, SE XXII: 136–57.
- FI “The Future of an Illusion”, SE XXI: 1–56.
- FL Five Lectures on Psychoanalysis [1909] Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1995.
- GRH “General Remarks on Hysterical Attacks”, SE IX: 227–34.
- HPM “History of the Psychoanalytic Movement”, SE XIV: 7–66.
- HPR “Hysterical Phantasies and Their Relation to Bisexuality”, SE IX: 155–66.
- ID The Interpretation of Dreams [1900], SE IV: xxxii + 1–338, and V: 339–627.
- IGO “Infantile Genital Organization”, SE XIX: 139–45.
- ISA “Inhibitions, Symptoms, and Anxiety”, SE XX: 75–175.
- IV “Instincts and Their Vicissitudes”, SE IV: 109–40.
- JPH “Some Neurotic Mechanisms in Jealousy, Paranoia and Homosexuality”, SE XVIII: 221–32.
- LH “Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-Year Old Boy”, SE X: 1–149.
- LR “The Loss of Reality in Neurosis and Psychosis”, SE XIX: 181–7.
- MO “Mourning and Melancholy”, SE XIV: 243–58.
- MM “Moses and Monotheism: Three Essays”, SE XXIII: 1–137.
- MSD “Metapsychological Supplement to the Theory of Dreams”, SE XIV: 217–35.
- ON “On Narcissism”, SE XIV: 67–102.
- N “On Negation”, SE XIX: 233–9.
- NP “Neurosis and Psychosis”, SE XIX: 147–53.
- NU “A Note on the Unconscious in Psychoanalysis”, SE XIII: 255–66.
- OA “Obsessive Actions and Religious Practices”, SE IX: 115–27.
- PEL The Psychopathology of Everyday Life [1901], SE VI.
- PMH (with Joseph Breuer) “On the Psychical Mechanism of Hysterical Phenomena: Preliminary Communication”, SE II: 3–17.
- QLA “The Question of Lay Analysis”, SE XX: 179 ff.
- R “Repression”, SE XIV: 141–58.
- RM “Notes Upon a Case of Obsessional Neurosis”, SE X: 155ff.
- RRW “Remembering, Repeating, Working Through”, SE XII: 145–56.
- SC “Psychoanalytic Notes on an Autobiographical Account of a Case of Paranoia (Dementia Paranoides) [The Schreber Case]”, SE XII: 3 ff.
- SN “Sexuality in the Neuroses”, SE VII: 269–79.
- ST “A Special Type of Object-Choice Made By Men”, SE XI: 163–75.
- STC “The Sexual Theories of Children”, SE IX: 205–26.
- TE Three Essays on Sexuality, SE VII.
- TI “On Transformations of Instinct as Exemplified in Anal Eroticism”, SE XVII: 125–34.
- TL “Observations on Transference Love”, SE XII: 157–71.
- TPM “Two Principles of Mental Functioning”, SE XII: 213–36.
- TT “Totem and Taboo: Some Points of Agreement Between the Mental Lives of Savages and Neurotics”, SE XIII: xv, 1–161.
- U “The Uncanny”, SE XVII: 219 ff.
- Ucs “The Unconscious”, SE XIV: 159–215.
- UTD “The Universal Tendency to Debasement in the Sphere of Love”, SE XI: 177–90.