‘Traffic light’ foods

The best way to eat yourself thin is to choose foods you enjoy and that fill you up, so you don’t feel hungry at the end of a meal. Low-fat, low-calorie vegetables and foods that you have to chew slowly are particularly effective. You can continue to eat most foods as part of a healthy weight-loss or maintenance regime but there are some that are so high in calories, sugar or fat that they are best avoided. Use this helpful ‘traffic lights’ guide for quick and easy reference.

Green foods – Go!

Eat these foods freely as part of your daily plan

Meat: lean beef, lamb, pork, veal (all visible fat removed), grilled or roasted with spray oil; liver, kidneys

Cooked meats: ham, gammon (all visible fat removed)

Poultry: chicken, turkey (skin removed), grilled, poached or roasted with spray oil

Fish and shellfish: all white fish, grilled, baked or steamed; fresh tuna or canned in spring water; squid (grilled, not fried), mussels, clams, oysters, scallops, prawns (shrimp), white crabmeat, lobster

Eggs: not fried

Dairy: skimmed (lowfat) milk (cow’s, goat’s or soy), 0% fat Greek yogurt, very low-fat plain yogurt

Cheese: low-fat cottage cheese, Quark, virtually fat-free fromage frais

Dressings and sauces: oil-free vinaigrette and dressings, extra-light mayonnaise, soy sauce, nam pla (Thai fish sauce), mustard, vinegars, low-fat stock cubes

Pasta and noodles: all plain varieties (not filled pasta) boiled, in small quantities

Rice: brown, basmati, Thai fragrant, boiled or steamed, in small quantities

Whole grains: bulgur wheat, quinoa, couscous (in small quantities)

Oats: oatmeal, porridge (rolled) oats, unsweetened muesli

Breakfast cereals: Weetabix, Shredded Wheat (not filled)

Nuts: chestnuts

Pulses: lentils (Puy, green, brown, red and yellow split); dried beans (black, borlotti, butter/lima, cannellini, chickpeas, haricot, kidney, soya/ edamame) or canned

Vegetarian foods: Quorn, tofu

Vegetables: green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, mushrooms, (bell) peppers, aubergine (eggplant), courgette (zucchini), pumpkin, onions, leeks, celery, fennel, carrots, swede (rutabaga), chillies

Salads: all salad leaves, cucumber, radishes, tomatoes, spring onions (scallions)

Herbs and spices: all dried and fresh herbs and spices

Fruit: apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, oranges, clementines, satsumas, lemons, limes, grapefruit, apricots, plums, pineapple, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, redcurrants, kiwi fruit, papaya, melon, pomegranate

Bakery: high-fibre crispbreads and crackers with less than 5% fat; rice cakes

Snacks and sweets: no-sugar jelly (jello)

Spreads: Marmite, yeast extract

Drinks: Water, tea and coffee (with skimmed/lowfat milk), herbal tea, zero-calorie soft drinks


Amber foods – Caution!

Go carefully and eat these foods in moderation

Meat: minced (ground) beef, lamb and pork (less than 5% fat), low-fat sausages, very lean back (Canadian) bacon (all visible fat removed); beef burgers

Cured meats: Parma (prosciutto) and Serrano ham (all visible fat removed)

Poultry: duck

Fish and shellfish: salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, grilled, baked or poached, no more than twice weekly; smoked salmon

Dairy: semi-skimmed (half fat) milk (cow’s, goat’s or soy); low-fat spread; low-fat ice cream

Cheese: reduced-fat Cheddar, low-fat mozzarella and feta; light soft cheese, grated Parmesan on pasta (no more than 1 teaspoon)

Dressings and sauces: sweet chilli sauce, light mayonnaise, reduced-fat tomato salsa, mango chutney, tomato ketchup, horseradish sauce, low-fat custard, miso

Pasta and noodles: gnocchi, filled pasta (tortelloni, ravioli, etc.)

Rice: risotto, paella, biryani

Oats: oatcakes, sweetened muesli

Breakfast cereals: granola, cereal bars with less than 5% fat and low sugar content

Nuts: peanuts, cashews, pecans, walnuts, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, almonds, pine nuts, coconut, reduced-fat coconut milk

Seeds: pumpkin, sesame, sunflower

Vegetables: starchy vegetables such as potatoes, parsnips, sweet potatoes, yams, plantains, boiled, baked or dry-roasted; sweetcorn; peas (fresh or frozen); broad beans; olives

Salads: beetroot, low-fat coleslaw

Fruit: banana, mango, grapes, avocado, dried fruits

Pastry: filo (brushed with egg, not butter or oil)

Bakery: wholemeal and multigrain bread, tortillas, wraps, pittas, chapatis (check fat grams and calories)

Desserts and sweets: meringues, fruit salad in unsweetened natural juice, low-sugar jam (jelly), honey

Drinks: fruit juices – drink in moderation; many are high in sugar; fruit smoothies; fruit squash, cordials and flavoured drinks; alcohol (light beer, wine, spirits) – mix spirits with soda water, sparkling mineral water or low-calorie mixers

Low-fat pies and pastry

Filo pastry (dough) is a healthier alternative to shortcrust and puff pastry. The sheets are so thin and it doesn’t contain any fat – only flour and water. You can use it for topping pies as well as for wrapping savoury and fruit mixtures. When layering and assembling the sheets, brush them lightly with some beaten egg or just the egg white rather than oil or melted butter. When you take the sheets out of a packet, always cover them with a damp cloth to prevent them drying out.

Sugar by any other name

Sugar is often listed under other names on food packaging labels. Look for the following: corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, fruit sugar, glucose, lactose, maltose, molasses and sucrose.


Red foods – Stop!

Avoid the following or eat occasionally in very small quantities

Meat: sausages (with more than 5% fat), spare ribs, belly pork, fatty meat or meat roasted in fat, deep-fried meat

Cooked meats: salami, chorizo, pepperoni, pâté

Poultry: fried chicken

Fish and shellfish: fried fish, deep-fried scampi

Dairy: full-fat (whole) milk, cream, soured cream, crème fraîche, butter, ghee; full-fat ice cream; sweetened full-fat (whole) creamy yogurts

Cheese: full-fat (whole) and creamy cheeses, e.g. blue cheese, hard cheeses such as Cheddar, Brie, Camembert, cream cheese

Oils and fats: sunflower, rapeseed (canola), coconut, vegetable, avocado, grapeseed, corn oils; lard (shortening), dripping; margarine

Dressings and sauces: creamy sauces, hollandaise, béarnaise, tartare, mayonnaise, salad cream, salad dressings, e.g. blue cheese, Thousand Island, vinaigrette made with oil, guacamole, full-fat hummus, taramasalata

Pasta and noodles: pasta in creamy sauces; fried noodles

Rice: fried rice and arancini (rice balls)

Oats: porridge (oatmeal) with cream or full-fat (whole) milk and sugar

Breakfast cereals: sweetened brands, cereal bars with a high-sugar content and more than 5% fat

Nuts: peanut butter and nut spreads; nut brittle; satay sauce; creamed coconut, full-fat (whole) coconut milk

Vegetables: fat-roasted, fried or battered vegetables, such as French fries and onion rings

Fruit: fruit canned in syrup Confectionery and spreads: chocolate bars, chocolate spreads, sweets (candy), candied popcorn

Bakery: white and brown bread, croissants, brioche, doughnuts, Danish pastries, cakes, muffins; pizza (especially deep pan)

Pastry: shortcrust, flaky, puff, hot water crust, choux; pork pies; quiches

Confectionery and spreads: potato crisps (chips), tortilla chips, biscuits (cookies), sugar, maple syrup, golden (corn) syrup, molasses, treacle, most desserts, especially cheesecake, pies, tarts

Drinks: fortified wines, liqueurs, beer and cider, cocktails, sweetened soft drinks, e.g. cola; latte and cappuccino made with full-fat (whole) milk