Muffins are unique because of the aptly named Muffin Method that is used to make them. And with just three steps this method is very easy to master:
First, sift together the dry ingredients, including the sugar; then in a separate bowl whisk together the wet ingredients.
Second, pour the wet ingredients into the dry and mix until the dry ingredients are just moistened; about 10–12 strokes will do it. The batter will be lumpy, but lumps are your friend. Despite how odd it may feel to have lumps in the batter, the lumps are the key to tender, airy muffins. If the recipe calls for additions, such as nuts, chocolate chips, or diced fruit, give the batter about 10 strokes to get things mostly combined, add the additional ingredients, and then give the batter about 2 or 3 more strokes to finish. Remember, you want the ingredients combined, but the less you mix the better.
Finally, just scoop the batter into a standard 12-cup muffin pan and bake.
So now that you know what you’re doing, let’s make some muffins!