
who helped bring this book to fruition, people I truly can’t thank enough.

Tory, my husband, thank you so much for reading the earliest, messiest drafts of this story. This was difficult to get down from beginning to end, and without you, it would have taken me much longer to get right. I love you so much, and I truly appreciate how dedicated you are to helping me make my books the best they can be, even though you aren’t the biggest fan of reading.

Dillan, my writing buddy and author (as well as real-life) friend, thank you for listening to my struggles as I wrote and published this book. It’s so wonderful to have you around, not only because you’re awesome, but also because you understand how difficult and isolating this author life can be. Every writer needs a fellow writer friend to help pull them through the hard times, and for me, that friend is you!

Nikki Mentges, my editor—as always, I couldn’t publish anything without you. Your thorough feedback and assistance really helped me bring this manuscript to the next level, not to mention gave me the confidence that I’m setting things up correctly for the finale. I’m so grateful to have you by my side on this author journey of mine.

Gabrielle Ragusi, my cover illustrator—wow, it’s really been you and me since the beginning of this series, hasn’t it? Even before I’d finished writing the first book, you were working on art for it, inspiring me to make my words worthy of your paintings. I’m beyond grateful for everything you’ve done for these books, for all the support you’ve given them both publicly and behind the scenes. Just one more book to go, at least in this series.

Matt, my baby sibling, thank you so much for doing the watercolor painting of the series map. I’m so proud of the strong, amazing person you’ve grown up to be, and I can’t wait to see all that you accomplish. I know you’re going to change the world with your brilliant mind and extraordinary talent.

Finally, Giggles and Kelsey, two of my best friends, and my Stylish B******—thank you a million times over for your advice on the interior design and character art I did for these books. I must have sent you both hundreds of photos asking for your feedback on those things, and you always helped me figure out what wasn’t quite right so I could move forward to make them better.