Freia Anders is Academic Associate at the Department of History at the University of Mainz, Germany. Recent publications: Public Goods vs Economic Interests: Global Perspectives on the History of Squatting (ed. with A. Sedlmaier, 2017); Creating Temporary Autonomous Zones—Protest Practices and Appropriation Strategies of Autonomous Groups in the 1980s/90s, in K. Fahlenbrach, M. Klimke, J. Scharloth (Eds.), Protest Cultures. A Companion [2016].
Francesco Bartolini is Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism at the University of Macerata, Italy. Recent publications: La Terza Italia. Reinventare la nazione alla fine del Novecento [2016]; Roma. Dall’Unità a oggi [2008].
Martin Baumeister is Director of the German Historical Institute in Rome, Italy, and Professor of Contemporary European History at the University of Munich, Germany. Recent publications: 16 ottobre 1943: La deportazione degli ebrei romani tra storia e memoria [ed. with A. Osti Guerrazzi and C. Procaccia 2016]; Southern Europe? Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece from the 1950s until the present day [ed. with R. Sala 2015].
Harald Bodenschatz, now retired, was Professor of Sociology of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, where he is still Associate Fellow of the Center for Metropolitan Studies. Recent publications: Radialer Städtebau: Abschied von der autogerechten Stadtregion [ed. with A. Hofmann and C. Polinna, 2013]; Städtebau für Mussolini: Auf dem Weg zu einem neuen Rom [2013].
Bruno Bonomo is Lecturer in Contemporary History at the Department of History, Cultures, Religions at La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Recent publications: Storie di case. Abitare l’Italia del boom [ed. with F. De Pieri, G. Caramellino and F. Zanfi, 2013]; Il quartiere delle Valli. Costruire Roma nel secondo dopoguerra [2007].
Roberto Colozza is a Gerda Henkel Stiftung Research Fellow. Recent publications: Partigiani in borghese. Unità popolare nell`Italia del dopoguerra [2015]; Il partito comunista francese, Parigi e la »banlieue rouge«: spazi urbani e riti collettivi di resistenza civile (1940-1944), in »Ricerche di storia politica« 2 [2013].
Giovanni Cristina is Post-doc Researcher at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences of Paris, France. Recent publications: Invisible/Visible. Perceiving the City between Descriptions and Omissions [ed. with S. Adorno and A. Rotondo, 2014]; Intellettuali e istituzioni tra modernità e classicismo, in S. Adorno (Ed.), Storia di Siracusa [2014].
Sebastian Haumann is Research Assistant at the Department of Contemporary History at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. Recent publications: Rohstoffräume / Sites of Resource Extraction [ed. with N. Thorade, 2016]; Hausbesetzungen und kommunale Jugendpolitik am Beispiel der Stadt Hilden Anfang der 1980er Jahre, in »Informationen zur modernen Stadtgeschichte« 2 [2015].
Melania Nucifora is PhD Candidate at the Center of Historical Research, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences of Paris, France. Recent publications: Il paesaggio della storia: Patrimonio, identità, territorio nella Sicilia sud orientale [2011]; Città-territorio e periferie «spontanee”: alle origini della Catania metropolitana, in E. Iachello (Ed.), I saperi della città [2006].
Grazia Prontera is Research Fellow at the Department of Contemporary European History at the University of Salzburg, Austria. Recent publications: Children and War. Past and Present [ed. with H. Embacher and A. Lichtblau, 2013]; Partire, tornare, restare? L’esperienza migratoria dei lavoratori italiani nella Repubblica federale tedesca nel secondo dopoguerra [2009].
Lutz Raphael is Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Trier, Germany. Recent publications: Fremd und rechtlos? Zugehörigkeitsrechte Fremder von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart [ed. with A. Coskun, 2014]; Theorien und Experimente der Moderne: Europäische Gesellschaften im 20. Jahrhundert [2012].
Dieter Schott is Professor of Modern History with a Focus on Urban and Environmental History at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. Recent publications: Stadt und Infrastruktur, in »Informationen zur modernen Stadtgeschichte« 1 [2015]; Europäische Urbanisierung (1000-2000): Eine umwelthistorische Einführung [2014].
Alexander Sedlmaier is Reader in Modern History at Bangor University, United Kingdom. Recent publications: Public Goods vs Economic Interests: Global Perspectives on the History of Squatting [ed. with F. Anders, 2017]; Consumption and Violence: Radical Protest in Cold-War West Germany [2014].
Jost Ulshöfer is PhD Candidate in Art History at the Humboldt University of Berlin.
Vittorio Vidotto, now retired, was Professor of Contemporary History at La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Recent publications: Political Public Space in Rome from 1870 to 2011, in G. Smith, J. Gadeyne (Eds.), Perspectives on Public Space in Rome from Antiquity to the Present Day [2013], 251-274; Roma contemporanea [2006, 2nd ed.].
Luciano Villani conducts research at the Centre for 20th Century Social History at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. Recent pubblications: Borgate romane. Storia e forma urbana [with M. Farina, 2017]; Le borgate del fascismo. Storia urbana, politica e sociale della periferia romana [2012].
Gerhard Vinken is Professor of Heritage Sciences at the Institute of Archaeology, Heritage Sciences and Art History at the University of Bamberg, Germany. Recent publications: Denkmal—Werte—Bewertung [ed. with B. Franz, 2014]; Unstillbarer Hunger nach Echtem: Frankfurts neue Altstadt zwischen Rekonstruktion und Themenarchitektur, in »Forum Stadt. Zeitschrift für Stadtgeschichte, Stadtsoziologie, Denkmalpflege und Stadtentwicklung« 40/2 [2013].
Christian Wicke is Assistant Professor at the Department of History an art History at the University of Utrecht, Netherlands. Recent publications: Helmut Kohl’s Quest for Normality: His Representation of the German Nation and Himself [2015]; A Post-Industrial Mindscape? The Popularization of Industrial Heritage in the Ruhr and the Representation of its Regional Identity, in »Estudos Históricos« 27 [with S. Berger, 2014].
Guido Zucconi is Professor of History of Architecture at the University IUAV of Venice, Italy. Recent publications: L’opera di Giovanni Bordiga nel risveglio culturale di Venezia tra fine Ottocento e inizio Novecento [Ed., 2015]; Officina IUAV, 1925-1980: saggi sulla Scuola di Architettura di Venezia [ed. with M. Carraro, 2014].