Part I


MASKIROVKA . . . I was able to get a sense of his soul; a man deeply committed to his country . . . RUSSIAN JOURNALIST CRITICAL OF CHECHEN WAR IS KILLED . . . WEB BECOMES A BATTLEGROUND IN RUSSIA-GEORGIA CONFLICT . . . We only responded after 150 Russian tanks moved into Georgian territory and started open aggression . . . ПЕРЕГРУЗКА . . . RUSSIAN GENERAL PITCHES “INFORMATION OPERATIONS” AS A FORM OF WAR . . . Putin is playing chess and we are playing marbles . . . CONFRONTATION IN CRIMEA . . . You just don’t in the twenty-first century behave in nineteenth-century fashion by invading another country . . . MH17 DOWNED BY RUSSIAN MILITARY MISSILE SYSTEM . . . PUTIN SAYS RUSSIA MUST PREVENT “COLOR REVOLUTIONS” . . . U.S. MOVES TO BLOCK RUSSIAN MILITARY BUILDUP IN SYRIA . . . A FIREHOSE OF FALSEHOOD . . . KREMLIN CRITIC NAVALNY ARRESTED . . . But I just asked him again, and he said he absolutely did not meddle in our election . . . TRUMP ADDS SANCTIONS TO RUSSIA OVER SKRIPALS . . . JOINT EXERCISE: VOSTOK . . . Germany hooks up a pipeline into Russia, where Germany is going to be paying billions of dollars for energy into Russia . . . RUSSIA FOLLOWS U.S. OUT OF LANDMARK NUCLEAR WEAPONS TREATY . . . THE MUELLER REPORT IS RELEASED . . . We assess there is a standing threat from the G.R.U. and other Russian intelligence services . . . RUSSIAN POLICE ARREST HUNDREDS OF PROTESTERS IN MOSCOW . . . The post-Putin Russia is being born today . . . PUTIN PROPOSES SWEEPING CHANGES TO RUSSIAN CONSTITUTION . . . TRUST IN PUTIN DROPS AS RUSSIAN ECONOMY STAGNATES . . . TRUMP BERATED INTELLIGENCE CHIEF OVER REPORT RUSSIA WANTS HIM RE-ELECTED . . .