Part II


NEW CHINA CHARTER STRESSES ECONOMY OVER IDEOLOGY . . . Hide your strength, bide your time . . . TROOPS ROLL THROUGH BEIJING TO CRUSH PROTESTORS . . . CHINA WARNS U.S. TO KEEP AWAY FROM TAIWAN STRAIT . . . A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations . . . TURMOIL IN CHINA: TIANANMEN CRACKDOWN . . . VIETNAM DRILLS FOR OIL IN BLOCK CLAIMED BY CHINA . . . We need to urge China to become a responsible stakeholder in the system . . . The United States is a Pacific power . . . CHINA’S PRESIDENT PLEDGES NO MILITARIZATION IN DISPUTED ISLANDS . . . The Tribunal concluded that there was no legal basis for China to claim historic rights to resources . . . TWO CHINESE HACKERS ASSOCIATED WITH THE MINISTRY OF STATE SECURITY CHARGED . . . After these people are released, their education and transformation must continue . . . BATTLE LINES DRAWN: A FULL-BLOWN TRADE WAR BETWEEN AMERICA AND CHINA . . . I’m getting a lot of money in tariffs its coming in by the billions . . . HUAWEI C.F.O. IS ARRESTED IN CANADA FOR EXTRADITION TO THE U.S. . . . Freedom is only possible when this “virus” in their thinking is eradicated and they are in good health . . . HONG KONG LEADERS REBUFF PROTEST DEMAND . . . If one of these sides is going to lose, it’s going to be the NBA . . . TRUMP AND CHINA SIGN PHASE ONE TRADE DEAL . . . The agreement will work if China wants it to work . . . CHINA SILENCES CRITICS OVER DEADLY VIRUS OUTBREAK . . . Taiwan is showing the world how much we cherish our democratic way of life . . . CHINA’S RULERS SEE THE CORONAVIRUS AS A CHANCE TO TIGHTEN THEIR GRIP . . .