Julia removed the blindfold, squinted at the bright desert sunlight, and then, opening the car door, stepped from the vehicle into the searing heat. The scene was nearly incomprehensible. If there had been any lingering doubts concerning Donald Baker’s extraordinary claims, they were erased in that instant. They were at an abandoned mining operation set amidst low-lying foothills of brilliant red and calico tan. The sandy ground was peppered with stones and pebbles, and it seemed to Julia that even the few visible cacti had difficulty making a go of it here. There were a handful of nearly dilapidated buildings, some rusted machinery, a blue Jeep and a beat-up Ford pick-up; but beyond these few anchors to normality, Julia might have been on a different planet. The entire place was populated by what could only be these reyaqc that Donald Baker had gone on about.
They were in various stages of undress. Some were entirely naked, walking about as if this was the normal state of things, which, perhaps for them it was. Many others wore some clothing, but not as a human would see fit. One young male, repairing the Jeep, wore a floppy yellow sun hat and a pair of Nikes—nothing else. His companion—also a male—wore a blue and green housedress that flapped in the hot desert breeze. Several of the reyaqc wore pants but no shirts; others, shirts with no pants. A slender male, relaxed naked on a lawn chair reading Great Expectations.
The attire was disturbing, but the reyaqc themselves were of a sort that perhaps Jim Henson and Picasso could have colluded. No two were alike. Some were quite furry and bore varying degrees of animal-like snouts and teeth. Some had ears large and pointed, which twitched at sounds, or lay back against their scalps. Many looked as though they could have been rejects of some Frankensteinian experiment. A nose would be off center, residing more on a cheek than above the lips. Julia noted a female with two hands attached to the same arm. Nothing seemed complete, as if the reyaqc were caught somewhere between a human and an animal existence and couldn’t quite commit to either.
Then there were humans. Or, at least, they appeared human. Only perhaps a dozen were visible, all but one male. Their clothing was worn and dirty, but seemed appropriate for both climate and gender. They went about, performing tasks alongside the reyaqc, seemingly entirely adapted to the strange circumstance.
Donald Baker had moved off to the side, perhaps thirty feet from the Hummer. He spoke with a small, bare-chested reyaqc of about five foot three inches in height. The creature had elongated canines protruding from both upper and lower gums. His nose was dark with wide flaring nostrils. The top of his head was covered in a mop of stringy black hair, but much of his form bore the short tawny fur that could have come from a lion. The reyaqc continuously pulled a rag from the right pocket of his green military-style pants, wiping both hands, and sometimes the forearms up to the elbows, then folding the rag in quarters, and replacing it in the pocket. Perhaps thirty seconds or a minute later, he’d repeat the process. It seemed an unconscious act and Julia wondered at the psychology behind it.
Shane had exited the Hummer and now stood beside Julia. “They’re staring at us,” said Julia in a near whisper.
Shane slipped a stick of gum into his mouth. “Yeah. You’re staring at them too. I’m sure this reyaqc community doesn’t get many visitors.”
Julia gazed about the compound again, taking in the bizarre scene. “I guess I didn’t expect them to be so…beastly.”
Shane nodded a weary nod. The man seemed entirely void of energy. “Yeah, well, all reyaqc infuse from humans. A lot infuse from animals too. This community gets off on their hybrid characteristics.”
“They look like rejects from a bad Star Trek episode.”
Shane shrugged. “Ever wonder where the idea of vampires and werewolves came from? You’re looking at it.”
“But human DNA and animal DNA aren’t compatible.”
“The reyaqc aren’t human, Jules.”
It seemed to Julia that Shane might well be saying this more as a reminder to himself than as an admonition to her. She wondered what happened during those four days she’d been drugged. She had not known Shane prior to that day, had spoken no more than a few sentences with him. Yet, she sensed a change. The man she’d met at the hospital had been full of youthful exuberance. He’d seemed brimming with energy, nearly ready to burst at the seams. But now it seemed the life had been drained from him, as if it was an effort to move about, to stand even. Surely the death of the girl, Taz, affected him. Julia sensed it was more than this. There was something troubling the young man, something deep, perhaps even life altering.
Perhaps she was simply projecting her own emotions onto him. She had to admit the possibility. Her life was in shambles, why shouldn’t everyone else’s be the same?
Donald and the short lion-like reyaqc had concluded their conversation and were making their ways toward Julia and Shane. Julia noticed the short reyaqc nod at two others who fell in step behind them.
“So, Dolnaraq,” the reyaqc said. “I see you’ve brought humans. New givers, I hope.”
Donald offered a sideways glance at the shorter reyaqc. “These are my companions, Shane Daws and Dr. Julia Chambers. I have promised them safe passage, and hope you will respect that.”
The reyaqc said nothing, but continued forward until he stood before Julia. She had to fight the urge to flee as he studied her head to toe, a contemplative grin upon his peculiar face. “A female,” he said with an approving nod. “Healthy, tall, dark-of-skin, and intelligent, yes? You are a doctor?” His accent was similar to Donald’s, but with less sophistication, his tone authoritative, his voice strangely compelling. Despite his freakish appearance, this creature was somehow charismatic.
“Yes, a doctor,” nodded Julia.
“Under my protection,” added Donald with an indirect glance at his companion.
“Mmmm, of course she is. The male seems healthy enough. No congenital diseases, I hope.”
Shane glanced sideways and took a half step back. “Doc, I think you’d better do something here.”
“Tresset,” said Donald. “They are under my protection.”
“Which means what exactly? You’re weak, Dolnaraq. You’ve forsaken your own kind for the world of the humans.” The reyaqc motioned to the two others standing three paces back. “Olac. Berid, take them both. We’ll decide what to do with them later.”
“Tresset, leave them be. This is not necessary.” This from Donald as the two freakish reyaqc stepped forward.
“I decide what is necessary, Dolnaraq. Givers are scarce. The human scent is on the wind. Your companions will be safer in custody.”
A tall brutish reyaqc, which may have been part bear, grasped Shane above the left elbow and moved as if to lead him away. Shane glared at Donald, and then allowed his head to drop in defeat. It was at this moment Julia made her move. The Hummer was still only a few feet away. If she could get inside, lock the door, maybe the keys were still in the ignition. She hadn’t seen if Shane took them with him or not. But even if she couldn’t drive the vehicle, she might still evade the creature’s grasp.
She bolted to her right, and then zigzagged left. The other reyaqc, the one that did not hold Shane, swiped at her with claw-like hand, but missed by several inches.
“Do not damage them!” shouted Tresset. “They are both valuable. Especially the female.”
The reyaqc was only inches behind Julia when she made it the Hummer. She thrust the door open, using it to smack her pursuer in the snout with a loud thunk! The thing roared a curse, but Julia had bought herself enough time to hop into the vehicle, and close and lock the door.
There were no keys.
Nothing in the ignition.
Not on the floor.
Julia smacked the steering wheel with the palm of her hand and cursed Donald Baker for ever being born.
The reyaqc pounded on the glass, attempting to break it with his fists. The Hummer shook with each blow. But worse yet was the heat. The outside temperature hovered around one hundred-fifteen. Inside the Hummer it was probably closer to one-thirty. Without the keys, she wouldn’t survive for more than a few minutes. Already, sweat poured off of her and she found it hard to breathe the thick searing air.
The pounding stopped.
The reyaqc moved away with a grunt and a stomp.
Donald Baker stood at the door, keys in hand. He inserted the key into the lock, twisted his wrist, and then pulled open the door. “Come out of there before you suffocate.”
“You said I wouldn’t be harmed,” shot Julia in protest.
As per usual, Donald’s expression was that of a plastic mask. “You are valuable to them, Julia. Do as they say. You’re less likely to be injured.”