- Abeokuta HF Registry Cohort, Nigeria, predictors of rehospitalization in
- cost analyses
- estimation of indirect costs
- health care expenditure
- inpatient and outpatient care cost
- patient enrollment
- specific costs
- study aims
- study background
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- study methods
- total costs
- Abeokuta, Nigeria, AHF in
- cohort profile
- echocardiography
- etiology of HF
- outcomes
- patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics
- pharmacotherapy
- precipitating factors for AHF and-lead ECG
- signs of AHF
- study aims
- study background
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- study methods
- Abuja Heart Society, hypertensive HF in
- ACCESS registry
- case fatality
- management
- patients’ baseline characteristics
- post-hospital management
- study aims
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- study methods
- ACE inhibitor
- acquired heart disease
- acquired immune deficiency syndrome see HIV/AIDS
- ACS see acute coronary syndrome
- Acute Coronary Events—a Multinational Survey of Current Management Strategies see ACCESS registry
- acute coronary syndrome
- acute coronary syndrome in HIV infection
- angiographic follow-up
- clinical and demographic characteristics and HIV status
clinical outcomes
- coronary intervention
- initial angiographic features
- study aims
- study background
- study definitions
- study design and patient enrollment
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- acute coronary syndrome in HIV infection, thrombotic profile
- clinical profile and thrombotic profile
- HIV-positive clinical and thrombotic profile
- patient enrollment and thrombophilic screening
- platelet studies
- study aims
- study background
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- study method
- acute heart failure (AHF)
- in Abeokuta, Nigeria
- see also under THESUS-HF
- acute rheumatic fever and RHD, prevention
- 7-strategy Markov decision analysis cohort model
- costs, cost-effectiveness, and incremental effects of strategies
- sensitivity analysis
- study aims
- study background
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- study methods
- acute rheumatic fever with pancarditis
- adolescent heart disease, vertically acquired HIV infection and
- African INTERHEART Study
- cohort profile
- cumulative effects of risk factors
- ethnic differences
- patient enrollment and data collection
- pattern of risk associated with de novo AMI
- patterns of risk factor for AMI, sex and
- population-attributable risks
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- AHF see acute heart failure
- alcohol intake
- acute myocardial infarction
- angina
- antiretroviral therapy
- aortic stenosis
- apolipoprotein B, ethnic differences in
- apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein A-1 ratio
- aspirin
- atrial fibrillation
- atrial septal defect
- atrioventricular septal defect
- beta blocker
- bromocriptine, evaluation in PPCMO
- baseline and-month echocardiographic parameters
- natriuretic peptide levels
- outcomes and infant findings
- patient enrollment
- patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics
- pharmacotherapy
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- calcium channel antagonist
- Cameroon, Republic of
- chronic HF in adults treated for hypertension
- demography
- Cameroon, Republic of, congenital heart disease in
- patient enrollment
- study aims
- study background
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- study methods
- surgical and postsurgical management
- transthoracic Doppler-echocardiography presentations
- Cape Town, demography
- cardiac tamponade
- cardiomyopathy (CMO)
- dilated
- HIV-related
- hypertrophic
- peripartum see PPCMO
- cardiovascular risk
- antecedent risk
- primary care perspective
- hypertension in Nigeria
- in Soweto
- Cardiovascular Risk in Black South Africans (CRIBSA) Study
- carvedilol
- cathepsin D
- CHD see congenital heart disease
- chronic heart failure, in adults treated for hypertension, in Cameroon
- comorbidities
- patient enrollment
- patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics
- pharmacological management
- risk factors
- study aims
- study background
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- study methods
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- clopidogrel
- CMO see cardiomyopathy
- coarctation of the aorta
- congenital heart disease (CHD)
- in Cameroon
- epidemiology
- in Mozambique
- congestive heart failure (CHF)
- constrictive pericarditis
- cor pulmonale
- coronary artery disease (CAD)
- coronary atherosclerosis, chronic
- CRIBSA Study
- cyanosis
- diabetes, type
- digoxin
- dilated CMO
- gender and
- heart failure and
- HIV-related
- double outlet right ventricle
- Duchenne muscular dystrophy
- fixed pulmonary hypertension
- Fulani group
- furosemide
- Global Rheumatic Heart Disease Registry (REMEDY)
- Hausa group
- Health Education (HEDU) Initiative
- heart failure (HF)
- heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)
- heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF)
- Heart of Soweto Study
- atrial fibrillation in
- classification of case presentations
- cohort profile
- communicable and noncommunicable forms of heart disease
- diagnostic classifications
- ethnicity, HF and
- gender, HF and
- HF in
- hypertension and hypertensive heart disease
- initial findings
- patient enrollment
- patient profiling
- RHF in
- spectrum of risk and disease
- STROBE guidelines
- study background
- study findings
- study limitations
- study timeline
- hemorrhagic stroke
- highly active antiretroviral therapy see HAART
- acute coronary syndrome in
- acute coronary syndrome in, thrombotic profile
- in adolescence
- incidence
- TB inflammation in
- HIV-related CMO demographic and clinical characteristics
- HIV-related dilated CMO
- HIV-related heart disease
- HAART and
- study limitations
- in urban African community
- HIV-related pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)
- Hurler syndrome
- hypertensive heart failure
- BP profile and management
- cardiac function
- comorbidities
- demographic and clinical characteristics
- hypertensive HF
- patient enrollment
- study aims
- study background
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- study methods
- hypertensive heart failure in Abuja Heart Society
- patient enrollment
- patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics
- pattern of HF
- study aims
- study background
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- study methods
- vs Heart of Soweto Study
- hypertensive heart failure in Nigerian Africans
- 12-lead ECG and echocardiography findings
- health outcomes
- patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics
- study aims
- study background
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- study methods
- treatment patterns
- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- hypocalcemia
- Igbo groups
- immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome
- infant and childhood heart disease
- demographics and pediatric cardiovascular care service availability
- geographical context
- protection of heart health
- infectious heart disease in Africa
- geographical context
- history and contemporary burden
- infective endocarditis
- Investigation of the Management of Pericarditis (IMPI)
- ischemic heart disease (IHD)
- ischemic stroke
- left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH)
- loop diuretics
- low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, ethnic differences
- malaria
- Malawi, pediatric cardiac disease in
- demography
- patient enrollment
- study aims
- study background
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- Maputo, Mozambique, stroke in
- data collection
- demographics
- infant and child mortality
- life expectancy in
- patient enrollment
- patient prehospital characteristics
- short-term stroke-related case fatality
- study aims
- study background
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- Marfan syndrome
- maternal cardiac disease in South Africa
- fetal outcome
- maternal outcome
- patients demography and clinical characteristics
- referral algorithm
- maternal mortality
- mitral valve prolapse
- mitral valve regurgitation
- Mozambique, coronary heart disease in
- classification
- complications
- demography
- incidence
- patient enrollment
- study aims
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- surgical procedures
- Mozambique, endomyocardial fibrosis in
- clinical profiling
- criteria for diagnosis and assessment
- patient enrollment
- study aims
- study background
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- Mycobacterium indicus pranii in tuberculous pericarditis
- myocardial infarction (MI)
- myocardial necrosis
- myocarditis, acute
- myxomatous mitral valve
- Nigeria, hypertension and cardiovascular risk in
- anthropometry and BP measurement
- correlates if hypertension
- demographic and clinical characteristics
- patient enrollment
- prevalence of hypertension
- study aims
- study background
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- Nigeria, major causes of heart failure in
- noncommunicable diseases
- noncompacted left ventricle
non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI)
- nutritional cardiomyopathies
- obesity
- abdominal
- acute heart failure and
- CVD risk and
- hypertension and
- stroke and
- in women
- ostium primum atrial septal defect
- ostium secundum atrial septal defect
- Pan African Pulmonary Hypertension Cohort (PAPUCO) study
- country participation in
- definition of pulmonary hypertension
- diagnostic algorithm and data collection in
- patient enrollment
- research platform
- study aim and objectives
- study design and setting
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- study methods
- WHO classification for pulmonary hypertension
- patent ductus arteriosus
- penicillin
- in acute rheumatic fever
- in pharyngitis
- pericarditis
- peripartum cardiomyopathy see PPCMO
- pneumococcal pericarditis
- polycythemia
- postpericardectomy syndrome
- PPCMO, health outcomes in S. Africa
- cohort profile
- patient enrollment
- patients’ baseline and follow-up
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- prednisolone in tuberculous pericarditis
- pregnancy, valvular heart disease in
- maternal cardiac disease in South Africa
- see also PPCMO
- primary care, CVD risk and
- advanced cardiac assessment
- advanced cardiac profiling
- CVD risk profile
- demographic and clinical characteristics
- patient enrollment
- study aims
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- study methods
- pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), HIV-related
- pulmonary atresia
- pulmonary hypertension
- pulmonary stenosis
- pulmonary vascular obstructive disease
- REMEDY Registry of RHD
- cohort profile
- patient enrollment
- pattern and severity of native valve disease, secondary prophylaxis and
- study aims
- study background
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- retinopathy
- RHD see rheumatic heart disease
rheumatic heart disease (RHD)
- estimated incidence
- gender and structural valve disease
- newly diagnosed RHD patients
- newly diagnosed valvular heart disease
- outcomes
- study aims
- study background
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- study methods
- rifampin
- right heart failure (RHF)
- SABPA Study
- schistosomiasis
- Seychelles, stroke mortality reduction rate in
- smoking
- acute coronary syndrome and
- cardiovascular risk and
- CVD risk and
- heart failure and
- HIV and
- HIV-related dilated CMO and
- hypertensive heart failure and
- stroke and
- Soweto, Heart Awareness Days in
- demographic and risk factor characteristics
- demography
- obesity and
- patient enrollment
- pattern of risk for future heart disease
- study aims
- study background
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- study methods
- systolic and diastolic BP
- see also Heart of Soweto Study
- spironolactone
- ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)
- statin
- STEPS Stroke survey
- Streptococcus pharyngitis, Group B
- stroke
- future improvements in outcome
- hemorrhagic
- incidence
- ischemic
- in Maputo, Mozambique
- subaortic aneurysm
- submitral aneurysm
- Sympathetic Activity and Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Africans (SABPA)
- Takayasu disease
- TB see tuberculosis
- Tetralogy of Fallot
- The Sub-Saharan Africa Survey of Heart Failure see THESUS-HF
- causes and therapies
- patient enrollment
- patient follow-up and outcomes
- patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics
- study aims
- study background
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- study methods
- THESUS-HF, ECG abnormalities in
- 12-lead ECG findings
- health outcomes according to ECG findings
- predictors of mortality
- study aims
- study background
- study design and clinical setting
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- THESUS-HF, gender differences in AHF presentations
- cardiac function
- health outcomes
- study aims
- study background
- study findings
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- study methods
- THUSA Study
- transient ischemic attack (TIA)
- Transition and Health during Urbanisation of South Africans (THUSA)
- transposition of great arteries, congenitally corrected
- tricuspid atresia
- tuberculosis (TB)
- tuberculous pericarditis
- tuberculous pericarditis, prednisolone and Mycobacterium indicus pranii in
- cancer and
- HAART, use of
- Mycobacterium indicus pranii vs placebo
- outcomes and statistical analysis
- patient enrollment
- prednisolone comparison
- study interpretation
- study limitations
- study methods
- study population
- study procedures
- treatment regimens and adherence
- trial study design
- valvular heart disease (VHD)
- ventricular septal defect
- vitamin D deficiency
- warfarin
- Wolf-Parkinson-White Syndrome
- Zimbabwe, adolescent heart disease and vertically acquired HIV infection in
- demographic and clinical characteristics
- demography
- LV diastolic dysfunction and hypertrophy
- LV systolic impairment and dilatation
- patient enrollment
- pulmonary hypertension and RV dilatation
- study aims
- study background
- study interpretation
- study limitations