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accountability; electoral; rules of; transparency and
Acevedo, Charles
Adams, John
administrative searches
African Americans; killed by police; racial profiling of
Agee, Jerry
Agema Thermovision 210 infrared radiation detector
Agriculture, U.S. Department of
Air National Guard
airport security; see also Transportation Safety Administration
Alabama; civil rights protesters in
Albany (New York)
Aledo (Texas) School District
Alexander, General Keith
Alito, Samuel
Alwareeth, Abdo
Amar, Akhil
American Airlines Flight 77
American Bar Association
American Bar Foundation (ABF)
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU); in New Jersey; post-9/11 targeting of Muslims opposed by; surveillance concerns of
American Law Institute
American Revolution
Amnesty International
Anaheim (California) Police Department
Andy Griffith Show, The
Ann Arbor (Michigan)
antiterrorism, see counterterrorism
antiwar movement
Appelbaum, Jacob
Arab American Association of New York
Arabs/Arab Americans
arbitrary searches
Arizona State University
armored vehicles
Army, U.S.
Arnold, Richard
Ashcroft, John
Ashley, Anthony
assault weapons
assembly, freedom of
Associated Press
Atlantic, The
Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS)
automatic license plate recognition (ALPR), see license plate readers
Ayres, Ian
Baker, Stewart
Balko, Radley
Baltimore; Police Department
Barr, Bob
Bass, Judy
Baton Rouge (Louisiana)
battering rams
Beck, Charlie
Bell, Derrick
Berger v. New York (1967)
Berkeley (California) Police Department
Beware software program
Big Data
Billingslea, Zannie
Bill of Rights; see also First Amendment
Bin Laden, Usama
Black Lives Matter
Blackmun, Harry
Black Panthers
Blackstone, William
Bloomberg, Michael
BluePALMS software program
Board of Education v. Earls (2002)
body cameras
body cavity searches; see also strip searches
Bogart, Humphrey
Boston; Police Department; University
Boston (ship)
Boston Tea Party
Bouie, Jamelle
Brandeis, Louis
Brennan, William J., Jr.
Brignoni-Ponce, Felix Humberto
Brinegar v. United States (1948)
“broken windows policing”
Brooks, Malaika
Brown, Edwin J. “Doc”
Brown, Jerry
Brown, Lee P.
Brown, Michael
Brown v. City of Oneonta (1992)
Brown v. Mississippi (1936)
Bruce, Bill
Buffalo (New York)
bulk data collection
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
Burger, Joseph
Burger, Warren E.
Bush, George W.; see also President’s Surveillance Program
Bybee, Jay
California; databases in; municipal police departments in; police body camera policies in; Supreme Court of; surveillance in; see also Los Angeles
California, University of: Davis; Los Angeles (UCLA)
California v. Acevedo (1991)
California v. Ciraolo (1986)
California v. Greenwood (1988)
call response times
Calvo, Cheye
Camara v. Municipal Court (1967)
Camden (New Jersey)
Canada; Supreme Court of
Carnes, Edward
Carnivore malware
Carrboro (North Carolina)
Carter, Charles and Etta
Castile, Philando
cell phones; searches of; tracking; videos recorded on
Census Bureau, U.S.
Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy
Central Florida, University of
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); Inspector General of
Challenge of Crime in a Free Society, The (Crime Commission report)
Chandler, H. Karl
Charlotte-Mecklenburg (North Carolina) Police Department (CMPD)
Charlotte Observer
checkpoints; see also roadblocks
Cheney, Dick
Chicago; see also Chicago Police Department
Chicago Police Department (CPD); databases used by; surveillance technology used by
Chicopee (Massachusetts)
child pornography
Chilton, Richard
Choplick, Theodore
Christian Science Monitor
Christie, Chris
Church, Frank
Churchill, Winston
Ciraolo, Dante Carlo
City of Indianapolis v. Edmond (2000)
City of Ontario v. Quon (2010)
civic disorder; see also riots
civilian complaint boards
civil liberties; threats to; see also American Civil Liberties Union
civil rights movement
Civil War
Clapper, General James
Clark, Edward, Jr.
Clay, William Lacy
Clayton County (Georgia)
Cleveland (Ohio)
Clinton, Bill
closed-circuit television (CCTV)
cloud, information in, see third-party information
Cohn, Kristy
Colorado; State Police
Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD)
Columbia University
Comey, James
common law
Common Sense (Paine)
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA; 1994)
community policing
Compton (California); Police Department
Condelee, Chareou Caprice
Congress, U.S.; intelligence agencies and; Supreme Court decisions and; surveillance technology and; see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
consent searches; lack of protocols for; racial profiling and
Constitution, U.S.; Framers of; freedom of assembly, religion, and speech under; interpretation of, see Supreme Court; lack of remedies for violations of; regulation of policing and; probable cause requirement of; surveillance violating rights guaranteed by; unreasonable search and seizure prohibited by; see also Bill of Rights; privacy rights
Continental Congress
Corbitt, Sergeant
cost-benefit analysis (CBA)
counterterrorism; constitutional rights violated by data collection for; Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court of Review opinions on; fusion centers for; Patriot Act provisions for; President’s Surveillance Program (PSP) for; Supreme Court decisions on; Total Information Awareness plan for; uncertain efficacy of; see also National Security Agency
court orders; for electronic data collection
Creighton, James
crime rates; political impact of
Criminal Justice Policy Foundation
Cruise, Tom
Cuddihy, William
Customs Service, U.S.
Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas
D.A.R.E. program
Daily Show, The
Dallas (Texas)
Dartmouth College
databases; dangers of; development of technologies for building; DNA; due process of; errors in; unregulated; see also fusion centers; metadata; third-party information; Total Information Awareness; specific technologies
Davies, Thomas
Davis, Kenneth Culp
Davis (California) Police Department
Davis v. United States (2011)
Dayton, Mark
“Day We Fight Back, The”
de Blasio, Bill
deCode Genetics
Defense, U.S. Department of
de Grey, William
Delau, Carl
Delaware State Patrol
Delaware v. Prouse (1979)
Democratic Party; 1968 Convention
Denver (Colorado) Police Department
deterrence; policing based on
Digital Due Process
digital surveillance technology; see also specific software and equipment
Dippolito, William
Director of National Intelligence, Office of
discriminatory searches; see also profiling; stop-and-frisk
District of Columbia; Police Department
District of Columbia v. Heller (2008)
DNA sampling and testing; of arrestees; profiling using
Douglas, William O.
Dow Chemical
Draganflyer X6 drones
driving under the influence; see also drunk driving
Drone-Free LAPD No Drones, LA!
drones; state and local regulation of
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
drug interdiction; roadblocks for; profiling in; see also war on drugs
drug–sniffing dogs, see K-9 units
drug testing; of students
drunk driving; deterrence of; warrants for searches in stops for
Due Process Clause
Dunaway v. New York (1979)
Durham (North Carolina)
Durham Congregations, Associations & Neighborhoods
Dziewit, Karen
Earls, Lindsay
eavesdropping; see also wiretapping
Edinburg Consolidated Independent School District
Eid Al-Adha
Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA; 1986)
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
Elyria (Ohio)
email, government collection of; Federal Bureau of Investigation court orders and subpoena authority for; legislation for protection of privacy from (see also Electronic Communications Privacy Act); metadata in
England; see also Britain
Equal Protection Clause; discrimination prohibited by; strict scrutiny required by
Erie County (New York)
exclusionary rule
facial recognition software
Fakhoury, Hanni
Falcon Heights (Minnesota)
Farmer, John, Jr.
fear of crime
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); Attorney General’s Guidelines for Domestic FBI Operations (AGG); Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG); electronic identification systems of; Intelligence Division; National Academy; National Security Letter subpoena authority of; nondisclosure policy of; racial discrimination in policing acknowledged by; surveillance activities of; Ten Most Wanted list; Terrorist Screening Center
Federal Communications Act (1934)
Federal Railroad Administration
Ferguson (Missouri); militarized policing in
First Amendment
Fitchette, Kahliah
Florida; Department of Citrus; Department of Consumer Protection; militarization of police in
Floyd v. City of New York (2013)
Flying Fish (ship)
Ford, Gerald
Fordham University
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA); Amendments Act (2008); Court of Review
Fourteenth Amendment; see also Due Process Clause; Equal Protection Clause
Framingham (Massachusetts)
Frankfurter, Felix
Franklin, Benjamin
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Free Trade Area of the Americas
Friedersdorf, Conor
Friedman, Bernard
Friendly, Henry
Frunz v. City of Tacoma (2006)
fusion centers
Gaines Township (Michigan)
Galati, Thomas
gang databases
Gang of Eight
Garcia v. Montgomery County (2013)
Garner, Eric
Gates, Daryl
Gellman, Barton
gender discrimination
General Orders
general warrants
George III, King of England
George Washington University; Law School
Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)
Gill, Nia
Ginsberg, Ruth Bader
Giuliani, Rudy
Glik, Simon
Goldman v. United States (1942)
Goldsmith, Jack
Goldsmith, Stephen
Gonggrijp, Rop
Gonzalez, Alberto
Google; Gmail; Hangouts
Gould, James
Gouled v. United States (1921)
GPS tracking
Graber, Anthony
Gragnani, Nick
Graham, Fred
grand juries
Granite (Utah) School District
Grassley, Charles
Greater Buffalo International Airport
Greenwald, Glenn
Greenwood, Billy
grenades/grenade launchers
Greyhound bus line
Guardian, The
Gwinnet County (Georgia)
Hale, Matthew
Halifax, Lord
Harlan, John Marshall, II
Harper, Jim
Harris, Bill
Harris, Shane
Harris Corporation
Hart, Philip
Haskell, Elizabeth
Hayden, General Michael
Haven-O’Donnell, Randee
Heidingsfield, Michael
Heller, Dick
Hell-Fire Club
Hemisphere Project
Hennessy, Bill
Henry, Patrick
Heritage Action for America
Herring v. United States (2009)
Hersh, Seymour
Heuser, Aaron
Hicks, Carl B.
High, Melvin
Hinds Community College (Mississippi)
Hoffa v. United States (1966)
Holder, Eric
Holmes, Stephen
Homeland Security, U.S. Department of
homeless people
Horton, Alex
Horton, Willie
House of Representatives, U.S.; Intelligence Committee; Judiciary Committee
Houston (Texas) Police Department
Howard, Carl
Human Rights Watch
hummingbird drones
Hussaini, Farooq
Hutchinson, Thomas
Hutchison, Asa
Idaho State Police
Illinois; State Police; see also Chicago
Indiana Civil Liberties Union
Indianapolis (Indiana)
informants; in mosques; recruitment of, in drug cases
“Information Sharing Environment”
In re Directives (2008)
Integrated Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS)
International Association of Chiefs of Police
international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI), see Stingray
Internet; exposure of government data collection from; policing information available on; suspicion-based versus suspicionless searches of; tech company concerns about invasion of privacy on
Iran-Contra Affair
Iraq War; opposition to
Islamic State
Jackson, Robert H.
Jacob, Bruce
Japanese Americans
Jeffreys, Alec
Jim Crow policing
John Birch Society
Johnson, Lyndon
Johnson, Micah
Jonas, Jeff
Jones, Antoine
Jonsdottir, Brigitta
Jonsen, Robert
Joplin (Missouri)
“Jugular” cell phone tracker
Justice, U.S. Department of (DOJ), U.S.; Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies; Inspector General of; law enforcement transparency favored by; Office of Legal Counsel; racial profiling investigated by; surveillance technology concerns of
Justice Statistics, U.S. Bureau of
Juvenile Court
Kansas City: Airport; Police Department
Katz v. United States (1967)
Keehn, Benjamin
Keith case
Kelling, George
Kelly, Ray
Kennedy, Anthony
Kennedy, Edward
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kent v. Dulles (1958)
Kerner Commission
Kerr, Orin
King, Alonzo
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kinsley, Michael
Kissinger, Henry
Klayman v. Obama (2013)
K-9 units
knock-and-announce warrants
Knotts, Leroy Carlton
knowing exposure
Korean War
Kozinski, Alex
Krauthammer, Charles
Krzanich, Brian
Kyllo v. United States (2001)
Labosky, Nick
Lamberth, John
Latinos, see Hispanics
Leach, Dryden
Leahy, Patrick
Leatherbury, Ernest
Lee, Ben
Legal Aid
Leo Sheep Company v. United States (1979)
Lewinski, Monica
Lewis, Anthony
Lexow Commission
Library of Congress
license plate readers
Lindh, John Walker
Little, Captain George
Littlejohn, Rueben
location tracking; see also cell phones: tracking; GPS tracking
London police force
Lopez, Jose L., Sr.
Los Angeles; Airport (LAX); Unified School District; see also Los Angeles Police Department
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LACSD)
Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD); opposition to militarization of; stop-and-frisk searches by; suspicious activity reports filed by
Louisiana Gazette
Madison, James
Madison Square Presbyterian Church
Magic Lantern malware
Maltese Falcon, The (movie)
Mangelson, Paul
Manning, Bradley (Chelsea)
Mansfield, Lord
Mapp v. Ohio (1961)
Mararelli, Cathy
Marine Corps, U.S.
Marten, Cindy
Martinez, Freddy
Martini, David
Maryland; State Police
Maryland v. King (2013)
Mashal, Abe
Mason, George
Massachusetts; colonial; Constitution of (1780); see also Boston
McCaskill, Claire
McDonald, Laquan
McFadden, Martin “Mac”
McNealy, Scott
McVeigh, Timothy
Menlo Park (California) Police Department
Mesa (Arizona)
metadata; National Security Agency collection of
Miami Police Department
Michigan; State Police
Michigan Department of State Police v. Sitz (1990)
Middleton, Mark-Anthony
Mihdhar, Khalid al-
militarized policing; in Ferguson; state and local opposition to; see also SWAT teams; specific types of equipment
Miller, Jason
Miller, Mitch
Million Hoodies for Justice
Milwaukee Police Department
mine resistant ambush protected armored vehicles (MRAPs)
minorities; aggressive policing of; profiling; see also African Americans; Arabs/Arab Americans; Hispanics
Minority Report (movie)
Missouri; see also Ferguson
mobile data terminals
money damages
Money v. Leach (1742)
Moore, Mark
Morgan, Tracey
Morgenthau, Robert M.
mosquito drones
Mueller, Ray
Mueller, Robert
Murphy, Frank
Murphy, Michael J.
Murray v. United States (1988)
National Commission on Law Enforcement and Observance
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
National Counterterrorism Center
National Crime Information Center
National Institutes of Health
National Security Act (1947)
National Security Agency (NSA); in aftermath of 9/11; bulk data collection by; Inspector General of; misuse of policing power by; phone data acquired by; Total Information Awareness and
National Security Law Unit
National Security Letters (NSLs)
National Treasury Union Employees v. Von Raab (1989)
Navy, U.S.
Negroponte, John
Neighborhood Watch programs
Nephi (Utah)
Newark (New Jersey)
Newcastle, Duke of
New Hampshire Liberty Alliance
New Jersey; ACLU of; Attorney General; State Police
New Jersey v. TLO (1985)
New York; colonial; Court of Appeals; manhunt in; State Police; surveillance legislation in; see also New York City
New York City; terrorist attack on, see 9/11 terrorist attacks; transit system in; see also New York Police Department
New York Gazette
New York Police Department (NYPD); administrative inspections by; body-camera policy of; commissioners of; stop-and-frisk program of; surveillance by
New York Stock Exchange
New York Times
New York University School of Law; Brennan Center for Justice
New York v. Belton
New York v. Burger (1987)
Next Generation Information (NGI) system
night watch
9/11 terrorist attacks; Congressional Commission’s investigation of; Iraq War and; police militarization justified by; targeting of Muslims and Arab Americans after
1984 (Orwell)
Nissenbaum, Helen
Nixon, Jay
Nixon, Richard
No Fly List
nondisclosure agreements (NDAs)
Normandy (Missouri)
North Briton, The
North Carolina; State Patrol
North Charleston (South Carolina)
No Spy No Fly (Mashal)
Obama, Barack; response of, to revelations about government data collection; see also President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing
obscenity laws
O’Connor, Sandra Day
off-duty police
Ogeltree, Virgil
O’Hare Airport
Ohio; exclusionary rule case originating in
Oliver, John
Olmstead v. United States (1928)
Olsen, Matt
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act (1968)
Oneonta (New York)
Operation CHAOS
Operation Hemisphere
Operation Pipeline
Orange County (California)
Orange County (Florida) Sheriff’s Office
order maintenance policing
Orlando (Florida)
Orwell, George
Otis, James
Packer, Herbert
Padilla, Joseph
Paine, Thomas
Palmer, Arnold
Parkhurst, Charles Henry
Pata, Raffaello
Paul, Rand
Paxton, Charles
PBS NewsHour
Pearl Harbor
Peart, Nicholas
Peel, Robert
Pennsylvania; see also Philadelphia Police Department
Pentagon, terrorist attack on, see 9/11 terrorist attacks; see also Defense, U.S. Department of
pepper spray
Peters, Branden
Pew Charitable Trust
Philadelphia Police Department
Pike, John
Pineda-Moreno, Juan
Pinkerton agents
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania)
Plamondon, Lawrence “Pun”
Plitt, Emory A., Jr.
Plyler v. Doe (1982)
Poindexter, Admiral John M.
Police Executive Research Forum
Pontiac (Michigan)
pornography, child
Porter, Georgia
Portland (Oregon)
Posner, Richard
Pratt, Charles, Lord Camden
Pratt, George
Predator drones
Predictive Analytics Lead Modeling Software (PALMS)
predictive policing
President’s Crime Commission
President’s Surveillance Program (PSP)
President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing
Prince George’s (PG) County Narcotic Enforcement Division Interdiction Squad
Principles of Law Enforcement (Peel)
Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB)
Privacy Review Board
Privacy Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies
privacy rights; federal agencies responsible for overseeing; Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court of Review and; legislation concerning; security and; Supreme Court decisions on; tech company concerns about
probable cause; constitutional requirement of; for electronic searches; lack of clear rules on; profiling and; stop-and-frisk and; Supreme Court decisions on; for suspicion-based versus suspicionless searches
professional policing
profiling; DNA; of drug courier; racial
Progressive Era
protesters; antiwar; against police shootings; surveillance of
Prouse, William
public transportation, searches on
Quandt, Ted
Quill, Paul
Quon, Jeff
R. v. Spencer (1985)
racial profiling
Radicalization in the West (NYPD)
radio-frequency identification tags (RFIDs)
Ramsey, Charles
RAND Corporation
Rapid Information Overlay Technology (RIOT)
Rawle, William
Raza v. City of New York (2016)
Reagan, Ronald
reasonableness; see also unreasonable searches and seizures
Redding, Savana
Reed Elsevier
Reeve, Trapping
Rehnquist, William
Reid, Richard
Reinhardt, Stephen
Reisman, Leonard
religion: discrimination based on; freedom of
RELX Group
Republican Party
restitution, see money damages
Restore the Fourth Chicago
Revolutionary War, see American Revolution
Reynolds, Diamond
Rhode Island
Rice, William
Right on Crime
Riley v. California (2014)
roadblocks; drug interdiction; drunk driving; lack of guidelines for
Roberts, John
Rogers, Mike
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Root, Randall
Rosen, Jeffrey
Rosmarin, Ari
Rotenberg, Marc
Safford Unified School District v. Redding (2009)
Safire, William
Sagin, Edward
St. Louis: Area Regional Response System; Tea Party coalition
San Diego (California); Police Department; Unified School District
San Francisco Police Department
Sangamon County (Illinois)
San Jose (California) Police Department
San Rafael (California) Police Department
Sarsour, Linda
Scalia, Antonin; dissents of; historical errors of; surveillance restrictions advocated by
Scarlata, Shawn
Schmidt, Eric
schools: drug testing in; strip searches in
Schwaderer, Nicholas
Scott, Walter
searches and seizures; courts on (see also specific cases); technology and; unreasonable, constitutional protection against; see also general warrants; stop-and-frisk
Seattle Police Department
Second Amendment
secrecy; costs of; corruption and; democratic policing versus; for its own sake; of mass surveillance; occasional police need for
Secret Service
“Secure Flight” program
Seifert, Max
Senate, U.S.; Church Committee; Judiciary Committee; Select Intelligence Committee
Sensenbrenner, James
sexual orientation, discrimination based on
September 11, 2001 (9/11) terrorist attacks, see 9/11 terrorist attacks
Shaikh, Zeeshan Mohammed
Sheffield, Frank
Shelby, Richard
shootings, police
Sift, John
Silverman v. United States (1961)
Sims, Louie
Skating on Stilts (Baker)
Skogan, Wesley
Slobogin, Christopher
smart meters
Smith v. Maryland (1979)
Snowden, Edward
social convention
Socialist Workers’ Party
Society for the Prevention of Crime
Soghoian, Christopher
Solove, Daniel
Sons of Liberty
South Carolina
South Dakota
Southwest Airlines
Special Weapons and Tactics, see SWAT teams
speech, freedom of
Spitzer, Eliot
Sprint Nextel
spying; see also surveillance
Stamp Act (1765)
Staples, Clinton
Star-Ledger (Newark)
Starr, Ken
Stars and Stripes
State Department, U.S.
State v. Soto (1999)
Steen, Demarius
Stefansson, Kari
Stellar Wind program, see President’s Surveillance Program
Sterling, Alton
Sterling, Eric
Stetson Law School
Stevens, John Paul
Stevenson, Adlai
Stewart, Potter
Stingray cell phone trackers
stop-and-frisk; in New York City; without probable cause; racial profiling and; for weapons
Story, Joseph
Strandburg, Kathy
strict scrutiny
strip searches; in schools
submachine guns
Sun Microsystems
Supreme Court, U.S.; balancing tests of; common law cited by; constitutional doubt expressed by; criminal justice reform efforts of; drug testing decisions of; exclusionary rule and; FISA and; legislative action in response to decisions of; money damages unenforced by; probable cause standards of; roadblock decisions of; strip search decisions of; surveillance technology views of; third-party rule of; see also specific cases
surveillance; coercion and; legislation regulating; need for rules for; revelations of; secret; Supreme Court decisions on; see also databases; third-party information; specific technologies
suspicionless searches; court decisions on
suspicious activity reports (SARs)
Sutton, Josiah
SWAT teams; lack of regulations for deployment of; Tomsic-Calvo residence raided by
Tacoma (Washington)
Taft, William Howard
Tallahassee (Florida)
Tammany Hall
Taylor, Telford
Teamsters Union
Tea Party
Tecumseh (Oklahoma)
Tenth Amendment Center
terrorism; airborne, program for prevention of, see Transportation Safety Administration; as Federal Bureau of Investigation excuse for domestic spying; as justification for militarization of police; misinformation in databases on; profiling Muslims as suspects of; third-party sources of information on; see also counterterrorism; 9/11 terrorist attacks; war on terror
Terrorism Identities Datasmart Environment (TIDE)
Terry v. Ohio (1968)
Texas; Forensic Science Commission; University of
third-party information; law enforcement’s problems with; legislation limiting access to; subpoenas for; Supreme Court decisions on
Thomas, Clarence
Thomas Merton Center
Thomas v. Roberts (2001)
Thomson, J. Scott
“three strikes” laws
Thurlow, Edward
Time magazine
Times Square bomber
TLO case
Tomsic, Trinity
Topic, Matt
Total Information Awareness (TIA)
Townshend Revenue Acts (1767)
tracking devices, see location tracking
traffic stops; tickets issued during; see also roadblocks
transparency; accountability and; secrecy versus
Transportation, U.S. Department of
Transportation Safety Administration (TSA); No Fly List of; see also airport security
Travers, Russ
Truman, Harry
Tucker, St. George
Tucson (Arizona)
Tweed, William M. “Boss”
Tye, John
Tyrangiel, Elana
U.S.S. Cole, bombing of
undercover operations
Uniform Crime Reports
United Kingdom, see Britain
United States v. Brignoni-Ponce (1975)
United States v. Clark (1994)
United States v. Condelee (1990)
United States v. Jones (2012)
United States v. Knotts (1983)
United States v. Miller (1976)
United States v. Pineda-Moreno (2010)
United States v. United States District Court (1972), see Keith case
United States v. Weaver (1992)
unmanned aerial systems (UAS), see drones
unreasonable searches and seizures; Supreme Court decisions on; see also airport security; drug interdiction; racial profiling; roadblocks; stop-and-frisk
Urban League
urine tests
USA Freedom Act (2015)
USA Patriot Act (2001)
use of force; surveillance and; see also pepper spray; shootings, police; SWAT teams; Tasers
Utah; Highway Patrol (UHP); Supreme Court
Utah v. Sims (1994)
U-2 spy plane
Vera Institute of Justice
videos; of police shootings; surveillance (see also closed-circuit television); see also body cameras
Vietnamese immigrants
Vietnam War; opposition to
View of the Constitution of the United States of America, A (Rawle)
vigilante justice
Vollmer, August
Von Raab, William
Wachtler, Sol
Waldron, Jeremy
Wall Street Journal
War Department, U.S.
war on drugs
Warrant Clause
Warren, Earl
war on terror
Washington (state); State Police
Washington, D.C., see District of Columbia
Washington, George
Washington Post
Washoe County (Nevada)
Weaver, Arthur T.
welfare recipients, searches of
White Panthers
Whitman, Christine Todd
“Why Reforms Fail” (Skogan)
Wickersham Commission
Wilkes-Barre (Pennsylvania)
“Wilkesite” cases
Williams, Accelyne
Williams, Alexander S. “Clubber”
Williams, Carl
Wilson, Darren
Wilson, James Q.
Wilson, O. W.
Wiretap Act (1968)
wiretapping; electronic; regulation of
Wolf v. Colorado (1949)
Wolfhound cell phone tracker
Woodard, Isaac
Woodhaven (Michigan)
Woods, Arthur
Woodstock (New York) Town Board
World Trade Center, September 11, 2001, attack on, see 9/11 terrorist attacks
World War II
writs of assistance
Wyden, Ron
Wyoming v. Houghton (1999)
Yale Law School
Yanez, Jeronimo
Yarbrough, Wilbert, Jr.
Yates, Justice
Yates, Sally Quillian
Yemeni Benevolent Society
Yoo, John
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer (1952)
Zenger, John Peter
“zero tolerance”