The card was tacked to the front of St. Olaf’s Church in Sonderborg, Sweden, among the other obituaries, and read:

BLEGVARD, Havdaen—devoted husband to Gunella, beloved father of Arn, Gustav, Lars, Nora and Britt. Born January 1, 1881, Ustak, Poland. Died February 14, 1944. Body arriving on noon train. Services at home, 3 P.M. unless otherwise notified.

The short-wave message received from Norway five hours later and rushed to Crypto was:

Gunella, Arn, Lars, Gustav, Nora, Britt—February fourteen, three P.M.—one add one—rail.

The report relayed to Dark Channels within fifteen minutes stated:

Tolan and five unidentified prisoners arrived Ositz by train, 3 P.M. February 14.