Without Whom Department:

Wilder & Stephen. My boys. My heart. My inspiration.

My awesome family.

Family, friends and strangers who have offered assistance and support during Stephen’s battle with cancer. I will always be grateful. Thank you.

The good people at UCLA, Camp Kesem, Disney Oncology Rehab and WeSpark.

Steven Spielberg. Just because.

“A Big Thanks” Indiegogo Contributors: 

Balfour-Lynn Family, Barchie Family, Benn Carr, Neville & Cindy Johnson, Alan Moulder, Tony Rancich, Stewart Family, Teggart Family, Matt & Marthe Vasquez and Patrick Woodroffe.

Book Credits:

Editor/Proofreader: Jill Bailin

Cover design by iamthinker.com

Cover font Vertigon by Andrew Bertram

Interior font Moonflower by Denise Bentulan