1. The Healing Heart by Norman Cousins. New York Avon Books 1983. [A good book where Norman Cousins describes the link between emotions and the heart and how he healed himself. A word of caution— do not try to emulate Cousins attitude towards exercise]
2. Dr Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease by Dean Ornish M.D., New York, Ballantine Books 1990. [The classic book on how to reverse heart disease. Best done as a part of a group. A good section on low fat cooking and western recipes]
3. Love and Survival: The Scientific Basis for the Healing Power of Intimacy, Dr Dean Ornish, Harper Collins 1998
4. Treating Type a Behaviour and Your Heart by Meyer Friedman, M.D. & Diane Ulmer RN, New York, Alfred Knopf 1984. [An excellent guide to changing Type A behaviour]
5. Love, Medicine and Miracles by Bernie S. Siegel M.D., N.Y. Harper & Row 1986.
6. Peace, Love & Healing by Bernie S. Siegel M.D., Arrow Books, London 1990.
7. Getting Well Again by O. Carl Simonton, N. Y. Bantam 1982.
8. Self Hypnotism by Leslie M. LeCron, N.Y. Signet Books 1964 [Though dated it is one of the best sources for information on using self-hypnosis]
9. Focusing by Eugene T. Gendlin Ph.D,. Bantam Books 1981. [A very useful method of self-therapy and analysing dreams that we teach at training programmes]
10. The Will to Live by Arnold A. Hutschnecker, M.D. Prentice Hall 1951.
11. The Pritikin Programme For Diet & Exercise by Nathan Pritikin & Patrick McGrady Jr., Bantam Books 1980.[This is a very useful diet which I highly recommend.
12. I Ain’t Much Baby But I’m All I’ve Got by Jess Lair Ph.D., Ballantine Books 1969.
Behavioural Science Network is a membership organisation that conducts training programmes in the field of health, hypnotherapy and mind-body therapy for doctors and psychotherapists.
The institute organises workshops for laypersons on Healing, Self-Hypnosis, Relationship Skills, Stress Management, Smoking Cessation and Self-awareness and transformation. Further details are available on the website at http://www. psymind.com
If you would like to receive a free copy of a collection of quotations to help change Type A behaviour. Please send an email to healing_heart@psymind.com
The healing heart disease section of the Behavioural Section Network website will contain information about new scientific finding and advances in reversing heart disease following the publication of this edition of the book. Please visit the website at http://www.psymind.com