Acknowledgments Envelope Poems presents a small selection of facsimile reproductions of Emily Dickinson’s envelope writings. This edition is drawn from and based upon Marta L. Werner and Jen Bervin’s The Gorgeous Nothings, published as a Christine Burgin/New Directions co-publication in 2013. A limited edition of The Gorgeous Nothings was originally published by Steve Clay of Granary Books in 2012. Both editions of The Gorgeous Nothings reproduce the Dickinson manuscripts at actual size. For the purpose of this edition the manuscript reproductions are slightly smaller. Christine Burgin and New Directions wish to thank all those involved in the creation of these original editions especially Jen Bervin and Marta L. Werner; Steve Clay of Granary Books; Margaret Dakins, Archives & Special Collections Specialist, Frost Library, Amherst College; and Michael Kelly, Head of Archives & Special Collections, Frost Library, Amherst College. The Publishers gratefully acknowledge the sources for this volume’s brief preface: almost every line has been adapted from the original essays by Marta L. Werner, Jen Bervin, and Susan Howe featured in The Gorgeous Nothings.