I LOVE IT WHEN people talk about how humans sit at the top of the food chain. You often hear this proclamation when the subject of vegetarianism or PETA comes up and people feel the need to defend their flesh-eating ways.
“Why shouldn’t we eat meat?” they will say. “After all, we are at the top of the food chain.” Right—we conquered the mighty chicken! How hard is that? They can’t even fly. And cows. Ever seen a cow run? Neither have I.
Go over to Africa and hang out with the lions and hippos for a few weeks, or with the grizzlies up in Alaska, or the great white sharks off the coast of South Africa. Then come back to me and let’s talk about the food chain. Oh, wait, you can’t—you’ll be dead.
FACT 511 Nile crocodiles, the largest in Africa, can grow up to 20 feet and 1,650 pounds.
FACT 512 Nile crocs are estimated to kill as many as two hundred people every year.
FACT 513 After infant Azaria Chamberlain was allegedly taken from her tent by a dingo near Ayers Rock, Australia, in 1980, her mother, Lindy, was convicted of the child’s murder. Chamberlain served four years in prison before her conviction was overturned after a piece of Azaria’s clothing was found in a dingo den near the site of her disappearance.
FACT 514 In 2001, a nine-year-old boy was attacked and killed by two dingoes on Fraser Island, Australia.
FACT 515 While piranhas aren’t quite the vicious man-eaters of myth, attacks on humans by these fierce fish are increasing in frequency, often resulting in lost fingers or toes.
FACT 516 In September 2011, more than one hundred swimmers at a popular lake in Brazil were attacked by piranhas, many requiring hospital treatment for their injuries.
FACT 517 When an aquarium in Wales went to great lengths to acquire a male and a female piranha (piranhas are illegal to import in most parts of the world, including Britain) in hopes that the two would mate, the female ate her potential suitor. I can’t decide if that’s the ultimate compliment or the ultimate rejection.
FACT 518 The largest brown bear species, the Kodiak, can weigh up to 1,700 pounds and rivals the polar bear as the world’s largest land-based predator.
FACT 519 A type of brown bear, the grizzly is an omnivore that can grow up to eight feet tall and eight hundred pounds.
FACT 520 Brown bear attacks often result in serious injury and, in some cases, death.
FACT 521 Bears kill an average of two people per year in North America. The majority of fatalities result from humans coming between a mother and her cubs.
FACT 522 A brown bear’s physical strength is so great that a single bite or swipe can be deadly. Some human victims’ heads have been completely crushed by a bear bite.
FACT 523 In July 2011, a tourist at Yellowstone Park was killed when he and his wife surprised a mother grizzly bear while hiking. The bear charged as they tried to leave the area, killing the man. His wife played dead and escaped without serious injury.
FACT 524 In 2003, bear activist Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard were killed and eaten by grizzly bears in Katmai National Park, Alaska. The two had spent several months in the bush and were scheduled to leave the next day.
FACT 525 The great white shark is the largest predatory fish on earth, averaging fifteen feet in length, though specimens exceeding twenty feet and weighing five thousand pounds have been recorded.
FACT 526 As many as half of the one-hundred-plus annual shark attacks worldwide are attributable to great whites.
FACT 527 The United States has more reported shark attacks than any other country, with a total of 1,049 attacks—49 fatal—from 1670 to 2009.
FACT 528 As of 2009, the International Shark Attack File had recorded a total of 2,251 attacks worldwide since 1580, with more than 20 percent of them resulting in fatalities.
FACT 529 More recorded shark attacks have occurred in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, than anywhere else, earning it the title of “shark bite capital of the world.” I wonder if they put that on a bumper sticker.
FACT 530 When emus began destroying thousands of acres of wheat crops in Western Australia after World War I, the government ordered the military to use machine guns to cull the hungry birds’ massive numbers.
FACT 531 The box jellyfish is equipped with about five thousand stinging cells that pack the most deadly venom in the animal kingdom.
FACT 532 In 1898, a pair of lions known as the Tsavo Man-Eaters killed a reported 135 people working on a railroad in Kenya.
FACT 533 The venomous bite of the brown recluse spider can lead to necrosis (skin tissue death).
FACT 534 Though vampire bats feed primarily on the blood of cattle and horses, they will attack humans.
FACT 535 The Venus flytrap catches its prey in a tenth of a second but takes ten days to fully digest its unfortunate meal.
FACT 536 The largest manta ray ever recorded was more than twenty-five feet wide.
FACT 537 When faced with a predator, the 1,500-pound cape buffalo will charge head-on, leading with its two big, sharp horns.
FACT 538 A master of concealment, the stone fish lives in coastal areas of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Step on it and you can get a sting from one or more of its venomous spines, which cause excruciating pain and, in some cases, death.
FACT 539 The Inland Taipan in the most venomous land snake in the world, injecting its victims with poison fifty times more toxic than that of a cobra.
FACT 540 The Portuguese Man-of-War is not a jellyfish but a siphonophore, a colony of organisms working together. With tentacles up to 165 feet long, the Man-of-War’s sting can kill a human.
FACT 541 At a weight of up to eight thousand pounds, the hippopotamus is the heaviest land mammal after the elephant, but it can gallop at 18 mph.
FACT 542 The hippopotamus is one of Africa’s most dangerous animals. Extremely aggressive, unpredictable and unafraid of humans, hippos will upend boats without provocation and bite occupants with their huge sharp teeth.
FACT 543 The hippopotamus’s canine teeth and incisors grow continuously, with canines reaching twenty inches (fifty-one centimeters) in length.
FACT 544 Most human deaths by hippopotamus occur when the victim gets between the animal and deep water or between a mother and her calf.
FACT 545 Many famous African explorers and hunters, such as Livingstone, Stanley, Burton and more, had boating mishaps with hippos and considered them to be dangerous beasts.
FACT 546 In the early 1970s, while hunting near the shores of Lake Rukwa, Tanzania, a hunter was killed when a bull hippo turned over his canoe and bit off his head and shoulders.
FACT 547 Estaurine crocodiles are the most prolific man-eaters on earth, killing approximately two thousand people a year.
FACT 548 On the night of February 19, 1945, crocodiles were responsible for perhaps the most devastating animal attack on humans in recorded history, reportedly feasting on retreating Japanese troops in a swampy area off the coast of modern-day Burma. Of one thousand soldiers, only twenty were found alive the next morning.
FACT 549 With ten arms and a body that can reach up to sixty feet in length, the giant squid is a carnivorous predator. One notable incident occurred on March 25, 1941, when a survivor of the sunken British ship Britannia was pulled under water and presumably killed by a giant squid.
FACT 550 A male squid will sometimes eat the female after mating.
FACT 551 Squids can fly: they are able to propel themselves out of the water in the same way they swim, by forcing water through their bodies at high velocity.
FACT 552 Squid can propel themselves in flight to distances of up to 164 feet.
FACT 553 The world’s largest lizard, the Komodo dragon can reach ten feet in length and weigh more than three hundred pounds. It is the top predator on the Indonesian islands where it lives.
FACT 554 The Komodo dragon’s diet normally consists of deer, wild goats and pigs, but the animal will eat anything it can catch, including humans.
FACT 555 Komodo dragons devour their prey completely, including the bones. After a French tourist was killed in 1986 by a Komodo, the only evidence left of him was his bloodstained shoes.
FACT 580 In the central provinces of India, leopards will enter native huts to find their prey. One, known as the Panawar Man-eater, is believed to have killed four hundred people.
FACT 581 In October 1943, a lone lion was shot in what is now Zambia after it had killed forty people.
FACT 582 Pumas have been known to catch prey seven to eight times their size.
FACT 583 Since 1970 there have been more than forty puma attacks on humans; at least seven of them were fatal.
FACT 584 In 1994, two female joggers in California were killed and eaten by pumas.
FACT 585 In 1992, a group of children playing in a mango plantation in South Africa were attacked by a twenty-foot python, which swallowed one of them whole.
FACT 586 A tigress known as the Champawat Man-eater killed 438 people in Nepal between 1903 and 1911.
FACT 587 A relative of the squid and the octopus, the cuttlefish has ten arms to catch prey and a beak to inject its catch with a fast-acting venom.
FACT 588 The hooded pitohui is a South Pacific songbird whose skin and feathers contain the same poison found on South American dart frogs. The poison can be transferred to humans who handle the birds.
FACT 589 Abundant in the United States, the centipede carries venom that is not fatal to humans, though some large species pose a danger to children.
FACT 590 Some ocean coral are poisonous; the most deadly of these is the Palythoa. Its sting can cause chest pains, breathing difficulty, racing pulse and death within minutes. There is no treatment.
FACT 591 Two species of giant catfish are reported to be man-eaters: the wels in Europe and the goonch in Asia.
FACT 592 Scientists believe male bottlenose dolphins, which live in shallow waters around the world, can be incited to attack young girls because of the strong hormones they release.
FACT 593 The slow loris is an adorable but deadly primate that emits toxins from its elbows, making it one of the only poisonous mammals in the world.
FACT 594 The slow loris takes toxin in its mouth just before it bites. In humans, the bite can cause anaphylactic shock and death.
FACT 595 Giant anteaters will attack when threatened, and have extremely sharp four-inch claws that can kill a human with one swipe.
FACT 596 When its territory is threatened, the giant anteater can fight off the fiercest predators, including pumas and jaguars.
FACT 597 With exceptionally strong jaws and long teeth, leopard seals are top predators in the Antarctic food chain and have been reported to hunt humans.
FACT 598 The stingray’s barbed tail delivers mild venom that typically causes little more than pain in its victims, but a sting can kill if the wound becomes infected or if the barb stabs a vital organ.
FACT 599 TV’s Steve “Crocodile Hunter” Irwin died in 2006 after a stingray’s spine pierced his heart.
FACT 621 The pufferfish is the second most poisonous vertebrate in the world and can kill a human.
FACT 622 Pufferfish toxin, which has no cure, paralyzes the diaphragm and causes suffocation.
FACT 623 The cone snail may look harmless, but this Indo-Pacific native uses a harpoon-like tooth to inject venom that paralyzes instantly and can lead to death.
FACT 624 There is no antivenin for cone snail bites.
FACT 625 The geography cone snail (Conus geographus) is the most venomous of five hundred cone snail species.
FACT 626 In some parts of the world, army ants are used as surgical sutures. The ant seizes the edges of the wound in its powerful jaws before its body is removed, leaving the head and jaws in place to close the wound.
FACT 627 Capuchin monkeys have been taught the concept of money. After researchers taught them to trade silver coins for food, the monkeys rejected higher-priced items for larger quantities of lower-priced snacks.
FACT 628 The monkeys were even taught to gamble; some learned to trade coins for sex.
FACT 629 A recent study found that chickens can anticipate future events and that they demonstrate self-control in the present, a trait previously attributed only to humans and other primates.
FACT 630 The finding suggests that domestic fowl, Gallus gallus domesticus, are intelligent creatures that might worry.
FACT 631 Elephants are frightened by pig squeals. Ancient combatants, like the Romans, used “war” pigs to scare off enemy elephants.
FACT 632 The invasive northern snakehead fish is a voracious top-level predator with no natural enemies, which can decimate populations of native fish.
FACT 633 Native to Madagascar, the aye-aye is an endangered primate believed by locals to be an omen of bad luck. It is often killed on sight.
FACT 634 Contact with the venomous puss moth caterpillar can result in headaches, nausea, vomiting, severe abdominal distress, shock or respiratory stress. Symptoms can last up to five days.
FACT 635 The gray wolf is the world’s biggest, most powerful dog. Wolves primarily hunt deer, moose and bison, but when wild supplies are tight, domestic cattle and sheep are easy targets—hence the wolf’s uneasy relationship with humans.
FACT 636 Despite its whimsical appearance, the male platypus can be dangerous to man. Hidden ankle spurs can deliver a venomous prick that won’t kill you, but will cause excruciating pain.
FACT 637 Platypus venom also causes hyperalgesia, a condition in which the body becomes more sensitive to pain.
FACT 638 Moose are among the most dangerous regularly encountered animals in the world. Though they typically avoid human contact, a threatened moose will charge aggressively and can cause injury or death.
FACT 639 More people are attacked by moose every year than by bears.
FACT 640 Armed with powerful jaws, sharp claws and a thick hide, the wolverine can take down prey as large as a moose and steal food from bears and wolves.
FACT 641 Elephants are among the most dangerous and aggressive animals in the world, killing hundreds of people each year.
FACT 642 A threatened rhinoceros can charge at speeds of up to 35 mph.
FACT 643 In 2010, a six-ton killer whale at SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida, grabbed a trainer by the hair and dragged her into the water, killing her.
FACT 644 The whale that attacked its SeaWorld trainer had been involved in two other human deaths prior to that incident.
FACT 645 Male sea horses, not females, get pregnant and give birth.
FACT 646 A scent released from glands in a squirrel’s foot helps it mark its territory.